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Why I am a PC gamer.

I have every single console from the current generation and have taken turns playing each exclusively. But the one "console" I believe outranks all the others is the PC. Why the PC, without any unified game service and a high entry price and some pretty crappy DRM at points? Well the answer can be long but I'll try to keep it short. I'll go through my pros individually.

  • The price: something that is overhyped tremendously about PCs is the pricing. I am sitting at my computer right now that I spent about $300 on. Now I should note this does not include the price of a monitor but do you include the price of a TV when you buy a console? One of the best ways to save money on PCs is to buy a barebone kit, which is just all the components you need to make a computer but you put it together yourself, or just buy the parts individually. WARNING: You can damage parts putting your PC together yourself but I had a nerdy friend help me put it together and it took about an hour to get the whole thing together.
  • The games: the PC is, in my opinion, awesome primarily because of it's indie game support. With some more popular indie games, like Minecraft and Braid, to some of the more hidden games like Breath of Death VII, which is only a couple of bucks on Steam, you have a huge library of high-quality, cheap games to play. Speaking of Steam though, if you use the Steam client you will never buy a game for $60 again because you will be waiting for one of the ridiculous sales they have on Steam every couple of months. I purchased the whole Assassin's Creed series for $25 on Steam over the summer! You can get almost any game on Steam for under $30 at some point or another.
  • The freedom: unlike consoles, the limit to what you can do on your PC is unlimited! From simple things like changing your wallpaper to more advanced customization tools like Desktop Architect and Object Dock, you can do pretty much anything you want on your PC. Your PC is yourself on a digital frontier for you to explore the endless possibilities on your awesome rig. Also, how easy is it to get on GiantBomb from your PS3 or Xbox 360? Oh wait thats right there isn't even a browser on the 360 and for good reason because the PS3's browser is a piece of crap! Isn't it nice to be able to run your own music and play your games and run your own downloads without Microsoft or Sony telling you that you can only run one of them at a time, with a few minor exceptions.

Thanks for reading and as always, PC gaming FTW!!



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Edited By JoeyRavn

*Reads thread*


*Leaves thread*

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Edited By guiseppe

To play the latest PC games on a reasonable setting, you have to spend a whole lot more than $300. That goes double if you want to have laptop you can play games on. When it comes to the freedom part, I guess you're right, but I think about it in another way. The freedom I lose while being stuck at a desk with an uncomfortable chair (yes you can buy a good one, but that's another $100 right there) is not worth it. I'd much rather be able to play wherever the hell (in my house) I want while laying in my comfy couch, having the game hooked up to a surround system and an HDTV. I really can't understand how anyone would prefer it any other way, but hey, that's just me.

That being said, I do play the occaisonal PC game, but not nearly the amount I play on consoles. It has pretty much just been WoW and now some AoEO.

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Edited By Zyper

@Nottle said:

I know there is something I'm probably missing because I don't know much about PC's.

To me PC games just seem inconsistant, I just want to play a game, not mess around with video settings or download some patch just to get a game to run.

You shouldn't talk about what you don't know much about. But to address your first point about preferring a controller over mouse+keyboard, Xbox controllers have USB jacks, which therefore means, it goes into your computer as well. (hurf durf)

But put that aside, and yes there are sometimes issues with old games running on new computers (Vista sucks), but where you say computers are inconsistent, that is invalid, because not one person has the exact same computer build as another (granted if you buy premade computers then yes). But games come out, and it works for 90% of the people, but then someone with a different computer build (maybe a different GFX card) says they can't run it. 3 days later a patch somes out for that 10%, everyone's happy.

So, honestly, a computer is more cost efficient, I'll even go into detail on this, as I own an Xbox as well.


