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Edited By Game_Baron

I just saw this and I enjoyed it!

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Edited By bwmcmaste

@0blivion said:


My thoughts exactly.

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Edited By xxizzypop

I might be the only one, but I really liked the minimalist design of the old videos from a user I can't remember that was just the review portraits with (occasionally not-so-) subtle tweaks to the design.

Maybe it's just the picture choice for the cast >_>

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Edited By AxleBro

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

I'd rather take Saints Row's fourth grader mentality over whatever it is that GTAV has become. Saints Row shows a willingness to just let go of any notion of being serious; its a madman's sandbox of a game, whereas GTAIV was, as stated in the Bombcast, a contradiction in terms. They want to have their cake and eat it, as well, in the way that they took the series in a more serious direction while retaining the juvenile attitude of the earlier games around the fringes. From what GTAV appears to be, it will be more like GTAIV than anything; maybe it'll allow for some of the more absurd activities like flying a plane and skydiving; it's hard to tell. But the point is that for me, the ship has sailed on Grand Theft Auto.

And this isn't an overnight thing, either. The ship started leaving the harbor while I was playing Vice City. Funny atmosphere and goofy parody of 1980s pop culture? Yes. But the gameplay in Vice City is terrible. The mission design utterly broke my desire to finish the game when I was only about halfway through. Saints Row took that structure of open world game and was the first to make mechanical improvements to the gameplay that GTA desperately needed when Rockstar was content to add superfluous weight-gain mechanics and a much larger land mass to San Andreas instead of addressing any of Vice City's glaring flaws. Then, when GTAIV decided to go the self-serious route, Saints Row 2 took the ball that Rockstar dropped and ran with it. And it appears that, with Saints Row: The Third, they have finally taken that ball all the way tot he end zone. Saints Row: The Third appears to be the sort of game that fans of San Andreas would love; pure, utter madness in a game that looks and plays far better than San Andreas, with all of the silly superfluous things like character customization taken to a ludicrous extreme. And it is unapologetic about its insanity.

Rockstar, on the other hand, has yet to prove that they can create a GTA game with a protagonist that doesn't either behave like a complete sociopath or a hypocrite. One of the most aggravating things about Niko is his apparent desire to turn over a new leaf, yet he murders people left and right. Combine that with the player's ability to run around the city and murder indiscriminately, and you've pretty much broken the character.

I just can't see how people can consider a random mishmash of disjointed filler a competitor to GTA. And of course, the age old "Rockstar Protagonist Syndrome" argument, once again trotted out despite the fact that it has no merit considering the true nature of Niko, and all GTA protagonists. They all want something, and are doing what they can, and what they know how to do, in order to get it done. Jeff made the point that he thought everything Niko had to do to "ice that motherfucker" was tearing him apart inside. Besides, none of the other GTA protagonists wanted to turn over a new leaf.

You may say that GTA games play poorly, but at least they have the stories and atmosphere to back up the somewhat poor shooting (driving has always been great).

But hey, Saints Row has dildos so I guess it's all good.

Grand Theft Auto IV's protagonist is not the only one to suffer from the problem. Go back to Vice City Stories for one of the best examples. Lance's brother complains constantly of having to do so much bullshit, yet he never once takes a stand to tell people to screw off. He's a lapdog and doormat. Niko is just an evolution of that character type; someone that says he has problems with murder hundreds of people, and then does so anyway just because.

And if you want to talk about filler, what is the usual GTA game comprised of? A series of story missions that progress in a mostly linear fashion over the course of the game, with side missions opening up as progress is made. It's no different than what makes up the core of Saints Row. Saints Row is just more gleefully absurd in its execution of the story. Heck, the opening minutes of Saints Row: The Third feature the player escaping an airplane, getting into a midair gun battle, catching Shaundi as she's falling, letting her go, shooting some more, and catching Shaundi again. And that's a story mission at the game's start. Not "filler." It's the sort of ridiculous moments like that that I'm looking for. You never see anything that crazy in Grand Theft Auto IV, and I'll wager that you won't see that sort of crazy in Grand Theft Auto V, either. It will more than likely be the story of another crook disillusioned with the criminal life chasing after the American Dream in his own way.

the battle of the walls of text has begun!!!

