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Jesus Christ man fuck battlenet. Was going to try out the new improved diablo 3, but what a fucking mess this system is, oh well b...

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Dude, the Wii Fit board is ruuuude.

Sister2 gets on Wii Fit.

"Oh hello, how are the stars tonight? It's New Years you know!"
"So how do you think Sister4 looks lately?"
Larger....Slimmer....About the same?

Sister2 = ummmm....About the same.

"Oh.....dont you think its more exciting when things change?"
"On a side note..

"I've locked access to the refrigerator..."

WAIT WUT? Man im turning this shit off.

"im sorry dave I cant let you do that...."

Every person in my family has been insulted by the machine, regardless of skill.

"O this doesnt seem to be your cup of tea. Do you often find yourself tripping over when you walk?"

If the wii fit was a person, i very likely would have punched it in its stupid face by now.

So have you guys had the pleasure of been blatantly insulted by the Wii fit board?

Do you think its necessary for it to be a complete prick?