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Just got myself a Sidewinder X8 and I'm loving it . . .

 So since my G7 is on its last legs (starting to lose precision, cracked frame, etc) and my MX610 hardly suited for gaming purposes, I decided to go out and get myself a new mouse.  At first I was going to get the Razer Mamba off of Amazon but, like Jeff, I'm one of those people who wants to get something right here and now so since that wasn't available at the Fry's close to my house, that wasn't really an option for me. So I get to Fry's and look around the mouse & keyboard section and find a few promising possibilities. I had basically narrowed it down to two choices. The first choice was the Logitech Performance MX.I had heard that its Darkfield sensor was superior to Microsoft's BlueTrack sensor in terms of versatility. But after discovering that it only does a maximum of 1500 DPI, I decided to get second choice: the Sidewinder X8 instead. Now to be honest, I think 4000 DPI is overkill, but there are cases where 2000 or 3000 DPI can be useful. Not to mention that I found it has better aesthetics.
Anyway, I got home and took my new mouse for a test drive. So far it's working like a charm. Played about an hour of Mass Effect 2 and some Dragon Age Origins and the mouse works as advertised. Tracking was smooth and I noticed virtually no lag (I have three other 2.4GHz signals running so no interference issues so far). The mouse however, is pretty damn big and though I have long fingers, my hands aren't quite large enough for what the designers much have been anticipating. Still, I've been using it for close to three hours now and I still haven't felt even the slightest hint of cramping so I'm not too worried in that respect. The other issue is that the Intellipoint software that comes with it lacks fine-tuning options for adjusting DPI (i.e. that Setpoint does for Logitech products like the G7) but I found that a minor issue as the current DPI levels that are available are good enough for my purposes (which is mainly switching between regular browsing speed and gaming speed). I do miss the ergonomic feel of my G7 but I think I'll get used to it after a while. And the longer battery life should come in handy as well.
Overall I'm loving the mouse so far, and it will probably replace both my G7 (which I had used for games) and my MX610 (which I had used for general computing). How well the mouse works in the long run remains to be seen, but given some of the bad reviews I've read online, it definitely seems to be a solid option for those interested in a wireless gaming mouse (though if the G7 was still available I may have ordered that instead).
Anyway, to end this pointless blog post I'll post some pictures:  




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Edited By spazmaster666

 So since my G7 is on its last legs (starting to lose precision, cracked frame, etc) and my MX610 hardly suited for gaming purposes, I decided to go out and get myself a new mouse.  At first I was going to get the Razer Mamba off of Amazon but, like Jeff, I'm one of those people who wants to get something right here and now so since that wasn't available at the Fry's close to my house, that wasn't really an option for me. So I get to Fry's and look around the mouse & keyboard section and find a few promising possibilities. I had basically narrowed it down to two choices. The first choice was the Logitech Performance MX.I had heard that its Darkfield sensor was superior to Microsoft's BlueTrack sensor in terms of versatility. But after discovering that it only does a maximum of 1500 DPI, I decided to get second choice: the Sidewinder X8 instead. Now to be honest, I think 4000 DPI is overkill, but there are cases where 2000 or 3000 DPI can be useful. Not to mention that I found it has better aesthetics.
Anyway, I got home and took my new mouse for a test drive. So far it's working like a charm. Played about an hour of Mass Effect 2 and some Dragon Age Origins and the mouse works as advertised. Tracking was smooth and I noticed virtually no lag (I have three other 2.4GHz signals running so no interference issues so far). The mouse however, is pretty damn big and though I have long fingers, my hands aren't quite large enough for what the designers much have been anticipating. Still, I've been using it for close to three hours now and I still haven't felt even the slightest hint of cramping so I'm not too worried in that respect. The other issue is that the Intellipoint software that comes with it lacks fine-tuning options for adjusting DPI (i.e. that Setpoint does for Logitech products like the G7) but I found that a minor issue as the current DPI levels that are available are good enough for my purposes (which is mainly switching between regular browsing speed and gaming speed). I do miss the ergonomic feel of my G7 but I think I'll get used to it after a while. And the longer battery life should come in handy as well.
Overall I'm loving the mouse so far, and it will probably replace both my G7 (which I had used for games) and my MX610 (which I had used for general computing). How well the mouse works in the long run remains to be seen, but given some of the bad reviews I've read online, it definitely seems to be a solid option for those interested in a wireless gaming mouse (though if the G7 was still available I may have ordered that instead).
Anyway, to end this pointless blog post I'll post some pictures: