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E3 2013 - MS forgets history and Sony takes a early lead.

*Let it be noted that I have no interest in getting either next gen console for a minimum of two years if not three.*

So we finally got some solid info about the next gen consoles and it looks like MS didn't learn from Sony's mistakes. We first need a quick history lesson. When the Xbox 360 launched, it was $400 for the most expensive sku. The PS3's launch price topped $600. It didn't help that the 360 had already been out for a year. The PS3 didn't have any momentum until the slim and the price cut gave it a revival which didn't last all that long. Anyway, point is that the price difference was huge.

Sony came into this gen being the top dog and had been since the previous gen. They were cocky and full of it. They thought if they got a very complex system and talked the nerd talk, people would sell a kidney to get it. MS was the wild card and quite frankly got little respect because they were MS... a software company and spreadsheet nerds. They went for broke and won big.

Now, it seems like MS forgot about that and has taken the same mistakes that Sony did. I'm totally fine with a game/system requiring me to be online for some features like Mass Effect 3's battle thing or seeing your friend's scores blah blah. Point is, single player didn't need to be online but it had nice little benefits if it was. MS can blame the pubs all they want but the fact remains is that they require a call home every 24hrs and the PS4 does not. Its a DRM thing pure and simple. It has to run a system check and report back. MS learned a lot this gen about protection and how to beat it. Couple years ago they clearly showed they could detect piracy and smack it around. This time they are very obviously doing it and doing it every 24hrs. This is going to be a massive, huge, overwhelming issue for MS. Are they going to give out some kind of waiver for every person who calls that has a rural address with no cable access? The poorish family that finally is able to get a console but can't afford the $20-45 a month for internet? Its just dumb and it will be a PR nightmare.

Then we have the cost. The Xbox One is $500 and the PS4 is $400. That alone is a huge win for Sony. MS needs to put the kinect 2 back in the optional side of things again. I'm sure without that included, the X1 can be $400. I would think if the only issue for MS was the $100 price difference and no damn call home thing, people would be bitching less. These two thing are just two quick jabs in the gut of MS. It won't matter if the X1 comes out first, people have already decided to go cheaper and be able to sell games.

MS needs to quickly rethink the DRM and drop it. They can put out whatever excuse they want because if they do it tomorrow or a year, everyone will have the same reaction... well duh. Xbox fans will pay the extra $100, I would. I just prefer the controller and the way MS does things. But, I need them to drop the DRM. I don't game online, I have no interest what so ever of playing online.

A lot will happen before November 2013 and a ton will happen before my 360 backlog hits zero.

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