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Best NA-Release Cover Art

I love cover art. You may notice I have a thing for hands.

List items

  • When you're looking at a rack of games wondering what to buy, what could possibly catch your eye better than this? Not only does it grab your attention, but it speaks volumes about the game's subject matter; shit's CRAZY.

  • From the color scheme to the details on the hand, this cover is extremely well-designed. This game is in space, it's violent, and has a catchy name. 'nough said, which is exactly what a proper case makes you think.

  • For a game with seven (or eight) main characters, they found a great and stylish way to represent them all. Not only does the bullet-shatter design look cool, but it has significance to the game's design and even puts some emphasis on the character that most deserves it. Plus, red is my favorite color.

  • Catherine did what I've always wanted of a game's cover art. The game released simultaneously for PS3 and 360, and the two versions had different cover art. So cool! Also, I think the design is great, especially with the strong use of pink. Oh, and not to mention we PS3 players got Catherine on our cover, and she's totally hotter than Katherine. Just saying.

  • Unfortunately, I can't manipulate the pictures accompanying these, but I'm speaking specifically of the Demon's Souls Collector's Edition. A knight huddled in a corner, dead, with arrows in him. That cover so perfectly foreshadowed many things to come while being totally stylish about it. I do still like the main cover, though.

    On this note, I'd also like to honorably call out the collector's edition of Halo 3. Minimalism at its best.

  • Remember when there weren't any good zombie action games? This cover represents all that changing. The DEAD LEFT hand has FOUR fingers. Get it? There's some great design here that's more subtle, too, though.

  • The odd claymation style here really caught me by surprise. How cool!