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Mmo's...They may finally get me.

So the games that are the reactions to WOW's success have come out this year, high profile and long developed, the games I am focusing on are Star wars, Secret World and (yes i know its not a WOW reaction) Guild wars 2.

Star wars: old republic:

Jeff told us of how this is a generic MMO but its story line, specifically one class in the sith side had a really good story(Can not remember what it was called). This interested me and was attractive but was not enough to have me drop the cash. Mainly because i just dont like MMO's, they are not a genre i am driven to play and complete. But with the news of this going Free to play, that is where this becomes way more attractive. Bc we know have a lot of cool story to go thru for the cheap price of Free. This has gone on my list, and i will go thru the motions to get the story of the one class that matters.

Secret world:

So another MMO that is a generic but has some special things. Instead of the story being the draw, here it is the way combat works( i remember some unique interesting variations to the normal way an mmo would work) and the weird puzzles/minigames. This becoming free to play really gets me into it, because i think of the MMO's that are out there now, this is probably the more uniquely interesting. On the list too, but after star wars.

Guild wars 2:

Now, Jeff didnt really like this game. To him it was a let down. But I never played Guild wars, in fact when i saw it on the shelf at walmart all those years ago, and some one told me it was kinda like a Rpg which i assumed meant turn based which meant i hated that unless it was pokemon. I dont come to the series with the same mind, to me a well made MMO that did a lot of smart things are reasons to give it a chance. I have heard other people talk about it, specifically Hollander Cooper on his new podcast radioradar. He made the game out to be way more interesting then Jeff did. Of course the guy has rose coloured glasses but he also has played a lot of the game, like really a lot.

So what i would like to see is people correct me, give me suggestions for which to play and why? You could convince me not to even try them. Is there another unique MMO i missed of note? Fantasy star? that one that they quick looked a little while ago with the little girl class?