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Kill ten rats, fetch me 5 mushrooms...then read up on Solid Snake

It's been a long time since I have done anything with this blog. October 7th, 2008...apparently. That's a fair amount of time. Something happened to change this, however, and at least got me to type up this one thing.
The Giant Bomb crew are at it again, pushing bit by bit to make their website absolutely fantastic. Well, it's already absolutely fantastic, so something more than that. I am not too sure what that is, or at least how to put it in to words, but it's something good.
Anyway...they added "Quests", which are basically just little things you can do around the site to earn points and level up. These range from things like writing a blog (HELLO!)  to visiting certain pages. In my opinion, these are working great. Today I have learnt lots of cool stuff. Things about Wizard, old consoles, rob the robot...pretty much everything you can read about on this site. I also took the time to update my profile and am in the process of making a pretty cool background in celebration of my achievement addict status. I even made a damn twitter account! Something which I will never use. I think it's my love of all kinds of persistant rewards coming through again, but it's pretty cool.
Right now I am off to go figure out some of the more fiendishly difficult clues and see if I can't learn a little more about the past-time that we all love. Then...I might start a second Heavy Rain playthrough...