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i finished some games 2017 spectacular

Welcome! It's a new year. I don't know what is going to happen. But nobody would anyway. Hopefully I'll put Persona 5 on this list. And I did.

A warning, I ramble and these things get long. Sorry!

Ratings are just a general range of enjoyment and don't mean much.

This list is slow, I've been shifty with my games and i have like 6 or so on all at once.

List items

  • A cult classic you could say, like many people I never knew of this game until blew up. At least I think that's what happened. Either way I merged into their community, as a lurker which is all I do anywhere online mostly.

    I played the game, listened to a podcast they had where people acted out the events of this game (I wonder what happened to them). I even listened to the radio station they had.

    Uh anyway decided to play this because Vinesauce started streaming it and I remembered that I started playing a romhack called The Rat Race awhile back but never finished. It's exactly Earthbound but written "for girls", Paula and Ness are switched, Paula being the MC and Poo is a girl. The default names are different as well.

    It's hard for me to translate my thoughts into words but basically the description of it being written from a female perspective was something I wanted to see. I never really think of who's writing what and I guess I feel like all the games I play are written by men mostly, or all I dunno.

    There's not really any way I can write this that doesn't make me feel like a dimwit but yeah.

    There's dialog or other things in games where it feel like only men were considered...? Something like that. And I wonder if I wasn't a male what I'd feel about that. I wouldn't feel very nice about it. I'm not really sure how to continue, but uh yeah this is a games list let's move on.

    The writing is well done/altered. It takes Earthbound into a religious turn. I don't know if the original writing did that but there is a Pray command. Though I don't think it was ever really religious. Either way this hack seemed to be positive on religion and maybe had a message about it too. I can't tell if it's serious though, it could have just been a world immersion thing. But yeah I thought it was a well done.

    As for the core gameplay, it's fun. However the it is quite frustrating a lot of the time. It's a challenging ass game. Also if you don't know what to do, you DON'T know what to do, luckily there's a hint guy. I remembered enough that I only needed a hint once but the first time I played I was very lost I'm sure.

    Navigating in the game is also frustrating sometimes and almost painfully slow. There are speed up items though. Ah but the inventory in this game in limited as hell and it really brings the game down. Hell even an old review of the game said the inventory sucked. It's limited, equipped items count as in bag items and it's the worst.

    Music is very good.

    The game is fun but has a lot of problems and I don't think I'll play it for a long time again. But it's a very charming experience.

    6/10 bounds

  • Oh boy, started playing the DLC that came out a bit ago with friends and they made the game way better so now I'm addicted.

    I had to do the campaign to get adventure mode (the good mode that made the game good actually) which was hell but now I'm done forever with it. It may have been a bad idea since now I will play even more which is not a good thing.


  • It ain't Breath of Fire, it's Breath of Death!

    Had this for awhile along with Cthulhu Saves the World, back when I never played Breath of Fire or knew what it was probably. I don't know how I found out about this game.

    I did start this game those years ago, I never got real far into it for reasons unknown to my current brain. I decided to start it up again since I'm trying to spend less money on new things/things only for me and am going to play a bunch of old stuff I never got to or beat or things I want to play again, whatever.

    It's a short as hell game, but considering it's paired with another game and is really cheap then it doesn't matter at all. I mean it's a fun little game either way and I cleared it in 6-7 hours.

    This game is super fast paced, you can skip through battles very quickly so if you don't like spending that much time grinding it's perfect in that regard. I enjoy grinding for some reason and having it be real quick feels oddly nice. Though it sacrifices animations of moves for it, though I believe it was intentional as the game looks like it could be on the NES.

    The game sounds really good, the music is nice and all that.

    Now the uh... selling point??? Is the humor in the game. I can't say if it's just me or maybe the game being quite some years old but it's mainly misses. It was never boring though and there was some funny things. Again, I'm not sure if it's just me not finding some things funny anymore or if some jokes are oldish.

    Either way I enjoyed this game and there's even post game stuff. Though it leaves you way into the dungeon you end in and getting to the end game stuff would take me running all the way out of the place and I don't really feel like doing that.

    7/10 breaths

  • Persona games got style, I couldn't deny that even if I didn't like them. I was constantly thinking how much I love the look of Persona 5. Paired with great music, it really brings everything together nicely.

