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Screenshot moments

Batman: Arkham City - The most story telling screenshot ive ever taken
Batman: Arkham City - The most story telling screenshot ive ever taken
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - One of the most epic battles ive ever seen in a video game
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - One of the most epic battles ive ever seen in a video game
Bulletstorm - Love or hate the game, the scenery is stunning
Bulletstorm - Love or hate the game, the scenery is stunning
Dead Island -
Dead Island - "Just hanging out" made me laugh
Duke Nukem - Sometimes life can be so simple.. yet, so good
Duke Nukem - Sometimes life can be so simple.. yet, so good
Rage - I love things that go BOOM!
Rage - I love things that go BOOM!
Borderlands - Its the text at the top in combination with the shot that did it
Borderlands - Its the text at the top in combination with the shot that did it
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - It was exactly how i felt after playing this game
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - It was exactly how i felt after playing this game