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The Graphics: Episode 1 - Shadow Maps

I've been meaning to do this for a while. Everytime I hear one of the crew say something about a games graphics that I understand, I feel like explaining what is going on. Now I'm not the most erudite member of the community, however this is my little attempt a explaining a gripe that Vinny brings up in the quick look for Resident Evil : Revelations on the 3DS.

Now it'll probably be completely indecipherable to most, but hey, watch it, see what you think, and leave critique either here or on the vid itself.

If there is anything graphical that irks you in modern games, chuck that in a comment and I'll see if there's any common themes. I've already got a few things on the list, and this is one of the first vids I've done, so you'd expect at least a slight raise in quality in time. Plus you make a game out of counting the amount of times I scratch my beard...

cheers for taking the time :)