    I played this game twice in a row, if that says anything. Completing the game just made me want more of it, which I was able to do. Honestly it was mainly the fact that I didn't complete all of the confidants (the relationships), pretty sure I had like 5 at rank 10. A lot of Persona is managing your time, and getting your attributes up (charm, intelligence, etc.) takes a lot of that time. Some confidant ranks require you to have a certain amount of an attribute, so you really have to keep up. There's actually one where the story needs to progress and later you have to have angelic kindness as well (the max).

    Maybe I'm bad at managing my time or "min maxing" as it were. Either way I didn't play it twice only for story. The gameplay was just really fun, especially with the All Out attacks. Every character you get on your team has a screen if they are the All Out starter and when they joined for the first time I loved trying to get them to do it. I'd have to say the main character, you, has the worst of them all. I just felt it was boring.

    Also nothing beats shooting the fuck outta shadows, though the guns don't really feel that powerful after mid game.

    Oh yeah, I love the characters in this game. It doesn't beat P3, but that's because man.... that game.... Uh yeah but I love these characters, as I said. This game is actually the first Persona where I've hated most the characters that become your teammates at the start. By that I mean they didn't give off good first impressions personally, not in a bad way, it was intentional I feel. Because you don't know any of their stories, they all just kinda butt into your business and annoy you. Then once you've gotten to see who they are it just makes you wonder why you hated them in the first place. The exceptions are Ryuji, who is my bro and Morgana.

    So there are problems with this game. Related to how it's paced, I'd say the first 30 or so hours just feels slow. The story makes you do what it wants for so long. In fact this barely lets up throughout the game. It's basically being on a roller coaster, you're ascending up to eventually drop down, but then you get stuck. Sure you're not gonna be stuck forever but the wait feels long. It's not because the story is bad, it just wastes time and there are moments where you ask how this was important and took up a whole day or why it even needed to happen.

    Also for the last team member you get, I felt like there wasn't enough time to spend time with them. I felt like having the whole team be together for longer would have felt great. They all work well together and it's a shame.

    New game+ is cool, I love being able to be OP for a change. They even add a certain optional battle that cancels that out and makes you feel like you don't even know how to play the game. Of course with the problem of how the story restricts you makes it pretty painful to play again when you just want to kill things and talk to people.

    The after credits ending left me a bit confused, just me I guess.

    I love this game, slow but strong.

    8.5/10 masks

  • (want to re-write this)

    So after completing Persona 5 for the second time, I was curious as to what Persona started off as. Why isn't Persona the first on this list then? Well let's say the map navigation really turned me off very fast on that game, so I just watched a playthrough.

    So after that I moved onto Persona 2. What's that you say? This is the second Persona 2? No I played Persona 3 before- oh.

    Yep turns out around half way through or more after playing this I found out this is the second part of Persona 2. I should have realized myself but I thought the story flashbacks were previews of me playing the next. In the end I'm actually happy with how it all turned out.

    I don't own a PSP so I "got" myself the PS1 (or PSX? What's the real term?) version of it.

    The biggest problem with this game is menu controls and just ease of access in general. For example, healing my team with mediarama. In 5 and maybe 3, 4 (it's been awhile) you go into your skills menu and boom you can just use any healing skill your personas have. No need to change your active persona. In this if you don't have the persona with the skill active, you have to change to the one that has it. You go to data, choose the character, press triangle, find your persona in the list (made easier with cursor memory) and select it. Exit out of those menus, go up to skill, choose the persona and THEN you can heal.

    It was pretty annoying going through most of this game. I can sum up my feelings to, this game is old and feels pretty old.

    Story was good, though sometimes I felt lost and didn't really know what was being said or happening? Probably just me. Music is real damn good, which is just a staple for Persona games I believe (

    Eh I'm done. I had a good time, wasn't really the best though.


  • Alright.

    This game. It's really hard to say anything without just giving things away.

    Ever played a game where you've taken notes throughout, for basically everything? That is what I did. Holy hell, I came up with theories, came up with answers to what was going on, some close answers, some spot on, some that were basically just conspiracies. Danganronpa is very good with giving you every detail, though with some hidden at points. This game makes you feel smart because you've figured things out before they even mention it at the points your character or others bring it up. Even then, sometimes shit is brought up that leaves you wondering if you were really paying attention.

    Even when you were wrong about something, you can see that the track you were on was going in the right direction. I felt very good when playing this game. Though there were some points where I'm trying to explain something or have to and the game kinda doesn't really give you a good way to explain it the way you want. It was mainly me, but I'd still say the 1 or 2 points I was SUPER stuck is both the fault of me and the game.

