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SXSW 2010 Torrent Culling - Final Stats

I finally got through the SXSW Festival's 2010 torrent today, weeding out the crap that I didn't want, which turned out to be almost every Latin, Hip-Hop, and Country track, as well as the myriad of indie rock that all sounds the same.  I'm not a musician or anything, but if there's one recommendation that I can give from this, it's the importance of sucking in the listener right away.  Too many of the tracks have an ethereal, dreamy-like quality to them or slowly build over the song.  Give me a snappy intro once and awhile.

Overall, I feel like I sunk way too much time into checking out all of these bands, given the low amount of material that I hung onto.  Also, I confirmed that my tastes are far more mainstream than is appropriate.  Despite that, I enjoyed the exercise, and am going to do it again with the 1251 tracks that I have from 2009.