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Games I Completed in 2010

My new years resolution for 2010 was to complete all games that I've never gotten around to completing, or even playing, while some were just games I felt like playing through again. I basically just picked out games from GameRanking's best of list and added my own games which I wanted to play. A lot of these games were sorta long games, such as the Final Fantasy games which I easily put 20 hours into each. From June until around November I was pretty much playing these games back to back, but I managed to stay sane by playing some recent titles I hadn't gotten around to playing like Mass Effect.
There were still a few games I missed out on (most notably Mario Galaxy, Okami and Metroid Prime) which I'll get around to playing in 2011, hopefully. My current 2011 list that I'm building has a lot of SNES and DS games in it.
So, here is my list of games I completed in 2010 (in order of completion) and what I thought of them.

List items

  • I'm not sure I liked this one too much. Like a few people I've heard from, I wasn't terribly interested in another BioShock game and basically played through the linear story in a couple days and forgot what even happened a few weeks later. Smacking the shit out of dudes with an electric drill was kinda awesome, though.

  • While the game had a pretty generic story, it was fun to just turn your brain off and zip around in your parachute and grappling hook blowing the shit out of people. Hanging out on a hill outside of a base and plotting your plan and then blowing the whole place away before jumping into a jet-fighter was a ton of fun. There were some real crazy mods that let you do some insane stuff, too.

  • A pretty short game, with a fairly uninteresting story. At spots, it almost seems like Ubisoft were gonna try and take a few steps into MGS territory “You thought I was working for YOU but I was really working for ME!”-“Haha, that’s what YOU think!”. Sneaking around in the dark, hanging outside windows and messing with the enemy was still totally fun, though.

  • A slow burn, but once the game gets its hooks into you, you can't stop. Really enjoyed just running around the really well designed cities, upgrading your villa, buying new swords and stabbin dudes in the face. Uh! Also, that fucking ending.

  • A really beautiful game with some pretty decent gameplay to boot. The graphics are just so clean and imaginative. Looking backwards as you slowly sail away from an island really made you feel you were in this huge world.

  • Pretty generic, but some of the weapons were pretty cool and the game looks pretty decent if you've got the right hardware. They made an attempt for you to like the characters, but to be honest the only guy I cared for was the hippie pilot. When he died I was like omg ;(

  • Theres a lot of fandom behind this game which turns a lot of people off, but really, it's an alright game. The whole looming apocalypse with this spooky overworld theme was probably at least a partial inspiration for Majora's Mask. Looking back on it, there isn't a good reason why the graphics were so janky, but the gameplay and characters still make the game good enough to go back to.

  • A lot of people hate on this, but I still like it. It definitely has the most 'normal' characters and the story and world are interesting. Sure, the whole drawing magic thing is ridiculous but once you realise you can totally break the game with it, it's kind of fun.

  • Along with Final Fantasy XII, this is the only Final Fantasy game I didn't want to end. It's a straight up no-fuss JRPG with characters who are really interesting and lovable, with Vivi probably being my favorite video game characters of all time. The story is just a nice fantasy story with princesses and wizards that doesn't take itself too seriously.

  • The part where I realised this game was awesome was with the sidequest where you left Robo to plant a forest and then went through time and found him completely ruined hundreds of years later. Traveling to different time periods was totally rad, and the multiple endings were neat.

  • As a friend once told me: Chrono Cross isn't a sequel, it's a fanfiction. I really hated this one. Lots of people really love it and has a perfect 10 on GameSpot. The scenery is quite nice, but the story is just so awful. I had to force myself to play through it and by the 8 hour mark I was bored to tears. Luckily I just ran right through it and beat it by about the 14 hour mark. The gameplay is pretty bad, too. No monsters play by the rules, and the game is constantly laughing in your face.

  • Link to the Past felt like such a flawless sequel to it's predecessor. They added so much to the game and made all these totally crazy items and dungeons with puzzles, with a really nice artstyle. Still a game you can go back to and enjoy.

  • Still my favorite handheld Zelda game. The whole island location is cool, and one of the final dungeons lets you exit a cave and just see the endless ocean. I thought this was pretty breathtaking when I was a kid and still think it's awesome, made even greater considering the hardware limitations. The ending was a mindfuck then and it's still a mindfuck now.

  • Probably the best looking game for the PlayStation. This is a game which by all rights should have been on the PS2. The constant switching between blunt and sharp weapons is a drag, but the story (especially the translation) and music is top notch.

