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#1  Edited By Skitch
@haggis said:
" @Skitch:  Some kind of composed soundtrack would have been beneficial, in my opinion. "
I'm still saying that this game does have one, albiet a highly incidental score.  As for your other points, I'll agree to disagree, as this is among one of the more cohesively designed experiences that I've had for a while, which it benefits from being so focused in its approach from my impression of it.
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#2  Edited By Skitch
@haggis said:

" @Skitch: "The developers decided not to take the risk of creating a well-implemented soundtrack. Even a minimalist soundtrack would have at least been an attempt. They might have had good reasons for it (again, I can't really know). All I know is that they didn't take the risk. Maybe it was funding. Maybe it was laziness. Maybe it was brilliant artistic vision. I tend to think that of those three, laziness is usually the most common among men. "  

The game _does_ have a minimalistic soundtrack, though.  it's predominantly ambient/environmental in nature, and even that is a risk based approach.   They risked not going the route of even Braid, and going with music (even licensed in that case) that has notable memorable melodies or textures, for the sake of maintaining cohesion in design, from what I see. 
Who knows?  Maybe they DID try to add more music or color during the development process, and then cut back on them later on because they didn't feel like it was worth it.  For example, in a Gamasutra interview, one of the partners at the company mentioned about how they scrapped 70% of the game's content in an interview, because they ultimately felt that it didn't fit in the game's context properly.  
That's what I take away from the situation, that between the tools they were making for the game (which they built predominantly themselves, as well, according to that interview),  and other matters, that I find it hard to really feel that the developers were approach this with a lazy mentality.  Everything meshes together almost too well for that to be the case for me.
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#3  Edited By Skitch
@haggis said:
" @Skitch:  " My chief objection is to those saying it is somehow more "artistic" because they didn't use music and used black and white. That seems silly to me. Limbo's gameplay suffers, in my opinion, from the lack of color and lack of music. It could have been better."
The Presentation could have been better, as those are things that are primarily impacted by the use of color or music.  The gameplay would have been identical, as the controls, design, mechanics would have been retained.  
I've never claimed, or at least I think that I didn't, that the game is more 'artistic' for the choices that are made for this game, because that's a really tough argument to even get involved with.  I would say, however, that it's inappropriate to claim that the gameplay itself suffers from these two presentation elements.   The experience of the game to some users might suffer because of that want for added stimulus from colors or music might suffer, but the core gameplay itself is sort of independent from those variables.
I still object to your claims regarding the music and lack-of-color being used as crutches, but that's really an issue of perception instead of intent from the developer.  I'm sitting here, thinking of music that could be put into the game that would improve it's presentation and feel dramatically, and there are some tracks that come to mind for some parts, but even then I would argue that going that route could have had negative effects regarding breaking cohesion in the design if it wasn't well implemented. 
As for Colors, that might have helped distinguish different areas of the game more clearly, perhaps...but then again, would that have improved/enhance the aesthetic that was intend by the developers?  Maybe there's supposed to be this sense of continuity across all areas of the game, regardless of the environment, which is found in the unified use of black and white?  It'd be neat to see this presented in color, but at the same time, it might be better or worse off with the addition.
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#4  Edited By Skitch
@haggis: Actually, I'm also going to disagree with your contention here, even as a Composer myself.  When we're talking about a Game, one of the more significant things that can be done in regards to the aesthetics (I don't like referring to visuals and sounds as 'art' elements, as this causes confusion on the discussion of games or other media as art in the first place) is for them to help reinforce and support the central design of the game and gameplay, in my opinion. 
The sound design in this game is highly feedback and atmosphere oriented, with the music adding light subtle touches that help to draw attention at moments only when it is needed from what I've seen in my play throughs so far..  I feel that having a higher amount of music that was memorable or distinct would have detracted from the game for me, and would have done more harm than good. 
If anything, this game is highly, highly cohesive in its aesthetics, especially with its approach to sound design and music application.
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#5  Edited By Skitch
Soap said:
"rexCo said:
"What's this about a wii Dead Rising?
Imagine dead rising, now imagine it with dumbed down graphics and controls where you win by flailing your arms around like a looney, there is your Wii dead rising lol
Actually, a more accurate statement is imagine Dead Rising, with graphics that aren't at 360 level at many points (which is obvious), and no Camera mode...but countered with RE4 based controls (which were awesome on the Wii).

it may  or may not be a decent game...but at least it has an awesome name: Dead Rising - Chop til you Drop