  • Buy a GOOD computer for 600$ and you won't need to upgrade it for another 2 years, perhaps 1 year depending what you bought.
  • Peripherals: an extremely nice gaming mouse : 60$, a nice gaming keyboard: 80$
  • A very good 1080P monitor: 150$

Right there you spent 890$, and you have everything you need, minus speakers, because you could use headphones/and old headset. This is more cost efficient than an Xbox, as you are getting way more than just a gaming console, designed FOR ONLY GAMING, and you are getting top-of-the-line hardware, that will not have to be upgraded for years. You also get the absolute best graphics out of the 3 top consoles.

There, are of course, more reasons to get a computer, and the advantages of gaming on a PC, but I won't go there. Honestly, PC blows it's competitors out of the water, it's just that normal (non-nerds) don't know enough about the computer to buy it, instead of a less-than-stellar Xbox/PS3.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

I'm currently a PC gamer because I left all my consoles at home this semester. Now who's the best?

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Edited By Mike76x

@Meowshi said:

People prefer console games because they are easier. You buy a console, you buy a game, and you're done.

I can't imagine a more valid reason, honestly.

I was a PC gamer for years, and I got tired of dealing with all the troubleshooting and upgrading.

I miss all the PC extras and mods, but I also don't miss those times I'd get pissed off and just enter a cheat into the console and godmode to the end effectively ruining my game experience because I was angry.

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Edited By JCTango

@Zyper said:

You shouldn't talk about what you don't know much about. But to address your first point about preferring a controller over mouse+keyboard, Xbox controllers have USB jacks, which therefore means, it goes into your computer as well. (hurf durf)

I hate it when people try to bring that argument up about PC gaming as well =|. I don't understand why people think you can't use controllers on the PC.

Also, I love having a lot of options and mod-ability in my PC games! That's something you almost can't do in a console one. That said though, I would totally love having a console just to play some of the exclusives or games like Uncharted, Heavy Rain, and Red Dead Redemption that aren't on the PC. If it weren't for those "exclusives" I wouldn't even bother with getting a console, personally.

The problem with PC gaming sometimes is the cost you have to bear if you want to play with the best, or near-best hardware.

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Edited By onarum

I wish I could build a decent gaming PC for 300 bones. 
Somehow I think that buying a good tower, a good MB, at least 4 GB of RAM(2x 2GB of course), at least 1 TB of storage, a recent quad core processor, a recent video card and a good 600W PSU for 300 dollars is not realistic at all, well at least in this effin country I live in it's not.

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Edited By JCTango

@onarum: Don't forget that you can grandfather in a few components from your old system if you wanted to save some cash, well, not much, but a few components :).

Tower, Mice/Keyboard, Monitor, HD (probably), and video card (depending on how old it is) as well

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Edited By AngelN7

I know when you like a girl and stuff you want everybody to know but, it´s really that important to post about why you like so much that Box and why is better than those other Boxes? , My argument still stands in that PC gamers are the only ones who argue about their machine being superior even when everybody knows it.

  • Motorcycle owner :Check it out dude my motorcycle is way faster and better than your bicycle
  • Bicycle owner: I know ... so we meet on the same place just wait for me I´ll get there
  • Motorcycle owner : .....but I´ll get there first!
  • Bicycle owner : have at it hoss.
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Edited By JCTango

@AngelN7: While I don't completely disagree on your argument, I think some of the tooting coming from some PC gamers stems from the fact that most of the enthusiast gamers build their own rigs (not only do they do research on what parts to get, they assemble all if it together and make sure everything runs smoothly - and when it does, they're proud of their accomplishment and sometimes like to share it, sometimes a little too much) - you can't really say that about console gamers. Then again, not all PC gamers take that attitude, same goes for the console players (Why can't we be both anyways :D ).

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Edited By Little_Socrates

I like video games regardless of platform. Some are better on PC, some are better on the Xbox 360 (Dead Island and From Dust come to mind as basic examples.) I like the infrastructure Xbox Live supports across its games. I absolutely LOVE not occasionally being forced into Games for Windows Live, one of the buggiest retail-level programs I've ever encountered. But many games are also just way better on the PC, and I won't deny how awesome the Steam platform is at any point.

