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Musings of a man born on Christmas Day.

Throughout my (as of tomorrow) 30 years of life, whenever someone would find out I was born on Christmas, their immediate reaction was "I bet that sucked, getting cheated for presents." The response I always gave was, not really. I am a quality over quantity type person, always have been, I would much rather have one quality item/present then ten run of the mill items/presents. Because I had this mindset, I always only asked for one thing every year, and usually got it or some reasonable substitute. My parents were good about also providing me with other, lesser presents, so I never felt cheated.  Today, I realize that, since I have only ever experienced my life with my birthday being on Christmas, I don't have another point of view to compare with and don't know if I would feel differently if my birthday was in June. I will say the only thing I ever felt sucked is that I had to wait a whole year between days I received gifts. Doesn't bother me anymore.
There are two points I want to touch on, that was one, the other is that never, in my 360 months of life, has anyonee ever commented on the situation of giving other people presents on your birthday. Take that June birthday again, do you think someone born in June, or July, or any other day of the year, possibly barring the week of and after Christmas, would ever think of giving someone else a present on their birthday? I feel quite certain 99% of people would say, vehemently "FUCK NO!" Well, maybe not that strongly, the point remains. Admittedly, for the first 18 or 19 years of my life, I felt the same way, and refused to get other people Christmas presents out of a sense of pride and selfishness. I thought to myself, "This is my day, I'm not giving other people presents on my day, they don't give me presents on their birthday." 
Happily, I no longer think like that, and I say happily because I no longer have that stress in my life, I have let go of the anger at seeing other people getting gifts on my birthday. Indeed, I take great pleasure in giving gifts to friends and family if it brings them some small amount of happiness, however brief it may be. One of the other reasons I don't mind so much anymore, is that as an adult, I find myself buying all the stuff that other people could buy me as a present, not leaving much else. A few examples would be, my mom wanted to buy me an XBOX 360, I had already bought one in that year in August, wanted to buy a new laptop, too late, already had one. I have to force myself to deny myself something I want so my family can get it for me later in the year. Sometimes it isn't so bad and a particular item comes out late November or early December.
Anyway, my rambling is done, and to whomever may be reading this, enjoy this Christmas, if the Mayans were correct, it could be our last.

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