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a blog about somethin but nothin.

so i logged into the site today to find i was getting quests completed for simple things like viewing the podcast page or viewing my own profile page. easy stuff like that. dunno if this is a new quest that the WM crew put out just to mess with us or if it's been a while and it's just now activating. i have no clue but not gonna strain myself thinkin too much on it.
i've been playing medal of honor and umm....not really feelin it. environment details look sketchy and blotchy, lighting isn't balanced right at times, shadows are deeper than they probably should be. i could go on and on about things. i'm only on the 3rd mission so far and i hope it gets better. for now's a plain 3 out of 5 from me for first impressions rating though i'm sorta being generous with that....