However, when you said this:

@risingphoenix said:

  • The games: the PC is, in my opinion, awesome primarily because of it's indie game support. With some more popular indie games, like Minecraft and Braid, to some of the more hidden games like Breath of Death VII, which is only a couple of bucks on Steam, you have a huge library of high-quality, cheap games to play.

I found it hysterical that you literally only mentioned games that are available on consoles as well. (Well, Minecraft will be available in a couple months when the final product ships or something.) Obviously Minecraft will still be better for PC, but I find it amusing that you didn't mention, say, Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Magicka. Also, some games still cost $60 new on Steam, Skyrim and MW3 included.

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Edited By AngelN7

@JCTango: Oh no I give you that , Im very much behind the idea of people sharing their experience and toughts when bulding a PC for gaming on their own I get that , but most of the time the argument of "why I am a PC gamers" ends with "because is better than consoles" or something to that degree and that makes me just roll my eyes from side to side , I know that not all console gamers act that way when said argument is presented but and instead it turns in a classic fanboy flame war but I do , and to me it´s like someone convincing me that the earth is not flat or something along the lines of an argument that is really clear (or it should be) to everybody.

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Edited By FritzDude

I find it funny that you even compare a system that was focused with games in mind with a system that was used for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and database. I don't need to change my backgrounds or browse the web when i just want to put in a disc and press start and experience the selected game.

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Edited By satansmagichat

@FluxWaveZ said:

@risingphoenix said:

but for most of you, you will look at this and say something like "What an idiot Sony/Xbox is way better!!!!!!!!!!" and for those people I am sorry because you are missing out on the longest lasting gaming platform that has been around generation after generation and can play games faster and sexier than any current-gen console ever will be able to. PC gaming FTW!!

No one on this website will come here and say this.


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Edited By Grumbel

@JCTango said:

I hate it when people try to bring that argument up about PC gaming as well =|. I don't understand why people think you can't use controllers on the PC.

Because they run like shit in a lot of older games. Yeah, newer modern "Games for Windows" stuff mostly works out of the box fine, but not every game is a "Games for Windows" one and sometimes even they don't bother (Bioshock2). And of course sometimes you have issues like Assassins Creed 2 not supporting wireless controller or ArmAII not supporting inverting the Y-axis. The point here is: Controllers on consoles work always and all games allow you to invert the Y-axis as that it part of Microsofts TCR.

The thing that PC gamers don't get: That 5% or 10% of games where you run into problem do matter a lot. People want their machine to play games, not to troubleshoot computing problems. That's why Apple and consoles are so successful, that stuff simply works.

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Edited By Grumbel

@rebgav said:

Pretty much every Windows-based game runs in Windows 7 thanks to the various compatibility settings. The only game I can think of which just doesn't work (for me) is Stubbs the Zombie.

Only for a very limited definition of "every Windows game". Essentially all Windows95-WindowsME era games cause problems, sometimes there are workarounds, sometimes there are not and sometimes you just have to live with some graphical glitches or other problems. Also all Windows95-WindowsME drivers no longer function, so if you have a gamepad or joystick that needs to drivers to unlock some configuration, you are kind of fucked.

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Edited By DonPixel

@Mike76x said:

@Meowshi said:

People prefer console games because they are easier. You buy a console, you buy a game, and you're done.

I can't imagine a more valid reason, honestly.

I was a PC gamer for years, and I got tired of dealing with all the troubleshooting and upgrading.

I miss all the PC extras and mods, but I also don't miss those times I'd get pissed off and just enter a cheat into the console and godmode to the end effectively ruining my game experience because I was angry.

Now that I'm working back in my PC (3d modeling) I've been expending more and more time in the Xbox, the last thing I want to do when I get home is waste another couple of hours infront of PC screen. I prefere the chillaxing atmosphere of my living room big ass TV and friends at Xbox LIve.

