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Games I Finished In 2017

As I'm in my mid 30's with 2 kids, I don't get a chance to finish a lot of games (although that doesn't seem to stop me buying them), but here's the ones I did manage to get through this year.

List items

  • This is the only game that I actually set time aside for, and after 100+ hours I'm glad I did. Even started NG+ immediately after the credits rolled and got a third of the way through before finally moving on to something else.

  • Beat the Story Mode to get ready for the release of Injustice 2.

  • Oh my, what fun I had with this game. Still play this and find new stupid ways to complete my mission. Can't wait for the next series of content.

  • Down to my last little bit of health with my last soldier, I finished the campaign by the skin of my teeth with the help of the RNG gods. Diving into the wealth of mods keep bring me back to the battlefield.

  • For about the billionth time, this is the go to game when my wife wants to play, and having the new Necromancer class to play made it extra enjoyable this time.

  • Not really a finishable game per se, but I have had the great taste of a chicken dinner. So that is why I put this on the list. Also my friends and I keep coming back to this almost nightly. Other than Persona 5, this is my most played game this year.

  • Never did play the first one, but my instigating friends convinced me to pick this up on the PC to play with them.