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Quick Like A Quest Completion (aka Random Gaming Musings)

Haven't put up a blog here in a while, so I figured it was time to jot down some terse thoughts. Onward to bullet points! 

  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is easily the best game in the series combat-wise. It is frantic, fast, and fun. Too bad a real next game in the series won't be out until Haley Joel Osment needs a prostate exam 
  • Enslaved was awesome, until I heard that the PS3 version wasn't outputting in 5.1 sound. I didn't notice because the motion blur was making me nauseous for the first couple of hours, so by the time I was finally okay with the motion I was also used to the sound. Now it sits on a shelf, waiting for a patch. Fuck that shit. 
  • I am watching more StarCraft II than playing it. It's like watching a two football games and a chess match at the same time when a game is even remotely good. Friggin' awesome. 
  • My PSPgo is getting hella (!) traction lately as my mp3 player at work. It is the perfect size for my pocket, so while I run around like crazy I can listen to a playlist or the Bombcast. I'll stick to playing games on it at home (or on my PSP-2000 when something is not available as a download), but at this point it is getting a lot more use than anything I own besides my computer.
  • Netflix from the PS3s "xross" media bar is fantastic. Great quality, fast response time, and now I can actually use it (screw that disc, yo). Unfortunately, to get HD I have to set my system to 1080p, which is annoying since I prefer 720p for games. Only fifteen seconds of trouble, though, so it's worth it. 
  • Extremely disappointed by almost everything at TGS this year. Pretty signals the last of my defense of Japanese game development to stand down from red alert. 
  • Yakuza Of The End looks fucking awesome, though. I don't care for zombies and have therefore never played a single game featuring those things in their true form, but that Yakuza game has me all sorts of excited. 
  • After Final Fantasy XIV came out a broken mess, I realized that I didn't start playing FFXI until the US launch, which was at least a year after the Japanese version came out, meaning tons of patches and fixes. It is still one of the game I want most in the world, and from the way they supported XI I expect loads of content that will make it worth the monthly fee, so no big deal to wait a bit. 
  • I'm honestly starting to be annoyed by the overt cynicism of Ryan and Jeff. I still love them, now more than ever, but when they start talking shit for no reason other than personal preference it really irks me. Having an opinion is fine, but stating that something is dead ass wrong or god-awful as if it is fact is just a jackass move (in my opinion, of course). 
  • I really hope there is another Endurance one after the Holiday season.

  • I kinda want to play Fable 3, but I got bills, homey. Gonna have to wait until Q1 or Q2 2011 to get another 360 and play it. 

Well, that's it. Time to start up New Vegas and go buck wild being a goodie two-shoes.