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Top whatever RPGs

These are the RPG's that i've dug the most over the years.

List items

  • What FF 6 did was open my mind up to the possibility of this kind of game with a sweeping story being fun. This game cemented the genre in my heart. An amazing game from start to finish that was always challenging but never ball busting. Its light hearted sense of humor, no regard for Doc Brown's Time Traveling laws and epic feel made it the total package that sits in my DS to this day.

  • The original xbox tried really hard to keep me in RPG-dom, but I find it hard to count Fable and Morrowind didn't hit me square in the face until I played it on the PC. But this game I loved, like played through 3 times loved. Nothing felt more like Star Wars to me then this game, aside from the original movies. I still loved how the Y button would make the lightsaber noise. Also the ending was phenomenal.

  • For me, this was the game that started it all, my decent into madness that resulted in this list. This game stood the time as the definitive Final Fantasy against the rest would be judged. This game, like alot of the older ones, is made better by the portable nature they've been able to impliment with the PSP and DS where I can hit a button to stop what I'm doing and pick it up later.

  • Yes a Johnny come lately. This game reminded me of Baulder's Gate in about every way, a game I never completed having never owned it and borrowed it several times from a friend. This was the game I was most excited for all year and plowed through it in record time because I couldn't walk away from it. This game is to blame for my lower level then my Modern Warfare friends.

  • This was the system seller for me on the PS1. I loved this game so much I bought it when it came out originally, again when that disk was too scratched up in the Greatest hits release and again for the PSP. Dispite the head scratching story and who cares nature, this was a game that set the trend of scaling in RPG's. This wasn't a typical RPG but coming off of Final Fantasy 7's character "templates" this was a cool deviation of Square's formula.

  • I'm revisiting this game in preparation for ME2 right now. This game in some places is a buggy mess, the cover system is busted, the AI is subpar, but I still dig the shit out of this game. Bioware loves them some atmosphere, in about every game they put together they interweve the plot with the world or galaxy they create I even read the codex all the way through when I had it opened up. I have some pretty high hopes for this one and looking forward to ME2 way more then FF13.

  • Millions of blood pinatas keep me clicking to this day. Never really got into the online game of this one but this game sets the tone for modern day loot hunt games like Torchlight and Borderlands.

  • Bought this game for the FF12 demo but when I busted through it in about 20 minutes, and fell in love with this game in another 20 minutes. Fun from beginning to end with a system that reminded you of the good old days while looking good the whole timel. This was also my introduction to the DQ franchise and while I'm not sold on it, I am sold on DQ9 whenever its in a language I can understand.

  • This game had me excited from the get-go the FPS elements the open-ish approach to missions and a basic morality system made this game awesome for me. The 2nd game was a too actiony attempt that failed to capture the feeling the first did.

  • This was the first RPG I really owned, trading in several games to get it and give it a whirl, it eventually would be my favorite game for the SNES and something I would go back to many times. I would like to see more in this vein of quirky RPGs but I'm not holding my breath anymore. This may not be a terrible Wii-make with a little 3d graphics?

  • After the controller throwing terror of the 8th Final Fantasy I really enjoyed this one. Sure the story was pretty much Dragonball Z, but the item AP system was right where I wanted to be.

  • As a borderline fan of the fallout series (didn't really get into the first 2) I was still excited about this one after Oblivion came out. I thought the VATS system was fantastic even though the first ending of the game, before the DLC, was a let down. This won't be a game I'll be revisiting anytime soon after the theivery of my memory card containing my character makes me not want to play through it again.

  • Morrowind was so hard for me to get into. I thought Bethesda fixed the main complains I had in this sequel. The epic feel of the game was great. This game also had my favorite quest so far in the final Thieves Guild quest where you have to steal an Elder Scroll.

  • A little Dreamcast love for you all. This was a surprising addition to the system I bought specifically for Soulcalibur. But I ended it up really enjoying this one despite its overly anime style. You had a real sense of scale with the ship to ship combat.

  • This was a game that was great for me for a few weeks. It made me give Phantasy Star Universe a try as the elusive MMO from my couch, while that game ultimatly failed due to having to pay for Live Gold Membership and a fee to play the game online.

    Dear Sega, how about rereleasing PSO for XBLA for 20 bucks no server fees, you'd be able to recoup some losses for the last time you made a Sonic game that didn't include Green Hill.

  • This was a solid entry that didn't get me really into its subleties until the 2nd time I bought it. Got for the original Xbox and hated it, thought the controls were clunky the graphics filthy and the game felt like I was walking through mud. Then to test out a new video card, I picked the GOTY edition and wow did it blow me away. Playing it on the PC fixed all the niggling problems I had for the game the first time around. I also liked how large hollowed out insects were a mode of transportation in this game, similar to a subway or taxi.

  • Here's an MMO I enjoyed for a while. Go Shaman!

    Holding out for an MMO I can play on my couch.

  • This game made me feel uneasy, in the way where you're walking to your car, you take a wrong turn and run into a a junkyard with some rotting carcasses. This was the follow up to Black Isle and Interplay's Baulder's Gate game and it had a unique main character (in that he was immortal not that he had amnesia) and a crew that included a wise-cracking skull, a fiend, dude who had a morphing sword, an insane burning mage and a 4 armed archer. This game was fucked up from the get go and if you could get past the creepy crawley nature of the Planescape setting, it turned out there was a solid game underneath.

  • Here you go, its on the list.

    In a series where you dig the characters the cookie cutter nature and the fact that you could make each character into whatever Final Fantasy standard character you wanted, made this for a game that took its greatest asset and turned it away for me. The overly complicated story and overly animated summons made this for a long sometimes tedious experience that hasn't aged well.

    When it came out though it was a hoss with jaw dropping graphics for the time and a gritty industrial setting was a nice change from the SCA reenactments of every village in almost every other game on this list.

  • Level 5 is good at making video games, of this there is no doubt. This game I bought along with the PSP and was one I couldn't quite plow through. The alternate history of the character was a neat trick. The character classes them selves seemed a little too boring and templates, and the super powerful gem system made the game tilt in favor of your side big time. Still a beautiful game and perfect for a long trip or a mission or two before bed.

  • Amazing game best co-op since Diablo all with bloody pinatas.