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Box Office Winner's League: The Predator

It's that time again!

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If any of you were around for the old days at Screened, you'll recall that we used to run a contest called Box Office Winners League when we got the feeling to do so. It's a simple premise: guess how much money a movie is going to make in a given weekend, and if you're the closest guess, you win! There's a bit of skill in it, since box office is roughly predictable, and there are tracking companies that are paid quite a bit to do so, but there's also a lot of luck, since almost no one is able to consistently guess a box office weekend with any degree of accuracy or precision.

The rules are pretty simple.

1. Guess how much money the movie The Predator will make in its opening weekend in the U.S. We'll count all the money it makes through next Monday, which includes the Thursday night previews. Just throw it in as a reply to this post, e.g.: $56.79 million (be as specific as you like).

This movie is not looking so good! None of the trailers have really landed for me, but maybe there'll be some campy fun. I'll check it out when it hits Google Play in a few months!

2. Make your guesses as a reply to this thread, and make sure that they're in by Thursday 9/13 at 9 PM PST/Midnight EST/whatever crazy clock time you have in your crazy timezone. I won't count anything after that. DON'T EDIT YOUR POSTS IF YOU CHANGE YOUR GUESS! Just delete it and make a new post. I won't consider anything that has been edited.

3. The winners will be determined the next time I do a BOWL. Weekend estimates are often released on Sunday afternoon, but we'll wait for the real numbers to determine a winner. I'll compare that number to see who's closest; over or under doesn't matter.

4. There'll be two winners. The closest Premium user will win one of these fresh happening snap-back hats:

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The non-Premium winner will get three months of Premium time.

That's pretty much it! Go forth and prosper, or something. I'll reserve the right to change any of these rules as I see fit before the deadline, but I doubt that'll be necessary. (Don't be a dick and make it necessary, in other words.)


From the last BOWL for The Avengers: Infinity War

Premium: @briten wins a Nightcrawlers poster! I'll reach out for your address!

Non-Premium: @sunspark gets three months of Premium!