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Video Games That Have Made Me Cry

For some of these older games, I will go into a bit of detail about points in the games that have made me emotional... so there are SPOILERS.

You have been warned.

This is a list of video games that I've played that have storylines and endings that have made me tear up. Not out of anger, but of joy or sadness. Obviously, as with any list, your mileage may vary with these games. I can also understand if you cannot admit to being able to cry. It's cool, but dude, even Vulcans have emotions. :)

List items

  • The true ending on Hard makes me weepy every time. Even if Mio and Mayu are in matching maid outfits. It's not what they are wearing that matters, it's what is happening that matters.

  • The one reveal scene about midway through the game when Heather arrives home.

  • Pretty much the culmination of the entire plot of this game. The "Born From A Wish" prologue included on the GH version for the PS2 or the Restless Dreams version for the Xbox is really good too.

  • The whole part about piecing together the story of Alessa and the town's cult. The Good+ FMV ending showing Heather being "born"/given to Harry and Cybil from Alessa is amazing.

  • The ending to FES is amazing. Especially, if you max out "The Hermit" S-link.

  • Again, wonderful ending. It makes me glad to have so many great friends in my life.

  • Aside from Toejam and Earl, I think this is the only game I've played that lets your party revisit towns and converse with people after you've beaten the last boss, in an "ending montage" sort of way. Fallout 3/Elder Scrolls don't count, because there is no absolute endpoint for your journey. For Earthbound, you have to journey back to your house in Onett... in a "Stand By Me"ish sort of way. TJ&E's also didn't have nearly the emotional impact on me like "EarthBound" did.

  • Man, no matter what Lucca does, she can't prevent herself from accidentally re-awakening Lavos. And that makes me really sad.

  • While all the endings are amazing in a "crazy Anime plotline" way. The "True Love K" ending is what wrecks me.

  • Having to kill The Boss and the ending cutscenes of Snake ignoring the higher-ups at his awards ceremony to salute her grave is pretty awesome. And moving. Loved it.

  • A masterful and moving story. Act 3 had me in tears by the end. The music is really magnificent as well.

  • The future can be a very lonely and cruel place. At least you can try to help an AI recall the last months of a multi-millenial role as security-chief to the ruling party of a gigantic mothership carrying an ENTIRE neo-Korean civilization.

  • I was expecting to find a body. Instead I found out that Lonnie came back for Sam. And she'll see me soon.

  • Man, this story is something else. The possible "accident" you uncover is really sad.