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Ultimate List of Completion!

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It's Backlog time, baby!

It's a list of all the games I've completed since... starting this list!

Stupidly, I had forgotten to put dates on the earlier items, leading to a somewhat meaningless list of games. Oh well!

List items

  • On the PC - Finished - 24/09/2012 - Surprisingly ok for a console GR game. But, my goodness, is it grey!

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 02/10/2012 - Oh, wow. that really was something. I'm not going to pretend I "understood" it, but I certainly felt something. Yow.

  • On the PC - Finished - 11/10/2012 - Not a bad little shooter. I kept getting the vibe that it felt like an old 16bit style shooter, only in magic 2012 style polygonal graphics. Appreciated the old brain ticking Philip K. Dick style plot twisting. A bit melodramatic, but ruminations on the meanings of Artificial Inteligence are always welcome. And, dude, blowing robots away never got old. Big Bo!! Biiiiig Bo!

  • Nightmare at Northpoint DLC -

    On the PC - Finished - 01/11/2012 - Short, sweet and to the point. A dumb little spooky add-on, much like what the insane ending for True Crime: Streets of LA.

    Worth the 4 quid for a chance to go back into the game for a little while longer while adding another excuse to go driving about and do some more side missions.

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 04/11/2012 - Haha wow. No More Heroes, if it was a Rockabilly high school romance zombie comic. I might have busted through the game using the same damn combo, and the production values might not have been the highest. But, I'll be damned if it's not been the funniest, most off-colour slice of Americana I've seen in a long time. Also, big points for the soundtrack.

  • On the PC - Finished - 09/11/2012 - Oh crap. That was certainly quite the game!

  • On the PS Vita - Finished - 11/11/2012 - Fun little game. Didn't like the change in art style, though. Had they straight ported the Wii version, it would have been better.

  • On the PC - Finished - 11/11/2012 - Sort of Mirrors Edge meets Deus Ex gone on an a-moral rampage of indiscriminate killing. After games like Spec Ops: The Line and Hotline Miami, I expect a little more out of games that are based primarily on killing. It's all just one big shade of grey, handled in the most corporately sanitized way. Mechanically sound, but needing a little more heart. Either make a message or pull no punches.

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 16/11/2012 - That was pretty ok, but it needed a better sense of humour. I went in expecting Bayonetta levels of OTT QTE madness, but ended up with a bunch of melodramatic tools monologuing all over the place. Much to my annoyance, two of the three bits that weren't totally self-serious where in the demo. Uh huh. Also, not sure if it's wise to hide a secret ending that requires you to replay the game is the best idea for such a linear experience. I got to the end. The ill explained baddie has been dealt with. Happy ending. I simply can't be gassed to go right back and unlock it all.

  • On the PC - Finished - 19/11/2012 - That was pretty cool. While somewhat simple, it did a few neat things for the TBS genre. If someone would make a massive old-school style game, but allow for the same kind of fast, intuitive systems, then I would be really happy! As it stands, the game was still a load of fun. Not sure I could jump back in like with Civ, though.

  • On the PS Vita - Finished - 18/11/2012 - Hmm. Well, it's not quite as terrible like the reviews are making it out to be. Still, i got the game for a fraction of the obscene retail price, so I don't feel too bad. Pretty much all the new Call of Duty that I needed for the year. Had myself a good little CoD time, now I can move on.

  • On the PC - Finished - 26/11/2012 - Let's say I wasn't blown away like other people have claimed to have been.

  • On the PC - Finished - 10/12/2012 - Haha. When it came to the ending I chose... poorly.

  • On the PC - Finished - 12/12/2012 - While I was pretty cold to the game at first, I started to really get into it. I think it had something to do with turning down the difficulty.

  • On the PC - Finished - 27/01/2013 - First game finished of 2013. :P It was loads of fun, but I couldn't help but feel a little let down that a few of my favourite levels didn't make the cut.

  • On the Mega Drive - Finished - 02/02/2013 - Haha. I've had this game since I was a kid and never beaten both the Arcade and Original game modes. That all changed today. Finally got to see the end screen with it's ghoulish looking President.

  • On the PC - Finished - 05/02/2013 - Really solid. Despite hardly being a great game, I was compelled to keep on playing through.

  • On the PSVita - Finished - 17/02/2013 - EDF EDF!

  • On the PSVita - Finished - 24/02/2013 - Hardly a big achievement, but I guess it counts towards the "Four for February" challenge.

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 27/02/2013 - Yes. Yes! :D

  • On the PC - Finished - 05/03/2013 - No bad, but not really mind blowing. Was waiting for them to up the eye-poke scene from 2.

  • On the PS Vita - Finished - 07/03/2013 - There's so many I like about this, but the genre isn't one of them. Finished an initial story run, but I simply must go through on challenging to unlock the alternative story.

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 19/03/2013 - Much better than some would have you belive. It's an older-school shooter in an age of super slick CoD clones.

  • On the PC - Finished - 21/03/2013 - Not really sure how to approach the game in summery. There's a lot of stigma surrounding the genre and with the disconnect between high action and overly reverential tone. I can see these problems, along with the terrifying looking female characters... And yet I didn't hate it.

    And while I can't really defend the game, there are really awesome moments in there, such as the two car sequences or the one or two moments where I kind of just... stopped thinking.

    Prowling through an environment with the power of a wrathful wargod. Idiots popping out from behind cover and getting struck down with great noise and fury like some brutal bloodsport version of whack-a-mole. In a post Spec-Ops world, such power fantasies take on a much more unpleasant tone, reflecting poorly on myself once I got to the next heavy handed cut-scene and realised just that had happened.

  • Minerva's Den - On the PC - Finished - 26/03/2013 -

  • On the PC - Finished - 02/06/2013

  • On the PS3 - Finished - 04/06/2013

  • On the NES Emulator - Finished - 20/06/2013