  • I appreciate the game for it's no-fuss JRPG gameplay, some of the environments are really nice and the sphere grid was kinda cool. The story was kinda ridiculous though and the pilgrimage really drags near the end and Tidus is a complete egotist. Also, I don't think Kimari's backstory needed to be in there. Nobody cares about Kimari.

  • I'll admit, this game is sexy as fuck. Before I played it, I seriously thought it was just about going around singing at concerts, which wasn't too far from the truth, actually. The mission structure is pretty cool, but the story was kind of disappointing and didn't really do what I wanted from a sequel to X. Also, Wakka and Lulu. Not cool.

  • Primitive as hell, but still just a no-fuss RPG which is a lot of fun. Pretty much wrote the rules for the genre, which are still relevant today. Since you only fight one monster at a time, you could just frameskip on an emulator while grinding and be done with this one in about 5 hours.

  • A pretty significant update from the previous game. The world was way bigger and the battle system just seemed like a logical update. I have no idea how anyone completed this game without a walkthrough, though, as some of the puzzles are just ridiculously obscure. I guess they took a lot of tips from the Ultima series. Also the game had a lot of dirty tricks, like stealing all your money or taking one of your party members away and making you find a cure for them.

  • I played Final Fantasy I&II on the Dawn of Souls compilation on GBA, and I thought the game is still totally playable. It's straight up JRPG action, and like these classic jrpgs, are still fun to play. Plus being able to pick your own party was pretty fun, I once beat the game with an entire team of theives. Hell yes.

  • I guess Squaresoft felt they had to change things up a bit, because the leveling system in this game is pretty weird. For those who don't know, you level up your skills buy USING the skill, so your sword skill would only go up as you use it. And get this, your health only goes up when you are on critical health. Sort of like a workout system. There was this dirty trick where you could just get your health down to a critical level and just let early level monsters wail on you for like 15 minutes and your health would double. Storywise, you're just lookin for crystalz. Yep.

  • You can be a chick in this game, which rules. This might only apply to the SNES fan translation I was playing, but I think this is the only JRPG that lets you change clothes with items. You could get items like Bikinis and Tiger costumes and make you or your party wear them and it would change their sprite. About 3/4 of the way through when you think you've finished the game, it chucks you into a whole new world, where you'd go 'OH DAMN. IT'S DRAGON QUEST I!!!". Also, you can have a bunnygirl in your party. Rad.

  • Was expecting the whole shrinking mechanic to come into play more often. There are a few bits where you need to shrink to get into another room to activate a switch, but that was about it. By the end I was thinking 'wait, that's it?'. I don't feel they successfully put Wind Waker's artstyle into the game, with everything just having this weird SNES prerendered look.

  • My favorite survival horror game of all time. There's just something so awesome about being a special ops teammate, having the mission go wrong and slowly uncovering this facility and learning how everything went to hell. I thought the game was pretty scary when I was a kid, like entering the first save room and seeing this blood trail, following it, and getting the DUNNNN with a totally ruined guy on the floor.

  • Not as good as the first one, but Capcom changed things up that made the game kinda cool. This one is pure arcade action. Before you barely had enough ammo to kill one dinosaur, but here you're goddamn BLASTING THEM AWAY. You even get a combo count, for god's sake! There were some pretty cool areas, like the underwater area where you're harpooning dinosaurs, but didn't think the locations were as cool as Dino Crisis 1. Probably because it was all prerendered.

  • I'm not really interested in Call of Duty, but felt I needed to play this just to see what it was all about. The story is pretty ridiculous, but I don't think any other game puts you in this rollercoaster ride like CoD does. The game is about as long as it needs to be, because playing the game in one sitting is the way to go, I think.

  • The voice acting in this game is probably the greatest ever conceived. That's no joke. The part where Wesker asks Jill to look for clues has so much emotion that it makes me weep. Fucking masterpiece.

    Seriously though, this game is still totally playable and fun. We wouldn't have a lot of games without it. You don't even have to bother with the remake, and if you want the essential experience, voice work and all, just stick with this one.

  • My darkest secret: I have never beaten the Leon disc, so I still have no idea what the whole deal is with Ada Wong. Like the original, this game is still a lot of fun and atmospheric. The start of the game where you're in this totally devastated city is awesome, and I'm a total sucker for secret underground facilities.