People (including me sometimes) make a big deal about PC extras (Mod support, Kb/M, graphics, console settings etc..) but is not really that big of a deal for me nowadays or perhaps now that I'm bussier It doesn't tickle "not having" that stuff (like i prefer to worry about other stuff, paying bills as an example). Games are games and there are great games for all platforms.

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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@Grumbel said:

@JCTango said:

I hate it when people try to bring that argument up about PC gaming as well =|. I don't understand why people think you can't use controllers on the PC.

Because they run like shit in a lot of older games. Yeah, newer modern "Games for Windows" stuff mostly works out of the box fine, but not every game is a "Games for Windows" one and sometimes even they don't bother (Bioshock2). And of course sometimes you have issues like Assassins Creed 2 not supporting wireless controller or ArmAII not supporting inverting the Y-axis. The point here is: Controllers on consoles work always and all games allow you to invert the Y-axis as that it part of Microsofts TCR.

The thing that PC gamers don't get: That 5% or 10% of games where you run into problem do matter a lot. People want their machine to play games, not to troubleshoot computing problems. That's why Apple and consoles are so successful, that stuff simply works.

Apple stuff simply works? Have you not read all of the Apple Airport Express issues? There are tons and in many cases people have manually delete hidden .plist files to get it to work. That's Apple hardware AND software and an exclusively Apple issue which is so common that it is constantly being update on Apple Help's website.

ArmaII is a milsim and military simulators are played by people who are into proper flight controls, like joysticks and headtracking gear and inverted controls work fine on such devices - they don't work on mouse because the mouse controls for flight aren't really meant to be used. It's not an issue of lack of support but a fact that casual players don't understand the true focus and purpose of milsims.

Controllers do not run like shit in older games, unless you're talking pre XP Windows and DOS games and so fucking what if they do. What kind of people are playing games like that anyway? Very few people will be playing Heretic II or Heavy Metal : FAKK on Windows PCs now. Other older games like emulated games work fine on controllers so I fail to see the validity of that point too.

You say that the 5-10% of games which present problems matter more than their 5-10% worth and to that I say that's a matter of your tastes and experience. It also sounds like you're making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. Every platform has its focus and its issues and sure, where the focus isn't primary, more issues may occur but even so, for a lot of people those issues will not be insurmountable or too annoying. If PC gaming is such a fucking chore why are midrange and high end GPUs still selling like crazy in boxed retail versions? Why are articles on PC builds for gaming being constantly updated? Why are companies like DICE making a big noise about PC builds, support and development.

Simply put, because PC gaming has rewards that justify some of its higher level complexity and that for the most part that complexity isn't really that complex.

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Edited By Binman88

@Grumbel: Ok, that's cool. In my experience, PC gaming has been very straightforward, and any issues I've encountered I've been able to resolve. Maybe not as "no-brainer" (as you put it) as the console experience, but I have a brain I'm not afraid to use so I don't really have much of a problem in that regard. The idea that you can't have fun if there's any hurdle along the way is not one that speaks to me. Saying that, I can't think of a single hurdle I've encountered with a PC game of late. For most games, it's just a few clicks in Steam to install and play. Don't even need a disc! Easy peasy!

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Edited By awe_stuck

PC is a better experience and more affordable. I can build a gaming pc for less then 400 bucks using fusion quad cores (also, thanks to low prices of pretty much every piece in pcs). PC games are way more affordable.

Still I love my xbox, has good software, and a great controller (i buy more games on pc though).

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Edited By RsistncE

@Icemael said:

@RsistncE said:

It's time that people understand that the PC is a more capable piece of hardware than consoles in every way: it can do everything a console can plus a million more things on top.

