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My Top 7 Most Reliable Games

What games do you fall back on? What game can you pick up and play anytime? What game gives you the greatest happiness? Well here are mine.

List items

  • Edged out Halo: CE for first place on my list because of its online capabilities. The infinitely detailed matchmaking, multiple DLC, smooth artsy graphics, and vast array of weaponry and vehicles make this game stay on top of my stack of displayed games.

  • Coming in close second, Halo: CE is a classic old game that somehow never gets any dust on it. The start of the Beast that is the Halo series is the choice of my LAN parties. The smooth art, the smooth gameplay, the awesome levels (Hang 'em and Chill Out are the best), and the memorable moments are what make this game one of the greatest of all time.

  • Not much to be said about this game that most people don't already know. Amazing game. I will just say the few negatives that make it number 3 on my list. Not much for competitive multiplayer. You don't feel the consequences of not playing well. It only takes time, not skill, to rank up in this game. Although the game expanded extensively on weapons and perks, the game already feels a little stale... I played CoD4: MW non-stop when it was out, whereas this game has already been shelfed on several occasions. It beats out number 4 because it is relatively the same game, only newer and better.

  • The first game to make that made me take my Halo 3 disc out of my 360 for a substantial amount of time; Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This game is great. I think it could have been in the running for number 1 if MW2 hadn't come out yet. Great addictive gameplay and a nice amount of DLC make this a must have. The matchmaking in this game could really use a makeover to get a more competitive experience out of it, and also the fact that it has a successor out already make this game lower on the list.

  • I don't have a single friend who would disagree with me on this being on the list. StarCraft has taken many many hours of my life away, and it is the only game I have installed on my Laptop right now. My Dad, as old as he is (59), plays this game religiously. He has been known to call my friends up and ask them if they want to play, as well as myself, and of course, who can say no? StarCraft has enough variety between races, ridiculously addictive gameplay, and some amazing online content that keep this game running for over a decade.

  • There are 2 reasons this is on the list: Novelty and Firefight. The Bungie team made a smart move and took a play out of the Gears book (correct me if Gears wasn't the first to do this) and added Firefight. As a Halo fan and someone who puts up with the hooligans online, it is very nice to play side by side in a cooperative manner.

  • I know this seems a little out of place on my list, but for me this game is a constant. Once a year since my senior year in high school (2002), my group of friends and I get together a hoof through the game. We sit through and play this straight through usually for around 18-22 hours. We have tried on a couple of different years to play a newer game, but none of them seem to leave us with memories like Diablo does. The funny thing is, when we get tired of staring into our computer screens we all get up and go into the living room and play my number 2 ranked game to "take a break."