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Master Chief/ Pac Man

I gotta pick master chief because then Master Chief would become Commander-and-Chief so it would be Commander-and-Chief Master Chief and I like the sound of that.  He'd speak to all republicans seeing as how hes a member of the NRA.  He'd do a pretty good job protecting our borders too.  The one problem is that Master Chief is not married and I don't know if people would go for a bachelor president.
Which is what makes his vice-president good because Pac Mans got a wife and kids (pac man jr).  So his family life is in order and his wife ain't too bad looking (im looking at you Cindy MCcain get some more plastic surgery please!).  But I'm not sure if the country is ready for a 2-d vice president, come to think of it I've never actually seen any side shots of Cheny so for all I know he may as well be 2-d.