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Potential concept: hoaxes that became real in later games?

Hey there! Welcome to a blog post by me that doesn't have anything to do with the Giant Bomb API or any pimping of projects of mine based around it. Instead, you get to read a semi-lengthy rant! 
Before we get started, however, there's a few things you need to know real quick:

  1. It's 9:21AM as I'm writing this bullet point
  2. I didn't sleep last night
  3. I wrote a very long, seven-paragraph rant about Red Dead Redemption's crazy DLC stuff, and what you're about to read was a footnote at the end of it
  4. I ended up deciding that the rant was worthless compared to the footnote
  5. The footnote isn't too great either
  6. I just realized I left my laundry in the (dorm) drier overnight. Blast.
Anyways, let's get into it! Like I said, I was ranting about Red Dead Redemption and all of its craziness surrounding its latest DLC pack, and I was going to go on and on about how strange it is to pile zombies and Bigfoot and stuff like that into what was previously a sorta-believable pulpy western game, when I realized that having Bigfoot in the game would actually be totally awesome. 
Not because Bigfoot is very awesome on his/her own, or that he/she really fits in Red Dead Redemption at all, but because of the infamous hoax wherein some claimed that Bigfoot was in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It's hard to imagine that putting him/her into RDR was anything but a shout-out to that past game.
So I was thinking about this, and then it occurred to me... maybe we should have a wiki concept for games that were supposed to have a certain thing in them, but it turned out to be a hoax, but then that thing was put into a sequel or spin-off of that game. I can only think of a few off the top of my head: 
I don't know if this quite constitutes a concept, but if it does, Giant Bomb, we need a terrible/awesome portmanteau to go with it. I'm all out of ideas, so... thoughts? Or perhaps other games that contain things that were supposed-to-be-in-previous-or-otherwise-related games but were actually hoaxes? I swear there's at least a couple more that I can't think of. 
Apologies in advance if this is still rather ranty. I swear I meant it to be like two sentences long when I started writing it.


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Edited By takua108

Hey there! Welcome to a blog post by me that doesn't have anything to do with the Giant Bomb API or any pimping of projects of mine based around it. Instead, you get to read a semi-lengthy rant! 
Before we get started, however, there's a few things you need to know real quick:

  1. It's 9:21AM as I'm writing this bullet point
  2. I didn't sleep last night
  3. I wrote a very long, seven-paragraph rant about Red Dead Redemption's crazy DLC stuff, and what you're about to read was a footnote at the end of it
  4. I ended up deciding that the rant was worthless compared to the footnote
  5. The footnote isn't too great either
  6. I just realized I left my laundry in the (dorm) drier overnight. Blast.
Anyways, let's get into it! Like I said, I was ranting about Red Dead Redemption and all of its craziness surrounding its latest DLC pack, and I was going to go on and on about how strange it is to pile zombies and Bigfoot and stuff like that into what was previously a sorta-believable pulpy western game, when I realized that having Bigfoot in the game would actually be totally awesome. 
Not because Bigfoot is very awesome on his/her own, or that he/she really fits in Red Dead Redemption at all, but because of the infamous hoax wherein some claimed that Bigfoot was in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It's hard to imagine that putting him/her into RDR was anything but a shout-out to that past game.
So I was thinking about this, and then it occurred to me... maybe we should have a wiki concept for games that were supposed to have a certain thing in them, but it turned out to be a hoax, but then that thing was put into a sequel or spin-off of that game. I can only think of a few off the top of my head: 
I don't know if this quite constitutes a concept, but if it does, Giant Bomb, we need a terrible/awesome portmanteau to go with it. I'm all out of ideas, so... thoughts? Or perhaps other games that contain things that were supposed-to-be-in-previous-or-otherwise-related games but were actually hoaxes? I swear there's at least a couple more that I can't think of. 
Apologies in advance if this is still rather ranty. I swear I meant it to be like two sentences long when I started writing it.
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Edited By MooseyMcMan

Neat idea, but I don't think there are enough games with it to justify its own page. 

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Edited By Make_Me_Mad

Gouken appearing in SSF4 with all the moves of the rumored, totally fake hidden boss character Shenlong from Street Fighter 2?

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Ostrich Hammer

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Edited By Video_Game_King
@MooseyMcMan said:
" Neat idea, but I don't think there are enough games with it to justify its own page.  "
There are tons of concepts that don't have a lot of games for them, but are still there. Hell, I'm thinking of making a Slide-Jump Level page.
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Edited By Mariek430

Sand Goose thingy in Fable 1, was an Inn in Fable 2. I guess that works?

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Edited By InertiaticESP

"maybe we should have a wiki concept for games that were supposed to have a certain thing in them, but it turned out to be a hoax, but then that thing was put into a sequel or spin-off of that game "  

Perhaps a wiki for games that were RUMORED to have a certain thing in them, rather than SUPPOSED. Diablo wasn't "supposed" to have a secret cow level. Melee wasn't "supposed" to have Sonic. SM64 wasn't "supposed" to have Luigi (well there are people who'll debate me on that, but I rest my case).

Sometimes developers make a little nod to their fanbase by putting in Easter Eggs that refer to an older game concept that wasn't utilized, or rumors, however I really don't think it justifies it's own page.

If you wanna expand on the Easter Egg page and add a little section about how totally meta shit can get when devs start referencing other games they've made within one of their games, that would probably be better than starting a new section. It's just too vague a concept.
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Edited By takua108
@InertiaticESP said:
" "maybe we should have a wiki concept for games that were supposed to have a certain thing in them, but it turned out to be a hoax, but then that thing was put into a sequel or spin-off of that game "  

Perhaps a wiki for games that were RUMORED to have a certain thing in them, rather than SUPPOSED. Diablo wasn't "supposed" to have a secret cow level. Melee wasn't "supposed" to have Sonic. SM64 wasn't "supposed" to have Luigi (well there are people who'll debate me on that, but I rest my case).

Sometimes developers make a little nod to their fanbase by putting in Easter Eggs that refer to an older game concept that wasn't utilized, or rumors, however I really don't think it justifies it's own page.

If you wanna expand on the Easter Egg page and add a little section about how totally meta shit can get when devs start referencing other games they've made within one of their games, that would probably be better than starting a new section. It's just too vague a concept.
Perhaps you're right about the concept being too vague, but when I said "supposed to" I didn't mean it like, it was intended by the developers or anything. I meant basically what you said in the third paragraph, but without the necessity of it being an Easter egg (pretty much everything I listed wasn't an Easter egg).

But yeah, this was just an idea that popped into my head at some point when I realized "y'know, I can list multiple games in which this thing takes place, so maybe there should be a Giant Bomb concept page for it" (which is, I'm assuming, how most concept pages are started).
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Edited By PaulRevere
I like this idea because the example are not quite Easter eggs, but little nods all the same.

And another example:
The Living Forest in Mortal Kombat was rumored to have man-eating trees as a special fatality. False, until recently. That along the same lines?