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Best of 2009

Static Wind: Xbox 360 Best of 2009

List items

  • Assassin's Creed II far exceeded my expectations, a worthy title for game of the year.

  • Modern Warfare 2 retains everything that made Call of Duty 4 so great, and makes it even better.

  • Borderlands is a great game, but it's let down by a lacklustre ending.

  • Halo 3: ODST is a great game. The new co-op game mode Firefight and great characters make this worthy of the Halo name.

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum has raised the bar for superhero games, definitely one of 2009's best.

  • Dragon Age: Origins is yet another solid RPG from Bioware designed to eat up all your time.

  • Left 4 Dead 2 is a great game and more than justifies it's existence as a sequel to Left 4 Dead.

  • FIFA 10 may possess incremental improvements from FIFA 09, but it's the best football game yet.

  • Prototype has really enjoyable gameplay, but the main character can be annoying.

  • Halo Wars is a great game and one of the best RTS games on a console.