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Oh Heroes, what happened to you?

I absolutely loved the first season of Heroes.  Even though it wasn't as good (because of the strike), I was also a big fan of the second season.  But this third season....what the fuck?  The actors are still top notch, but the writing and character development are the worst I've seen since my days of watching Power Rangers. 

I mean seriously, this last episode had so many good things going for it, but the writing turned around and just raped the story at every turn with everyone doing things completely out of character, and absolutely no subtlety in the lines.  When I finally thought Noah did something cool and got it across to the viewer perfectly, Clair's mom completely ruins everything by going "You're using them as bait!?"

I've reached the point where they've just killed off so many people, brought them back, made them unrelatable, and sent them into stupid ass situations, that I just don't care what happens in this series anymore.  What happened to stuff like Company Man?  That was by far the best episode and they haven't even tried anything like that since.  Unless they fire whatever monkeys they have shitting on paper and calling it a script, Heroes has officially died.

(I accidently posted this in OT before realizing I wasn't making a blog)