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C'mon Seriously...

I look at my gaming shelf and I see the likes of Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3, Assassin's Creed 2 and Oblivion looking back at me, neglected. Neglected because I'm playing Gears of War. And I'm playing Gears of War because at 11,000 kills, I should technically have the Seriously... achievement. But, like so many of my friends, it hasn't unlocked. Now I certainly could chip away at it whilst playing my other games, but I can see Gears of War 3 peaking on the horizon. And if 2K has learnt anything from Gears of War 2's multiplayer, they'll make number three's multiplayer superb. And that means obsoletion for my favourite multiplayer game, Gears of War. After all, I am the Chainsaw King! I have over 10,000 chainsaw kills alone! 
So here I am, buckling down like I did for BioShock 2 when I got to level 40 before everyone stopped playing. I look at multiplayer games like Far Cry: Instincts, Double Agent and others which have multitudes of multiplayer achievements and sigh, because I'll never be able to unlock them without finding the one game per day and then actually being good at the said game. And to make matters worse, I have a feeling I want to buy BioShock 2's multiplayer expansions and S-Rank it before everyone starts the "Big Three" - Black ops, Gears 3 and Reach. MW2 was bad enough with everyone playing it on my friend list for about a month. But three of the most anticipated games EVER? Better get cracking on those achievements...



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Edited By SpawnMan

I look at my gaming shelf and I see the likes of Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3, Assassin's Creed 2 and Oblivion looking back at me, neglected. Neglected because I'm playing Gears of War. And I'm playing Gears of War because at 11,000 kills, I should technically have the Seriously... achievement. But, like so many of my friends, it hasn't unlocked. Now I certainly could chip away at it whilst playing my other games, but I can see Gears of War 3 peaking on the horizon. And if 2K has learnt anything from Gears of War 2's multiplayer, they'll make number three's multiplayer superb. And that means obsoletion for my favourite multiplayer game, Gears of War. After all, I am the Chainsaw King! I have over 10,000 chainsaw kills alone! 
So here I am, buckling down like I did for BioShock 2 when I got to level 40 before everyone stopped playing. I look at multiplayer games like Far Cry: Instincts, Double Agent and others which have multitudes of multiplayer achievements and sigh, because I'll never be able to unlock them without finding the one game per day and then actually being good at the said game. And to make matters worse, I have a feeling I want to buy BioShock 2's multiplayer expansions and S-Rank it before everyone starts the "Big Three" - Black ops, Gears 3 and Reach. MW2 was bad enough with everyone playing it on my friend list for about a month. But three of the most anticipated games EVER? Better get cracking on those achievements...

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Edited By TheGreatGuero

Sounds like it's time to take a break for Gears. There's just too many great games this gen, and not enough time to play them all. Sacrifices must be made! For the good of mankind!

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Edited By LiquidPrince

Wasn't it 100,000 kills?

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Edited By TheGreatGuero
@LiquidPrince: I think Gears 1 was 10,000, and Gears 2 was 100,000. I could be wrong, and I don't quite care enough to be bothered to check.
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Edited By Azteck
@TheGreatGuero said:
" @LiquidPrince: I think Gears 1 was 10,000, and Gears 2 was 100,000. I could be wrong, and I don't quite care enough to be bothered to check. "
No, that's correct. 10.000 is exclusively in multiplayer, while the 100.000 kills achievement unlocks through campaign as well.
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Edited By PerryVandell
@LiquidPrince said:
" Wasn't it 100,000 kills? "
That was Gears 2. I never bothered with either of the Seriously achievements because: 
1. The first game's muliplayer wasn't exactly great and 10,000 kills was a huge time investment 
2. The second game's "Seriously 2.0" achievement is actually a little easier since you can just spam the last mission where you kill a ton of locust quickly, but again: too time-consuming.
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These kind of achievements are the worst, and are pretty much the entire reason I don't give a rats ass about achievements in general and especially about S ranking games.

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Edited By SpawnMan
@SuperfluousMoniker: I would never S-Rank Gears anyway though because of the host 50 matches achievement - I live in a land far far away and no American can join my host without bullets flying overhead like the Matrix! I'm glad most games don't have achievements like that. It's a shame though because I'm pretty sure with some effort, and possibly some boosting later on, that I'd be able to S-Rank Gears if not for that game. I have no life and it's the way I unwind, so for me, achievements are EVERYTHING. Lol...