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Marathon to 175k.

I'm closing on a mini goal of another 25k block of gamerscore. I'm less then 4k away from 175k and I'd like to get it done by the end of May. Generally I don't go all crazy on achievements but when I'm getting close to a goal, I kinda want to get it done asap. The last time I was closing on a goal, I got some quick achievement games but I think I'm pretty short on options this time. So, the plan is to just play games like I normally do but try to pick ones that offer more points without any grinding or bs. The way I see it, I average 500 points per game (I don't have real stats with me now so just go with it) so I need to complete eight games in five weeks. So the first thing is to get a list of games I want to play and then check for the average time it took others to beat. Then cross reference with the achievement site to see if its a MP focused list or a grind or any other bs thing. If the achievements work out and the game shouldn't last more then say eight hours then I say that game is good to go. I still have my limits and won't play trash so my backlog will be shrinking a tad over these five weeks.

Here is the list and remember this is average completion times and a general idea of points. And I have time so thats why I'm doing this.

1. Stranglehold: 6h31m and 505 points. Just barely above my goal of 500 points a game but I think I can play thru it pretty quick.

2. Injustice: 4h03m and 330 points. Fighting games are special as they have short story modes and can have a good time:point ratio. So this game don't make the points goal but it should only take one night to complete.

3. Duke Nukem Forever: 9h25m and 865 points. Its longer then I want but the amount of points I could get balance it out.

4. Family Guy Multi-verse blah: 5h03m and 600 points. Another low quality game but the ratio is nice and sometimes you need an excause to play these games. Haha.

5. Lego Batman: 5h15m and 430 points. The playing time I'm not real sure on as I don't know if that includes both the hero and villian stories or just one. To be safe, I did the achievements as just one story. So if you can do both in that time frame then obviously the points will go up. As it stands its not the best ratio but its not a crappy game either.

6. Prey: 7h40m and 685. I recall playing this on the PC a long time ago so this should be fun to play again. There is only three misc type achievements that I can get done at the very start and the rest is story. Too many points are used in MP, thats for damn sure.

7. The Walking Dead season 1: 11h32m and 500 points. Even thou they are five separate games, all the points are story and I think I could get them done faster then the average. I will most likely save this until the end and then see how many points I need to hit the goal.

8. Transformers Fall of Cybertron: 7h34m and 545 points. Damn MP stealing the points again. The total amount of points estimated is 4460 which does give me some padding. The list of eight games aren't all awesome games but I should have some fun with each one of them.

Games that didn't make the cut.

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge: 6h39m and 225 points. The time is fine but the points is really poor. I might be able to get another 20-40 points but its just not a good ratio.

DmC Devil May Cry: 8h37m and 300 points. While I do believe the game will be fun to play, its just too long for the poor amount of points.

So thats the plan for the month of May. I got a lot of distractions that eat into my gaming time so I'll have to minimize my anime watching to maybe just a movie on the weekends.

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