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Edited By lennoxxx

Keep making these, they're fantastic!

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Edited By AssInAss

You can get Human Papilloma Virus from Dildos. Just learned that in yesterday's Microbio class.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Korwin said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

A: Rockstar has been around for 13 years

B: Volition has been around for 15 years, thus making them Rockstar's senior from a development standpoint

C: Volition is perfectly capable of making good sensible games that aren't about Dildo based combat :D (Freespace ya'll, Freespace).

Not to actually undersell Rockstar's work here, they definitely do something special.

A: I was referring to the time they have spent making 3D open world GTA games.

B: See above.

C: I was attacking their ability to make Saints Row games.

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Edited By kenniWORLDPEACE

love these videos!!!

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Edited By korwin

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

A: Rockstar has been around for 13 years

B: Volition has been around for 15 years, thus making them Rockstar's senior from a development standpoint

C: Volition is perfectly capable of making good sensible games that aren't about Dildo based combat :D (Freespace ya'll, Freespace).

Not to actually undersell Rockstar's work here, they definitely do something special.

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Edited By fooflighter737

Good stuff...

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Edited By Ravenlight

Damn, it's a Lemon party up in this thread!

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Edited By me3639

Great Job. Love these little videos.

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Edited By Moonshadow101

You are a champion.

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Edited By shotgunsullivan

this is great

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Edited By Deusx

Yeah that was funny but where the fuck is my fear gauntlet?

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Edited By nail1080

Meh not funny tbh...unless you're around the age of 10 I guess. HAHAHA PINK DILDOS GUYS!

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Edited By redbliss

I now look forward to these every week as much as I do the Bombcast. These are great.

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Edited By amomjc

@Slurms said:

These continue to be some of the best content on the site. Keep up the good work.

This couldn't be anymore true.

The pink dildo thing had me lol'ing in real life, Rockstar needs to implement that somehow as an easter egg.

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Edited By LarsHJ

Great work, keep em coming.

Stick them on the actual frontpage also, they are too easy to miss.

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Edited By Red12b

@TurboMan said:

I started convulsing in laughter when I saw the dildo in the handbasket.

The dildo in the handbasket is my new bands name

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Edited By david3cm

@TurboMan: Dibs on 'Dildo in a Handbasket' as my new band name

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Edited By nikemike99

Great job. Love it.

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Edited By Hailinel

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel: I was more talking filler as in stupid side missions like spraying sewage. It's all stuff that was seemingly designed to be played once. I'm a fan of stupid stuff, don't get me wrong, but I don't want a game where the entire conceit is "It's a bunch of stupid stuff!" For every jetpack and fighter jet in San Andreas, there was a well developed character or interesting story path.

The fact that you are so pleased by so-called "insanity" and that you are trying to use Vice City Stories as a legitimate example shows me I'm wasting my time here.

Vice City Stories is not a good game, but my comments regarding it were specifically about its protagonist.

It's also not a main GTA game, so it doesn't really matter in this. I'm also not sure if the same team who did VCS is the same team doing V.

It's still a GTA produced and published by Rockstar, so unlike those atrocious old Zelda CDi games, it counts.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel: I was more talking filler as in stupid side missions like spraying sewage. It's all stuff that was seemingly designed to be played once. I'm a fan of stupid stuff, don't get me wrong, but I don't want a game where the entire conceit is "It's a bunch of stupid stuff!" For every jetpack and fighter jet in San Andreas, there was a well developed character or interesting story path.

The fact that you are so pleased by so-called "insanity" and that you are trying to use Vice City Stories as a legitimate example shows me I'm wasting my time here.

Vice City Stories is not a good game, but my comments regarding it were specifically about its protagonist.

It's also not a main GTA game, so it doesn't really matter in this. I'm also not sure if the same team who did VCS is the same team doing V.