  • I really wanted to just roam this chaotic, zombie-infested Raccoon City and this game totally lets you do that. The best part of the game is where you enter a new area and can be greeted by this big old tyrant yelling "S.T.A.R.S!!!" which scares the shit out of you. If you run away and hide out in a save room, there is this really horrific music playing, with loud footsteps outside, just waiting for you to come outside.

  • Another one of those 'gotta see what it's all about' games. There are a few funny bits here and there, and the Milkman stage is pretty great, but overall not really a game I'll play again.

  • A lot of people say this is the spiritual successor to Shenmue, which I can agree with. Hanging out with hostess girls and beating the shit out of drunk guys who pick fights with you, what's there not to like? Beating dudes up is a lot of fun, and the story is actually alright! The profanity is out of control, which a lot of people say is cheesy, but I say is the GOOD kind of cheese.

  • The last 'classic' Resident Evil, if you're not counting the Aftermath games and Resident Evil 0 (nobody does). I think they perfected the formula, and just made a game that is really fun to play. When I first played this years ago I was stuck on the boss in the aircraft because I used up all my explosive darts and had to start the game over from the start, something I remembered not to do this time!

  • I'm not really a good strategy person, which is why I'm usually no good at RTS games and I'm certainly not good at SRPGs, either. I got through the game just fine, but the levels just went on and on and I really had to grind a lot of the jobs up to some good levels to make things fair and the game feels it should have ended at the 30 hour mark, but you'll probably hit 40 before you beat it. Some of the stages you're kicking ass and you realise the game is pretty fun but other times it's just downright infuriating "GOD DAMNIT GET BACK HERE YOU SHIT. NO DON'T CAST CUREAGA. FUCK IT".

  • Sometimes you just wanna smack up some zombies. Everything about killing zombies in Dead Rising 2 is so satisfying. Though some of the bosses were kinda lame, and you could probably get through the whole game with the spikebat or axe sledgehammer. It's one of those games where you have a blast while playing it but once you're done with it, not really into playing it again for a while.

  • A cool spin on the Tomb Raider franchise, but I just ran through the game in a day and completely forgot what even happened a few days later. A lot of people say it's cool to go back and do all the objectives you couldn't do earlier. Me, though? Nope.

  • It took them a while, but Capcom made a totally awesome and deserving sequel. They really changed the gameplay up and inspired some pretty important games. RE4 is so lonely and so disgusting and creepy and the looming danger of this parasite inside you really stresses you out. After playing it you really want to take a hot bath and get cozy. Of course, the really drag of RE4 is Ashley. "LEON. HEEEEEEEEEEELP. HELP ME LEON. AAAAAA". SHUT UP AND EAT THIS EGG I FOUND, DAMNIT.

  • Dug out the DVD for this game from out of an old graphics card card box. The mechs were kinda cool and running around in the snow was neat and it's got that whole 'turn off your brain and shoot shit' thing going on. While the bosses were pretty huge and cool looking, most of them were just cheap and boring. The story sucks, too.

  • A pretty interesting spin on the open-world genre and had some pretty neat ideas. It's a total throwback to films like Animal House and Revenge of the Nerds and they nailed all the stereotypes. But as the great Gerstmann once said: real 15-year olds don't pass out at 2am. And that shit is all that matters.

  • I was originally going to just play Metroid again, but then figured I should just play this one instead, even if it's not the TRUE game. It's straight up Metroid, and the final area where you're running away practically naked from space pirates, but then get all your stuff back and totally kick their ass is awesome.

  • I really like the visual style of this game. I hear Miyamoto was outright told to make a prerendered game like Donkey Kong, but he told them to fuck off and made this crayola thing work. There are some totally crazy powerups you can get, which were really fun to use. It would have been cool to keep the overworld map from SMW, but whatever, right?

  • This is the part where I reveal that I don't know anyone who wants to play coop games online, so my first introduction of this game was pretty boring. It was fun to just mow down zombies and the level designs are kinda cool, but once I got through all the levels I uninstalled.

  • Bethesda games are still unmatched when it comes to being able to just do whatever you want. While I felt the game was superior to Fallout 3, for some reason once I beat it I didn't feel like going back to do all the side quests. I put over 100 hours into F3 but barely broke 20 on NV. Maybe I just didn't want to deal with the complete busted-ass engine anymore.

