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If I May Brag For A Moment...

I have just played Team Fortress 2 for the first time since before any of the class updates.  Yes, for yesterday I got a new laptop computer. Alienware.  Free.  My new grandpa purchased one for business purposes, and quickly realized that it is not in particular the reason that computer exists.  Him being suitably high in wealth,* he bought a new one and gave the Alienware to me.
Now, I had wanted a laptop for some time, and I got a damn good one, too, so naturally, I've been going around simple 'telling' people about this great thing I just got.
Don't ever fool yourself into thinking you aren't bragging, because you are.  Not that I care so much.  I want the world to know about me and my fantastic computer that nobody cares about.  There's a good chance that if anybody reads this, they might have a computer with similar specs** themselves. 
So that's where this blog comes in.  Me gushing over how awesome this computer is that I've played a single game on, and will automatically log me in simply if I stare at it.***
In conclusion, free stuff and no modesty.

* Protip: If life sucks, get a wealthy relative and be happy forever.  
**That's specifications, not spectacles.  If your computer wears glasses, then that's cool, I guess.
***Whether it has facial recognition software, or I'm just that badass, it's up to you to decide.