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Trading Blows - What I Love About Battlefield on Consoles

It's something that rarely ever happens on PC. Everything is split-second. You see, you get seen, you shoot, you get shot. All one and done almost every time.

On consoles, due to the gamepad interface, nothing happens quite as fast and precise. The result? Trading blows. So I come around a corner, spot 3 guys running without cover coming right at me at 75 feet distance. I got some shoddy semi cover in the rubble, like 65% cover.

The resulting firefight lasts a whopping 20 seconds. Bullets whizzing by, grazing me, I returning hasty fire popping in and out of my semi-cover. I get two of them, before the third gets me. A situation like this one wouldn't have lasted but a split-second on PC, due to point-n-click ease of kills.

Think about it man! Which of these two scenarios are more fun to you?