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Tao and Diane were sisters? And Kane and Max (Able?) were brothers? So much of the Shining story i've missed!

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Clans (only) of the Old Horde

Now that Blizzard decided to relaunch Warcraft with an altered history timeline, and since i had already tried to collect this information before, but rather crudely here, i'm going to create a second, more organized list, omitting out the Darkspear and other Jungle Troll tribes, leaving the Forest Trolls in, just.... out of respect.

Orc Clans

1) Black Tooth Grin clan

2) Blackrock clan

You see these guys in RoC, all remaining evil orcs who are still serving the Burning Legion fall into this clan. And I believe Rend and Maim, the assassins who killed Thrall's dad (Durotan) in the Lord of the Clans book were part of Blackrock. Meaning, all remaining "evil" orcs

3) Bleeding Hollow clan

4) Bonechewer clan

5) Burning Blade clan

6) Dragonmaw clan

Appears in Day of the Dragon, captured Alexstraza and bred the Red Dragon Brood under Nekros Skullcrusher's command

7) Frostwolf clan

Thrall's (and Durotan's) clan. I would say 1 of the two (or three) clans mentioned in Lord of the Clans.

8) Laughing Skull clan

9) Mok'Nathal clan (half-ogres):

Rexxar is from this clan.

10) Shadowmoon clan

11) Shattered Hand clan

Featured in "Lords of War", promotion for "Warlords of Draenor"

12) Stormreaver clan

Gul'Dan's clan, clan of the warlocks (a newer, corrupted class that was more powerful than the Shaman)

13) Thunderlord clan

14) Twilight's Hammer clan

15) Warsong clan

Grom Hellscream's clan, wore purple, and was prominently featured in Lord of the Clans

Troll Tribes

Zandalar Troll Tribes

Zandalari tribe

Forest Troll Tribes

Amani Tribe

The oldest of the oldest races in Azeroth (?) Zul'Jin's tribe? the race from which Night Elves (and all elf races, actually) and Naga sprang up from

Firetree tribe

Mossflayer tribe

Revantusk tribe

Smolderthorn tribe

Vilebranch tribe

Witherbark tribe

Shadowpine tribe

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