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Edited By Hailinel

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel: I was more talking filler as in stupid side missions like spraying sewage. It's all stuff that was seemingly designed to be played once. I'm a fan of stupid stuff, don't get me wrong, but I don't want a game where the entire conceit is "It's a bunch of stupid stuff!" For every jetpack and fighter jet in San Andreas, there was a well developed character or interesting story path.

The fact that you are so pleased by so-called "insanity" and that you are trying to use Vice City Stories as a legitimate example shows me I'm wasting my time here.

Vice City Stories is not a good game, but my comments regarding it were specifically about its protagonist.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Hailinel: I was more talking filler as in stupid side missions like spraying sewage. It's all stuff that was seemingly designed to be played once. I'm a fan of stupid stuff, don't get me wrong, but I don't want a game where the entire conceit is "It's a bunch of stupid stuff!" For every jetpack and fighter jet in San Andreas, there was a well developed character or interesting story path.

The fact that you are so pleased by so-called "insanity" and that you are trying to use Vice City Stories as a legitimate example shows me I'm wasting my time here.

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Edited By MiniPato

I'm more surprised that the GB guys managed to predict the basic premise of GTAV. Multiple protagonists, set in San Andreas (roughly), and focused on America's economy. That is if the rumors are true about the multiple protagonists.

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Edited By Hailinel

@HandsomeDevil said:

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

I'd rather take Saints Row's fourth grader mentality over whatever it is that GTAV has become. Saints Row shows a willingness to just let go of any notion of being serious; its a madman's sandbox of a game, whereas GTAIV was, as stated in the Bombcast, a contradiction in terms. They want to have their cake and eat it, as well, in the way that they took the series in a more serious direction while retaining the juvenile attitude of the earlier games around the fringes. From what GTAV appears to be, it will be more like GTAIV than anything; maybe it'll allow for some of the more absurd activities like flying a plane and skydiving; it's hard to tell. But the point is that for me, the ship has sailed on Grand Theft Auto.

And this isn't an overnight thing, either. The ship started leaving the harbor while I was playing Vice City. Funny atmosphere and goofy parody of 1980s pop culture? Yes. But the gameplay in Vice City is terrible. The mission design utterly broke my desire to finish the game when I was only about halfway through. Saints Row took that structure of open world game and was the first to make mechanical improvements to the gameplay that GTA desperately needed when Rockstar was content to add superfluous weight-gain mechanics and a much larger land mass to San Andreas instead of addressing any of Vice City's glaring flaws. Then, when GTAIV decided to go the self-serious route, Saints Row 2 took the ball that Rockstar dropped and ran with it. And it appears that, with Saints Row: The Third, they have finally taken that ball all the way tot he end zone. Saints Row: The Third appears to be the sort of game that fans of San Andreas would love; pure, utter madness in a game that looks and plays far better than San Andreas, with all of the silly superfluous things like character customization taken to a ludicrous extreme. And it is unapologetic about its insanity.

Rockstar, on the other hand, has yet to prove that they can create a GTA game with a protagonist that doesn't either behave like a complete sociopath or a hypocrite. One of the most aggravating things about Niko is his apparent desire to turn over a new leaf, yet he murders people left and right. Combine that with the player's ability to run around the city and murder indiscriminately, and you've pretty much broken the character.

I just can't see how people can consider a random mishmash of disjointed filler a competitor to GTA. And of course, the age old "Rockstar Protagonist Syndrome" argument, once again trotted out despite the fact that it has no merit considering the true nature of Niko, and all GTA protagonists. They all want something, and are doing what they can, and what they know how to do, in order to get it done. Jeff made the point that he thought everything Niko had to do to "ice that motherfucker" was tearing him apart inside. Besides, none of the other GTA protagonists wanted to turn over a new leaf.

You may say that GTA games play poorly, but at least they have the stories and atmosphere to back up the somewhat poor shooting (driving has always been great).

But hey, Saints Row has dildos so I guess it's all good.

