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Later Impressions: Red Faction Armageddon

Just doing my typical quick bullet points; should be noted I'm a big fan of the original Red Faction (and it's very Total Recall style).

  • The enemies in the game suck out some of the fun as you're constantly trying to track them as they jump between various parts of the cave ceilings.
  • The destruction of buildings felt right at place in the open worlds of Guerrilla as you took out entire installations, but definitely feels out of place in the really confined cave environments that make up most of this game.
  • The weapons all feel great, and the auto aim feels just right for a console shooter. I like that the game lets you figure out your arsenal yourself rather than forcing you into using certain weapons at certain times (as many games do).
  • The "horde" mode for this game is decent, and I actually enjoyed it more than I expected to, I really felt like I had to bunker down as a group and work together to complete some of the higher level waves, each user also has a power (like throwing a force shield down) so strategizing with team mates on what your loadout is can really help, and is almost imperative in some of the high levels.
  • New Game+ options are above average in my mind, and definitely give some good incentive to go back (unlocking cheats, having the unicorn weapon).
  • I'd recommend this to anyone who really like Guerilla, but with the understanding that you're getting a much more straight forward linear action game here, and not a unique Mars roving open world game like we had previously.