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Honey, do blogs go in the den or the living room?

Ahh, the liberating feeling of new digs; you really can't beat it. 

The fresh paint on the walls
The empty rooms to fill up and organize
The ability to type "class" and "style" again

Yes, the possibilities are truly endless here.  If there's one thing that I learned from having my girlfriend move in with me last month, it's that it takes quite a long time to unpack.  So I'll be slowly moving my Gamespot content over to this site.  I'll probably throw my crappy old user reviews into storage - aka Google docs - while I try to figure out if the Rock Heroes Union needs a Giant Bomb affiliate.

I can't tell you how stoked I am about the site.  I really like the "wiki-ness" and the overall feel.  Once the servers run a bit faster I'll be ready to write with gusto.

Welcome to all of us!