I don't think anybody fails to realize that, with the exception of the odd 12-year-old GameFAQs member. The issue isn't -- and has never been -- one of hardware, but one of exclusive software. Many console games are not available for PC and if those games are more to one's liking than the PC's exclusives, a console will naturally be more useful and valuable a gaming platform than a PC, regardless of price, processing power and so on. People who fail to realize that, and proclaim things like "consoles are for casuals only -- PC gaming is for the true enthusiasts," are just as bad as the Xbros and whatnot on the other end of the spectrum.

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

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Edited By zeforgotten

@RsistncE said:

@Icemael said:

@RsistncE said:

It's time that people understand that the PC is a more capable piece of hardware than consoles in every way: it can do everything a console can plus a million more things on top.

I don't think anybody fails to realize that, with the exception of the odd 12-year-old GameFAQs member. The issue isn't -- and has never been -- one of hardware, but one of exclusive software. Many console games are not available for PC and if those games are more to one's liking than the PC's exclusives, a console will naturally be more useful and valuable a gaming platform than a PC, regardless of price, processing power and so on. People who fail to realize that, and proclaim things like "consoles are for casuals only -- PC gaming is for the true enthusiasts," are just as bad as the Xbros and whatnot on the other end of the spectrum.

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

My mind has been blown, that is all I can say at this point.

Carry on, sir

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Edited By AhmadMetallic

Here are my reasons: 

No Caption Provided
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Edited By SirPsychoSexy

PC's are expensive and difficult, consoles are cheap and easy.

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Edited By Nottle

@Binman88: Yeah you may have trouble playing an old game on a current console but at least it is very apparent that when you buy something that says PS1 on it, your going to definately play it on the PS1. It has always been very clear that the Gamecube plays Gamecube games. All current consoles can play games from at least 2001 right?

Deus Ex was made 2000 and doesn't work, and Invisible War was made in 2004 and works quite poorly. It runs but seems very choppy. With your example of FIFA it isn't your fault the game isn't working, it is poor game design. Not being able to play a pc game boils down to not having what is compatible with the game, it's my fault that I don't have these parts in my computer to make it work.

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Edited By toowalrus

@SeriouslyNow said:

I like my Sony Xbox.

@SeriouslyNow said:

@FluxWaveZ said:

@risingphoenix said:

but for most of you, you will look at this and say something like "What an idiot Sony/Xbox is way better!!!!!!!!!!" and for those people I am sorry because you are missing out on the longest lasting gaming platform that has been around generation after generation and can play games faster and sexier than any current-gen console ever will be able to. PC gaming FTW!!

No one on this website will come here and say this.

What an idiot the Sony Xbox is way better!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I'll acknowledge you! I saw you made the same joke twice, I'll also acknowledge that it was moderately funny.

In other words, +1

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Edited By RsistncE

@SirPsychoSexy said:

PC's are expensive and difficult, consoles are cheap and easy.

Yes they are. I totally agree with you. Higher end consumer goods are generally more expensive and "difficult" (whatever that means). Gaming PC's are higher end consumer goods than consoles. High end goods > low end goods. Simple.

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Edited By DonPixel

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

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Edited By kingzetta

Well fart on a goose and call him Rutherford starbeam 

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Edited By nrain

I play games -- they're pretty fun, and serious business to some people who need to feel validated that their money has been spent wisely.

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Edited By risingphoenix

@onarum: the best way to save money is getting parts individually. my rig has 4gb of ram(and yes, 2x2gb) , 1tb hardrive, a tri-core processor, and a pretty decent video card that was on sale for about $60 even though it is usually $100. and i already had an xp disc so i didnt need to buy an operating system.

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Edited By kingzetta
@risingphoenix: did you do the goose thing yet?
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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@DonPixel said:

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

No, they're really not. You're pretty new here (and that's not some sort of insult), by GB standards pre-Shitman, this is actually pretty tame.

