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So, I've decided to make a game.

I would say that I've decided to try to make a game, but that would imply that I'm not determined enough to succeed. Good or bad, I'd like to make something.

After watching this year's coverage of PAX East and the Molyjam, and after playing a lot more indie games than I usually do ( Fez, especially), I've been thinking a lot more about what really goes in to making even the most rudimentary game. I was really inspired by the story behind Dust: An Elysian Tale to see if I would be able to make anything playable let alone fun.

I have no programming experience, very few computer skills, and even less time, however, I'm prepared to invest whatever is needed to get some kind of program, no matter how small, running. The one skill I do possess is that I've been working as a professional tattoo artist for the last ten years, so coming up with some basic art might be a little easier.

I've done a little bit of research in how to get started, and downloaded a free copy of Game Maker 8.1 as sort of a warm-up. I finished up the first tutorial last night, and hope to get in to the second one soon. From there, I'd like to make something original with it to prove to myself that it's possible.

I'm keeping a record of my experience with all of this more as a way to prevent myself from giving up halfway than a way to get advice or feedback, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. I'll ( try) to report my progress every Monday, along with whatever other interesting stuff I find along the way.

See you next week! -Blair.