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Windows Phone 7

I bought a used HTC HD7S off ebay for a bargain because I wanted to play Xbox games. I went with a wp7 device as currently there are more games that work only on that version then the newer 8. Plus cost was a factor to make this project work. Considering that I can't rent games on this thing, I couldn't blow the bank and have none left for games.

So now I have what I call my handheld. It does more then a 3DS and has better games/support then the Vita. And it has achievements and I'm not ashamed to say it. If I'm stuck away from home, I don't want to play some generic android game, I want rewards. I'd be more ashamed saying I spent $250 on a Vita.

After having the phone for three weeks, I've completed seven games and almost done with the eighth. The total amount of points received so far is 855. While thats not a great amount in three weeks time, its points I got while I didn't have access to my Xbox 360. Going on the average of 500 points per retail game, thats almost two games I didn't have to play to reach my goal of 200k.

So, you could say that I've aligned myself well into Microsoft's camp and I'm fine with that. I prefer them as a company and I think they have more to offer then anyone else. With the kinect project happening this holiday season and Windows 8 some point next year, I'm an Xbox gamer.

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