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Edited By DonPixel

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

No, they're really not. You're pretty new here (and that's not some sort of insult), by GB standards pre-Shitman, this is actually pretty tame.

dude I have my account since they founded this site, I've followed the Giantbomb crew since gamespot days... I might not have a huge count post because you know, I have a job, life and stuff.

Also I see you take pride in your PC elitist B.S. way to compensate champ, what's next? a big ass 8v truck ?

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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@DonPixel said:

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

No, they're really not. You're pretty new here (and that's not some sort of insult), by GB standards pre-Shitman, this is actually pretty tame.

dude I have my account since they founded this site, I've followed the Giantbomb crew since gamespot days... I might not have a huge count post because you know, I have a job, life and stuff.

Also I see you take pride in your PC elitist B.S. way to compensate champ, what's next? a big ass 8v truck ?

8 Volt Truck?

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Edited By Mike76x

@RsistncE said:

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

If you have a family of 4 that cant afford a Ferrari and couldn't fit their family into that Ferrari, that would make the Ferrari a really shitty choice for a family.

So you buy a car with bad gas mileage, and higher insurance rates that you can only brag about and that's better?

Faster sure, more powerful yeah, more expensive hell yeah, higher quality parts maybe, but better?

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Edited By Vinny_Says

ghaaaaa I'm so pissed my PS3 doesn't do word processing!!!

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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@Mike76x said:

@RsistncE said:

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

If you have a family of 4 that cant afford a Ferrari and couldn't fit their family into that Ferrari, that would make the Ferrari a really shitty choice for a family.

So you buy a car with bad gas mileage, and higher insurance rates that you can only brag about and that's better?

Faster sure, more powerful yeah, more expensive hell yeah, higher quality parts maybe, but better?

Yes, it's better. The experience is better. The resolution higher, the framerate smoother, the effects more complex and more of them at the same time. The experience is better.

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Edited By DonPixel

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

No, they're really not. You're pretty new here (and that's not some sort of insult), by GB standards pre-Shitman, this is actually pretty tame.

dude I have my account since they founded this site, I've followed the Giantbomb crew since gamespot days... I might not have a huge count post because you know, I have a job, life and stuff.

Also I see you take pride in your PC elitist B.S. way to compensate champ, what's next? a big ass 8v truck ?

8 Volt Truck?

The 4x(Xeon E7) render farm I'm using at my current job says 8 volt is for poser and kids, don't worry you'll grow up

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Edited By Mike76x

@SeriouslyNow said:

@Mike76x said:

@RsistncE said:

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

If you have a family of 4 that cant afford a Ferrari and couldn't fit their family into that Ferrari, that would make the Ferrari a really shitty choice for a family.

So you buy a car with bad gas mileage, and higher insurance rates that you can only brag about and that's better?

Faster sure, more powerful yeah, more expensive hell yeah, higher quality parts maybe, but better?

Yes, it's better. The experience is better. The resolution higher, the framerate smoother, the effects more complex and more of them at the same time. The experience is better.

My last "superior" PC gaming experience consisted of wasting over 2 hours of my life trying to get my free copy of Mass Effect 2 to run off Origin.

They renamed and moved key files so the program couldn't find it. I tried each suggested troubleshooting method on the Bioware boards and nothing worked.

Blame EA or Origin, but troubleshooting one of the reasons I quit PC gaming all those years ago.

PC's have superior graphics, always have always will unless consoles become upgradable.

At this point in the evolution of computer graphics I define the superior "experience" as the one that requires less work and more relaxing.

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Edited By RsistncE

@Mike76x said:

@RsistncE said:

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles. As far as multiplats go, the vast majority come to the PC and they always look and play better on it. I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

If you have a family of 4 that cant afford a Ferrari and couldn't fit their family into that Ferrari, that would make the Ferrari a really shitty choice for a family.

So you buy a car with bad gas mileage, and higher insurance rates that you can only brag about and that's better?

Faster sure, more powerful yeah, more expensive hell yeah, higher quality parts maybe, but better?

