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Games I love that sure as hell no one else does

This is as it sounds - this is a list of games that I can't help but love that most people either don't know about, don't care about or simply don't like as much as I do. These aren't the best games in the world, nor even my favourites; these are just the somewhat less prominent games that have absorbed huge chunks of my life at various times.

List items

  • So much of this game baffles yet entertains in equal measure - for example, why the game permitted you, when fielding, to just smash the stumps over every time despite there being no chance of a run out. Or why the game let you appeal on every bloody delivery, depsite there being no reason to. Or why shots to the offside are damn near impossible. Remarkably though, much like Jonah Lomu, this is the best cricket game before or since. Dammit people, make some better sports games.

  • I brought this up during a discussion of older games in the pub... My friends looked at me as if I was a retard. Best rugby game to be released on any console, before or since.

  • When I finally saw this game on a shelf after months of looking, I just about shit myself. After playing a frigging demo of Devil Dice relentlessly (and knowing I was never going to find that), this was a game I had to get. It did not disappoint.

  • Well, I never knew this game as Head-On, I knew it as Fever Pitch as it was released here. I picked this up after trading an assload of games in at the age of probably 9 and fell in love with it, to the point where still, a good 13 years later, I'll still pull this out every now and then. It sucks, don't get me wrong - but I still love it.

  • Again, on a grander scale this isn't the most obscure game - except here it seems to be. I saw this for £8, brand new, and again damn near shit myself. Possibly the best £8 I've ever spent on a game.

  • This game unknowingly started my lifelong obsession with baseball - which for most users of this site is not a rare thing I would imagine, but I'm English - and subsequently contributed to my insomnia now. Time differences mean if I want to watch baseball, I'm staying up till 5am. Also, fuck you Giant Bomb, do you know how hard I had to search for this shit?

  • OK, so this isn't the rarest of games on a grander scale, but here in the UK at least it seems to be. Either way, once the necessary people had been roped into it at uni, this became a four player treat. Who doesn't love gigantic whales?

  • Siiiiiiiiiide Pockettttttt! Lol. Again, another crappy, crappy game that holds a very dear place in my heart. There is no reason to like this game, yet I demanded on a regular basis that my mum rent it for me every time we went into the place. I looked past Streets of Rage 2, SSF2, and various other games that are very much in my all time top 10 to play this awful pool game that didn't even have the rules right.

  • ...And not just because I've got the 147 achievement. This all started with e first WSC on the PS1, and now I can't help but keep getting these bloody games. Dennis Taylor can fuck off though. Why would I want to pot a pink Dennis when I'm trying to get a 147?

  • What a beautifully awful game. You could curl the ball in the air - but not just left and right, oh no - up and down, bitches. There was a horribly made indoor 6 a side version, and inexplicably Sonic was plastered all over it. However, the only thing you need to know about this game is this: constantly hitting the slide tackle button moved you faster than running.