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What the hell happened to Pokémon?

I love this franchise.

I really do.

The first few Pokémon games (from Red/Blue to Ruby/Sapphire) really constitute most part of my childhood. Something like 70% of it I would say. Even today I don't think there is any other RPG, or any other game for that matter, that is quite like it. My favorite title has to be Pokémon Yellow. Why? Because it's Red/Blue (which everyone knows is the best generation) only slightly better.

That being said, even when I was completely under the hypnotizing spell of Ruby/Saphire, the last generation that I played, I felt that there were too many Pokémon.

Don't stop reading now, I know we've all heard this whining. That's not quite the point of this blog post.

When Game Freak gave us Gold/Silver it was pretty darn great because, hey, more Pokémon. When Ruby/Sapphire came out it was, hey, more Pokémon, again. When that other [gem stone]/[gem stone 2] generation, whose name I cannot remember, came out it was simply way too much Pokémon for me to care. So I didn't even get into it. But the recent release of Soul Silver and Heart Gold made me check some of the newest Pokémon there are.

And people: What. The. Fuck.

Seriously. There is a Pokémon called Abomasnow.

And I thought Bidoof was bad. What the fuck is this?!

 Number 442. Wait... FOUR HUNDRED FORTY TWO?!
Number 442. Wait... FOUR HUNDRED FORTY TWO?!

Honestly, one element I think fascinated us all was the creativity of the team that created Pokémon. Even the names were great. Who didn't think Squirtle, or Charizard looked awesome? And you know, I could actually understand the concept of a fire lizard and a water squirrel/turtle, but I cannot understand what this thing above is. I cannot figure it out.

What the heck is it?!

  • Is it Jell-o mixed with Flubber on top of a rock?
  • Is it a blood sample taken from Frankenstein? It looks purple plasma with green cells in it.
  • Is it a really messed up flower arrangement?
  • Is it what happens to Nidorans♂ when they die?


  • What is that purple thing?
  • Why is it having a seizure?
  • What is it standing on?
  • If it is a ghost type Pokémon, why does it need to stand on a something?
  • If it is a ghost, how can it stand on a something?!
  • Why does it look like it was taken from an Acid Trip?
  • Why does it have a blue brother?
  • Why does this color pattern still remind me of the two Nidorans?

The Pokémon team has obviously been deprived of all creativity they ever had. It seems as if they have been replaced by... I don't even know who or what can be so uncreative. Seriously, how many times are they going to use that color scheme. Do they expect us to have forgotten about the two Nidorans? It's been done before, make up something new.


Ranting is exhaustive. So having said all that: I recently began playing Pokémon Yellow. On a Gameboy color. And it's really fun. I hadn't had this much fun with a videogame in a long time, this is also one of the most addictive videogames I've ever played. Additionally, the nostalgic feeling is amazing. The first 150 are the best Pokémon, with the best names, best design, and well, Lickitung.

So yeah. Play that game. Even if it's on an emulator. It's amazing.