Grand Theft Auto IV's protagonist is not the only one to suffer from the problem. Go back to Vice City Stories for one of the best examples. Lance's brother complains constantly of having to do so much bullshit, yet he never once takes a stand to tell people to screw off. He's a lapdog and doormat. Niko is just an evolution of that character type; someone that says he has problems with murder hundreds of people, and then does so anyway just because.

And if you want to talk about filler, what is the usual GTA game comprised of? A series of story missions that progress in a mostly linear fashion over the course of the game, with side missions opening up as progress is made. It's no different than what makes up the core of Saints Row. Saints Row is just more gleefully absurd in its execution of the story. Heck, the opening minutes of Saints Row: The Third feature the player escaping an airplane, getting into a midair gun battle, catching Shaundi as she's falling, letting her go, shooting some more, and catching Shaundi again. And that's a story mission at the game's start. Not "filler." It's the sort of ridiculous moments like that that I'm looking for. You never see anything that crazy in Grand Theft Auto IV, and I'll wager that you won't see that sort of crazy in Grand Theft Auto V, either. It will more than likely be the story of another crook disillusioned with the criminal life chasing after the American Dream in his own way.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Hailinel said:

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

I'd rather take Saints Row's fourth grader mentality over whatever it is that GTAV has become. Saints Row shows a willingness to just let go of any notion of being serious; its a madman's sandbox of a game, whereas GTAIV was, as stated in the Bombcast, a contradiction in terms. They want to have their cake and eat it, as well, in the way that they took the series in a more serious direction while retaining the juvenile attitude of the earlier games around the fringes. From what GTAV appears to be, it will be more like GTAIV than anything; maybe it'll allow for some of the more absurd activities like flying a plane and skydiving; it's hard to tell. But the point is that for me, the ship has sailed on Grand Theft Auto.

And this isn't an overnight thing, either. The ship started leaving the harbor while I was playing Vice City. Funny atmosphere and goofy parody of 1980s pop culture? Yes. But the gameplay in Vice City is terrible. The mission design utterly broke my desire to finish the game when I was only about halfway through. Saints Row took that structure of open world game and was the first to make mechanical improvements to the gameplay that GTA desperately needed when Rockstar was content to add superfluous weight-gain mechanics and a much larger land mass to San Andreas instead of addressing any of Vice City's glaring flaws. Then, when GTAIV decided to go the self-serious route, Saints Row 2 took the ball that Rockstar dropped and ran with it. And it appears that, with Saints Row: The Third, they have finally taken that ball all the way tot he end zone. Saints Row: The Third appears to be the sort of game that fans of San Andreas would love; pure, utter madness in a game that looks and plays far better than San Andreas, with all of the silly superfluous things like character customization taken to a ludicrous extreme. And it is unapologetic about its insanity.

Rockstar, on the other hand, has yet to prove that they can create a GTA game with a protagonist that doesn't either behave like a complete sociopath or a hypocrite. One of the most aggravating things about Niko is his apparent desire to turn over a new leaf, yet he murders people left and right. Combine that with the player's ability to run around the city and murder indiscriminately, and you've pretty much broken the character.

I just can't see how people can consider a random mishmash of disjointed filler a competitor to GTA. And of course, the age old "Rockstar Protagonist Syndrome" argument, once again trotted out despite the fact that it has no merit considering the true nature of Niko, and all GTA protagonists. They all want something, and are doing what they can, and what they know how to do, in order to get it done. Jeff made the point that he thought everything Niko had to do to "ice that motherfucker" was tearing him apart inside. Besides, none of the other GTA protagonists wanted to turn over a new leaf.

You may say that GTA games play poorly, but at least they have the stories and atmosphere to back up the somewhat poor shooting (driving has always been great).

But hey, Saints Row has dildos so I guess it's all good.

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Edited By Kingfalcon

That was really good and the first one I've gotten a chance to check out. Please keep it up!