I already addressed this, in that no matter what single key difference makes the sedan preferable to that person, their logic is flawed when they claim that that one key difference to them indicates that the sedan is overall a better car. Additionally, when you point out that the family could not afford the Ferrari you've also implicitly stated that the Ferrari is an object of desire but outside of their reach. Typically, a good that has a higher cost than another good in the same category is superior and more desirable to the second good (just like a PC is a superior good to a console). Regardless, there's only one real question that I need to ask you:

If someone offered you a Ferrari or a family sedan, which one would you take?

Your answer is going to the same one that nearly 100% of people would respond with: the Ferrari.

In regards to your post about problems with PC's: it's flawed to claim that just because YOU had problems with the PC then everyone else had them also. In my lifetime I can count the number of times I had PC gaming related troubles on one hand. Luckily I have a mind and was able to solve those problems pretty quickly. At the end of the day though you're right, consoles are a more idiot-proofed mainstream way of gaming, kinda like how a family sedan is easier to drive than a Ferrari.

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Edited By captain_clayman

@ZeForgotten said:

Here's why I'm a PC and console gamer:

Because I can and also because I will now never have to go "aw, it's exclusive to 'insert any console here' ? aaaw :("

yuuuuuuuuup. i love it! it took me years to collect myself a ps3, wii, 360 and PC, but now i have ALL of them and it feels so good being able to look at almost every game on the market and know that i can play it.

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Edited By GuyIncognito
@Mike76x said:

At this point in the evolution of computer graphics I define the superior "experience" as the one that requires less work and more relaxing.

Get yourself a lobotomy.
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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@DonPixel said:

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

@SeriouslyNow said:

@DonPixel said:

You guys are sinking this to a Gamefaqs level seriously

No, they're really not. You're pretty new here (and that's not some sort of insult), by GB standards pre-Shitman, this is actually pretty tame.

dude I have my account since they founded this site, I've followed the Giantbomb crew since gamespot days... I might not have a huge count post because you know, I have a job, life and stuff.

Also I see you take pride in your PC elitist B.S. way to compensate champ, what's next? a big ass 8v truck ?

8 Volt Truck?

The 4x(Xeon E7) render farm I'm using at my current job says 8 volt is for poser and kids, don't worry you'll grow up

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Edited By Icemael
@RsistncE said:

When it comes down to it, there are very few CONSOLE exclusive games out there, and the ones that are exclusive are usually platform exclusive so that makes the "consoles have exclusives the PC doesn't" point moot since it could not be as easily said that "PS3 has exclusives the 360 doesn't". That argument also easily flipped in favour of the PC: in reality the PC has FAR more exclusive games than any of the consoles.

There are not "very few", there are hundreds each generation. And either way it is not a matter of quantity but of genre. If you aren't into the genres the PC specializes in most of the platform's exclusives mean nothing.

@RsistncE said:

I understand your point that to some people the existence of a few platform exclusives makes consoles a more valuable gaming platform but again it's like my car analogy: the Ferrari is overall a MUCH better car than a family sedan, but you'll still find fools out there who quantify a single key difference to them, such as the existence of back seats, as somehow indicating that family sedans are better cars. Well, they're not, and the same argument applies to the PC.

These people are not "fools". A family sedan is the better car if you want to drive around your family, while a Ferrari is the better car if you want to race. It is the same with PC and consoles, except there it is a matter of what genres you're into.

You realize this, as I see at the beginning of the first sentence in the quote, but then you try to come up with some argument for why the PC is still better no matter what, and end up with a contradiction.
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Edited By Mars_Cleric

i like all platforms that have games on them

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Edited By Grumbel

@RsistncE said:

In regards to your post about problems with PC's: it's flawed to claim that just because YOU had problems with the PC then everyone else had them also. In my lifetime I can count the number of times I had PC gaming related troubles on one hand.