  • They didn't change too much from Resident Evil 4, which is totally okay. It was cool to have a partner around this time which makes sure you won't go lonely. The environments and cutscenes are pretty amazing and everything just looks so gross and makes you think you're going to catch malaria by just looking at the game.

  • Possibly my favorite game of all time. I'll admit that the game starts to drag near the end, but I think all games get tiresome at the 30 hour mark. This game is just simply beautiful and I really think that XII looks better than XII. The world is so engaging and realised and you can tell that so much love and care went into the world design, art direction and animation. I would wake up in the middle of the night with the music from Dalmasca Estersand and Phon Coast in my head. You could complete the main story and still have lots of really great locations to explore. The gambit system was a really refreshing addition to the series and I'm bummed out they didn't stick with it or at least make a spinoff using it.

  • Since I didn't really like the first one, there wasn't much hope for this one either. It's an alright game, but unless you have some of your friends you're gonna have a pretty boring time. The explosive rounds and katanas were totally out of control though, and the level with the insane downpour was pretty inventive.

  • Played this so many times where I would get up to acquiring the Normandy and just get bored with it. If you stick with it though, you'll have a blast. Constantly getting better and better armor which you couldn't wait to see what looked like was cool, and you really felt you were just smokin dudes while rollin in goddamn space. Also lesbian sex with Liara was rad as fuck.

  • At first I wasn't really into the changes they made, when I had my fem Shepard walking around with this huge grenade launcher on her back I couldn't unequip, but I soon really got into it. It was the first game for a while where I could just play and play and lose track of time. The characters were really great, and all the missions were varied and a lot of fun.

  • Kind of essential, but probably hasn't aged too well. I only played it because I felt I had to, but had such a time that reminded me why I don't like real-time strategy games so much. The story is kinda cool, but that's where it ends for me. StarCraft 2 for 2011? We'll see. We'll see...

  • I thought the story for Blops was interesting considering it's a Call of Duty game, but for the most part thought it was pretty generic. It's still fun to be immersed in this action movie that has all this attention put into it, though. Also, Helvetica.

  • This game received some pretty bad reviews but I thought it was rad. The clean artstyle, combined with the charming low-polygon models gave the game a pretty unique look. Katalax Island looks nice, and upgrading your armor and fighting these huge bosses was fun.

  • I kind of enjoyed this one, especially the creepy S&M undertones between Tron and her servbots. Some of the minigames are kinda fun, plus it was cool to just be a total jerk and steal all this money and loot. Some parts of the game are pretty terrible, though. I kid you not, there is a boss that you takes 15 minutes to beat but has the easiest pattern to memorize, so you're just launching servbots into his nose and waiting for him to open his mouth for barely 3 seconds before doing it over and over again.

  • Despite what the critics thought, I think it is inferior to the original. Most of the levels were just a chore and the underwater level was a disaster. The bosses just felt boring and cheap, too.

  • I thought it had an interesting concept, but really didn't like it too much. I understand people really like it, but to me if felt that since there was a nearly zero-margin for error, making you try the level over and over again, the level design was just poor. To each their own, I guess.

  • A game I've been meaning to play for years. Was about to take the original Xbox out of storage just to play it until I realised that it was actually released on PC. D'oh! I really dig the cel-shaded artstyle and while the gameplay was kinda generic, I still had a good time.

  • The job system in this game is totally out of control and cool and I think they really need to do it again. You could totally have a white mage that could equip swords. That's all you need to know. Crystals are back again and they kinda ripped off the whole 'brand new worldmap' thing from Dragon Quest III, but then they totally one-upped them by making them go BACK! Ohhhh, SNAP!!!

  • A real overlooked classic. You can beat this game in one sitting and the game is actually designed for you to do so. The graphics have not aged well (were pretty bad for the time, infact) but the game has some really slick animation. A really unique game, and I would buy the hell out of a sequel.

  • Still my favorite Metal Gear Solid game. Next to MGS3, probably has the least ridiculous plot. There is something about the whole art design and the graphics that act as a nostalgia juice for me. Avoiding guards and hiding in airducts and finding all the little things that Kojima snuck into the game make it so enjoyable. As a kid, all the insane things like putting the controller into port 2 totally blew my mind.

  • My last game for 2010. A really amazing world with some interesting characters. The game just goes on and on though, when you think you're nearing the end it turns out you're not even half way through the game. The game lets you dress up Jessica though, so you don't get too lonely on those painfully long treks through the wilderness.