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Donkey Kong Country (SNES) is a great game and I will fight you with my fists if you disagree.

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Step 1 Down, 2 to Go

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well.  I just thought I'd give you a bit of an update on what I've been doing.  I spent the last couple months studying for Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) and finally took it on June 5th.  I won't know how I did until the middle of July, but I'm extremely glad to be done. This exam covers everything from the first two years of medical school and how one performs is relatively important in determining what specialties will be available later on.  After that, I had a week of Intro to Clinical Medicine (ICM), which was basically a very quick primer on life in the hospital.  I finished that up on Friday and have been traveling since then.  So, while it may not sound like much, that's what I've been up to.

As I've been studying my butt off, I've found precious little time for gaming.  The biggest draws have been Contra 4 (DS) and Plants Vs Zombies (PC).  I can honestly say that both games are fantastic and come highly recommended. 

Contra 4 has a bit of a learning curve, but is actually pretty easy once you've got a handle on the levels and weapons.  I enjoyed it so much that I actually went through

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and completed all 40 challenges, which are much more difficult than the main game itself.  Besides improving your skills for the main game, conquering the challenges also unlocks extra characters, an interview, and some other cool stuff.  The controls are great, the music is enjoyable, and the level designs perfectly balance nostalgia  with the DS's technical prowess.  Despite all of these positives, there are a few pertinent negatives you should consider before purchasing.  For one, there are a lot of cheap deaths due to the dual screen layout; it becomes very easy to lose bullets in between the screens.  And even though the game is challenging, the powered up weapons are much too strong and the bosses are pretty easy, especially the final one.  Don't be surprised if you're able to save the world without even dying in the final confrontation.

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If you haven't heard about Plants Vs Zombies, you should definitely check it out.  It introduces itself as a tower defense game, but it has a lot of unique features.  The game also does a fantastic job of keeping you hooked by continually doling out new seeds and levels.  The game is probably a little too easy, but the art style is endearing and everything else just seems to work.  It's only $9.99 on Steam and has some pretty interesting achievements, so go get it. 

So that's about it for me.  I'll probably be around a bit more before I start my third year, which will consume my life with 12 hour days and studying at night.  I'll be reading your blogs and commenting when I can, so I look forward to hearing from you all.