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Edited By Hailinel

@HandsomeDevil said:

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

I'd rather take Saints Row's fourth grader mentality over whatever it is that GTAV has become. Saints Row shows a willingness to just let go of any notion of being serious; its a madman's sandbox of a game, whereas GTAIV was, as stated in the Bombcast, a contradiction in terms. They want to have their cake and eat it, as well, in the way that they took the series in a more serious direction while retaining the juvenile attitude of the earlier games around the fringes. From what GTAV appears to be, it will be more like GTAIV than anything; maybe it'll allow for some of the more absurd activities like flying a plane and skydiving; it's hard to tell. But the point is that for me, the ship has sailed on Grand Theft Auto.

And this isn't an overnight thing, either. The ship started leaving the harbor while I was playing Vice City. Funny atmosphere and goofy parody of 1980s pop culture? Yes. But the gameplay in Vice City is terrible. The mission design utterly broke my desire to finish the game when I was only about halfway through. Saints Row took that structure of open world game and was the first to make mechanical improvements to the gameplay that GTA desperately needed when Rockstar was content to add superfluous weight-gain mechanics and a much larger land mass to San Andreas instead of addressing any of Vice City's glaring flaws. Then, when GTAIV decided to go the self-serious route, Saints Row 2 took the ball that Rockstar dropped and ran with it. And it appears that, with Saints Row: The Third, they have finally taken that ball all the way tot he end zone. Saints Row: The Third appears to be the sort of game that fans of San Andreas would love; pure, utter madness in a game that looks and plays far better than San Andreas, with all of the silly superfluous things like character customization taken to a ludicrous extreme. And it is unapologetic about its insanity.

Rockstar, on the other hand, has yet to prove that they can create a GTA game with a protagonist that doesn't either behave like a complete sociopath or a hypocrite. One of the most aggravating things about Niko is his apparent desire to turn over a new leaf, yet he murders people left and right. Combine that with the player's ability to run around the city and murder indiscriminately, and you've pretty much broken the character.

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Edited By ThePickle

@TheDeadComedian said:

@HandsomeDevil: But the Saint's Row guys revel in its idiocy. I agree that GTA is far and away better, but it still takes a great team to make something as fun as Saint's Row

Once you scrape past the thick layer of desperate filler, the gameplay is average at best.

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Edited By TheDeadComedian

@HandsomeDevil: But the Saint's Row guys revel in its idiocy. I agree that GTA is far and away better, but it still takes a great team to make something as fun as Saint's Row

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Edited By mosespippy

I'm kind of disappointed the GTA V Dildo Cheats twitter account was a photoshop. I figure for about as much work or less you could have made a real GTA V Dildo Cheats account and just taken a screen grab.

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Edited By TonicBH

Needs more dumb images of the crew. That Ryan picture's startin' to bother me.

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Edited By BBQBram

Of course Vinny doesn't mind! Neither do I, there's a nice separation between the characters and the insane media.

Whoops that was a legitimate response!

Pink dildos.

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Edited By Vexxan

Never stop making these, please!

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

Love the little Ryan jiggle when he laughs. Great stuff, lemon!

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Edited By Hizang

These are some of my favourite pieces of Giant Bomb Content, well done good sir.

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Edited By WarlordPayne

I knew this would be awesome at Grimy.

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Edited By Nephrahim

@Slurms said:

These continue to be some of the best content on the site. Keep up the good work.
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Edited By AngelN7

There´s totally a dildo in GTA V or maybe 200 of them?.

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Edited By Branthog

I had to watch the ending twice, because the first time I thought the humor was that Tony was behind Ryan. That is, that Tony was the dildo. Wasn't until I paused it the next time around that I saw the actual dildo.

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Edited By tiara

Loving these, keep it up Lemon!

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Edited By Steve_Ramirez

@Anwar: it's a style choice mostly. I like keeping brad and ryan the same, and change everyone else.

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Edited By ThePickle

I love the animation, but I disagree with the point that Rockstar will be influenced in any way by the children making Saints Row. The 10 years of magic Rockstar has done with GTA shows they are actual game makers, not 4th graders who got to design a game.

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Edited By Steve_Ramirez

@adoggz: Dunno what you're talking about. Dunno AT ALL!