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#1  Edited By SuperGary

Uploaded two new levels today that are at both ends of the difficulty spectrum. The first level might be my hardest one yet (or at least top two) and is quite an uptempo level with lots of tricky jumps. It also finishes with a rather crazy jump trick that you can get a little glimpse off from the thumbnail.

Mario's Molten Manoeuvres

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This next stage is relatively straight forward and was designed with speed running in mind. There are a few paths to choose from.

Mushzoom Kingdom

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#2  Edited By SuperGary

Decided to re-upload a level that was previously axed to make way for another. This level is based around a simple concept surrounding falling donuts, and also because I really like the name.

Cloudy with a Chance of Donuts

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@smeatbass Finished The Red Devil. Really enjoyed it and it was just the right side of hard without being too frustrating. Those vines somehow caused me the most grief. I will check out Horrorcore as well at some point. With Balancing Act you need to make sure all POW blocks get past the one-way barriers. This is done by balancing them on top of the one you are carrying. It is quite easy to do once you get the hang of it.

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#3  Edited By SuperGary

I thought I would celebrate the ability to upload more levels by uploading 2 new ones. My last few levels have very few completions, so I thought I would make an easier level that is hopefully still somewhat enjoyable.

Boohind You!

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This next level is another tricky one (not as hard as my last few) and involves a neat juggling mechanic with POW blocks.

Balancing Act

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Thanks again to everyone who has tried my levels.

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#4  Edited By SuperGary

Has anyone had any of their levels removed by Nintendo? I have now had two of my levels removed without any explanation as to why. After reading the recent Kotaku article by @patrickklepek I think one of my levels must have been removed because it had the word 'Like' in the title. The full title of the level was 'Like A Bullet Train' and was a short level that required quick completion, hence the name. It seems common sense would suggest I wasn't trying to obtain stars by using the word like in this instance.

Today, I had another level removed, 'The Entryway Enigma: Round II', which I think a few people from this thread had played. It had 0 completion from around 150 attempts, so I'm guessing it was removed for being too difficult, despite there being much harder levels out there.

Anyway, that left a space for me to upload a new level, which is even harder than the one removed. I thought I would make a kaizo style level, minus hidden blocks, and with a couple of checkpoints. The difficulty in the level is front loaded, with each subsequent section after each checkpoint becoming easier.

Kaizo Söze

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Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to play my levels. I have enjoyed playing through the ones from here and plan to keep doing so.

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#5  Edited By SuperGary

Created a short little platforming trials type level that gets rather tricky towards the end.

Falling With Style

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This is an older level I made that only has 1 completion from 500 attempts. I didn't expect it to be this challenging. You basically are against the clock in this level as you have to reach the end before the P-doors vanish.

Prompt Platforming

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@themasterds The Blue Shell Incident is a really well designed level. At first I thought there was too many enemies, but once you get the clown car and make your way back through the level it really works well. The level makes very good use of using the same areas more than once.

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My latest level which was uploaded last night prevented me from checking out some levels from the previous couple of pages, but they have been bookmarked and I will get to them eventually. My most recent level took a rather long time to upload, which is mainly thanks to not being able to use the checkpoints during the upload process. If you like challenging levels that push some of the mechanics surrounding spin jumps and using P-switches and POW blocks in interesting ways then hopefully you will enjoy this level. I'd imagine the clearance rate on this one to be extremely low.

Castle Conundrum

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Just uploaded my latest creation. It is a twist on my last level Bob-ombardment. This time you travel on a platform made of blocks while navigating obstacles. However, as you go along the platform becomes narrower and narrower making the next section a little trickier.

Final Voyage of the Rickety Raft

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#8  Edited By SuperGary

Bob-ombardment: A level based around a destroyable moving platform that you have to protect from many dangers.

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I may as well plug a couple of old levels that haven't had any plays in quite a while.

Palette Swappin': A level based around a cool mechanic that can be done using the Super Mario world Koopas. Clue is in the title.

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Pipe Dream: A short puzzle level based around trying to access a horizontal floating pipe. It is a lot trickier than how it may seem at first.

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Thanks to everyone who has tried out my previous levels.

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Hopefully the new website will help to find levels outside of the standard music and automatic levels currently flooding the in-game course lists.

I made a new level, which takes what I originally thought was the single hardest trick to pull off, and then made it that bit harder. It is my most recent level, called Pipe Dream, and involves accessing a pipe that doesn't have any ground underneath it. You can find it and bookmark it for later thanks to supermariobookmaker.

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#10  Edited By SuperGary

@jellybones: Thanks. It can be easy to mess up slightly and have to start over again, which is why I made the level quite short. Your idea to section it off using pipes would eleviate that issue. If I return to that idea again I will do just that.

I made a really tricky follow up to one of my levels. It is a collection of puzzle rooms with the solution in plain sight, but the tricky part comes in pulling off the solution.

The Entryway Enigma: Round II - CE8A-0000-0120-BDFF

Here is the code for the original level, which is much easier, so might be worth checking first.

The Entryway Enigma - 99F7-0000-00FD-DE18