That has probably more to do with you having a high threshold to consider something a problem, then not having problems. Just some issue with things I bought over the last few month from Steam:

Oddworld: Stranger: Full of graphical issues on release

Star Wars: Jedi Kinght: Darkforces II: Doesn't run in fullscreen

Hammerflight: Only runs in fullscreen after editing some config file

Assassins Creed II: Does not support Wireless Xbox360 gamepad

Bioshock 2: Does not support a gamepad

Dirt: Extremely shitty framerates when multiple cars are on the track, caused by sound driver, no real solution

Garshasp: Wouldn't run, required manually patching the install scripts together

Red Faction: Guerrilla: Likes to completely halt sometimes for a few seconds, physics engine can glitch out causing framerate to drop drastically, requiring a restart

Europa Universalis III: Wrong CD-Keys given, had to request a new one from support

And that's not even counting all the regular PC problems, like having to tweak graphical settings, having to suffer through Games for Windows login dialogs, having to sit through hour long installs, having to manually track down patches, multiple layers of DRM, having long boot times, having to update drivers, having to maintaince Windows and all that stuff.

And even ignoring all that, the simple fact is: I can play a console on a couch in front of my TV. I can't do that with a PC in any sane manner (to many parts of the interface have no gamepad support, boot times suck, small silent gaming capable PCs cost premium, etc.).

I like PC gaming because it can be cheap, thanks to Steamsales and such, but it's certainly not trouble free.

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Edited By SeriouslyNow

@Grumbel said:

@RsistncE said:

In regards to your post about problems with PC's: it's flawed to claim that just because YOU had problems with the PC then everyone else had them also. In my lifetime I can count the number of times I had PC gaming related troubles on one hand.

That has probably more to do with you having a high threshold to consider something a problem, then not having problems. Just some issue with things I bought over the last few month from Steam:

Oddworld: Stranger: Full of graphical issues on release < - game has known issue due to poor port. These issues have been fixed. The 360 doesn't run the XBOX version properly either.

Star Wars: Jedi Kinght: Darkforces II: Doesn't run in fullscreen < - fucking old game. Predates any current config by around a decade.Show me decade old console games running perfectly every time on PS3 and XBOX 360.

Hammerflight: Only runs in fullscreen after editing some config file < - Tiny Indie game which has one developer and the same issues exist on Mac. Not a PC problem. A budget problem.

Assassins Creed II: Does not support Wireless Xbox360 gamepad < - Developer ignoring Games For Windows Live guidelines.

Bioshock 2: Does not support a gamepad <- See Above

Dirt: Extremely shitty framerates when multiple cars are on the track, caused by sound driver, no real solution <- Made up bullshit. I've run the game for years issue free, your issues are with your configuration.

Garshasp: Wouldn't run, required manually patching the install scripts together <- News to me. However, once again, Tiny Game Tiny Developer. Not available anywhere else. Budget issue, not PC issue.

Red Faction: Guerrilla: Likes to completely halt sometimes for a few seconds, physics engine can glitch out causing framerate to drop drastically, requiring a restart < - Made up bullshit or issue on your end. I played the game to completion twice on PC.

Europa Universalis III: Wrong CD-Keys given, had to request a new one from support < - This can happen anywhere, even on consoles.

And that's not even counting all the regular PC problems, like having to tweak graphical settings, having to suffer through Games for Windows login dialogs, having to sit through hour long installs, having to manually track down patches, multiple layers of DRM, having long boot times, having to update drivers, having to maintaince Windows and all that stuff.

And even ignoring all that, the simple fact is: I can play a console on a couch in front of my TV. I can't do that with a PC in any sane manner (to many parts of the interface have no gamepad support, boot times suck, small silent gaming capable PCs cost premium, etc.).

I like PC gaming because it can be cheap, thanks to Steamsales and such, but it's certainly not trouble free.

PEBKAC indeed.