    But those were rare, and the 99% of this game I was just loving it. I didn't know what to expect with this game honestly. I heard it existed from Slowbeef, where he gave the general idea of what you do but... I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I GOT INTO. Which, the only way I can explain, is very meta.

    I can't do this game justice with my words, basically all I can do is recommend playing it. It left me just thinking about everything when I wasn't playing it. Which is why I finished this game, as I did with P5, it was like 6am.

    9/10 bullets

  • I had fun.

  • Just like the third, I borrowed this from my bud AjayRaz which was lucky since I didn't have to buy it myself. I couldn't find it anyway.

    This game is extremely better than the third game. The gameplay itself is exactly the same, aside from some nice additions to help you grind more characters at once. But it had characters I actually enjoyed and didn't hate for the whole game. Well, mostly.

    Really love the writing, taking the piss out of JRPGs despite being a heavy JRPG, being oddly perverted, entertaining and informative! My goodness I never thought I'd learn about sardines so much (or at all really). That's one thing, there are reoccurring jokes that some may find just annoying since they could get old easily. One of the characters I didn't like is a victim of that. Though she's a jerk so I didn't like her anyway.

    Disgaea is my type of game, since I enjoy grinding for some reason. I'm really happy I was able to find out about this series.

    I very much want to play 5, but I need a Switch (which is both expensive and impossible to find apparently) a new TV (Switch doesn't support RGB cables, I use a CRT) or a HDMI converter. Apparently 5 may come on the PC but the timeline for that is a mystery at best. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

  • Writers block. Not that I'm a writer or even remotely good at language itself but I don't have a good intro for this.

    Maybe that's fitting, Miitopia is a weird game. Miitopia is pretty much the spiritual successor to Tomodachi Life, which has to be made by the same developers. Tomodachi Life did have an RPG in it, except it was incredibly RNG and incredibly boring. So it's possible they could have screwed this game up.

    They didn't, I really enjoyed playing this game. It's goofy, fun and it's got JOBS!

    Oddly enough it uses the same battle system that Persona 3 had where you control yourself but not your team. Now that seems bad and yeah I would like to actually choose what they do but it makes sense. The game is easy, really. Having control of everybody would make this just a breeze. Still you could say it's artificial difficulty.

    Did you know the music in this game is surprisingly amazing?

    Something that should have been done different is the areas you go to. Basically you go through a linear road, and you might run into branching paths. You can go back later after you finish the area but it's really annoying. I'd rather they just make it a long ass road and send me through everything. It would have made the game more fun and more difficult. Also I really wish the direction you went related to the direction of the road, it's always you just go to the right no matter what.

    Anyway I've once again gone too long and lost the really good writing in my head that I swear I had.

    Good game!

  • Hey I play this game a lot. Except this time I decided to try a randomizer for this game! Inspired by some Vinesauce streamers playing a randomized Super Metroid.

    I went all out and let it randomize everything from character and monster stats to who could use what weapons. The whole experience was actually pretty funny and managed to make the game harder (It's an easy game). It even changed the way I played. Usually I spend my time killing monsters and doing all the side stuff but some enemies only died from using magic moves and it wasn't worth wasting the FP and buying items. Either way the items ended up being real powerful and killing monsters was real easy most of the time.

    Bowser ended up being the most powerful of my group, he had solid defense and hit like a train (not to mention getting really good magic moves). Mario, Peach and Geno got the short end on defense and died real easy most of the time. Peach was able to kill things super well along with Mario, but Geno got the short end. He was not good at anything and his moves were weak. Mallow was second MVP since he could Geno boost Mario and Bowser so Mario could actually live a bit longer for bosses and Bowser became a god. Not to mention Bowser got to wear the lazy shell.

    Turns out using other characters items (except Geno who can only use his own since apparently he crashes the game with any other weapons) changes their model to fit the vanilla weapon user but keeps the palette. I didn't see all of them since I got the powerful weapons early (store rando).

    I had a lot of fun doing this, it was wacky and was just real interesting. I wonder what other games I would randomize. I know I wanted to to SMW randomized but was keen on streaming it. Wont do that right away.

  • Guess who spent every penny on a Switch. Did you know a full price game costs 95 dollars in Quebec? Anyway first world problems.

    I say I beat the game here but I really just beat the main story.

    This is it though. The best Disgaea game that exists. A prime result of a series that knows exactly what it is, and improves each time. All the other games are basically just for story at this point and I don't see much reason to play any of them if you get this.

    Customization is through the roof on this one which is fantastic (editing color palettes!!!!) and you can make your characters into whatever you want (which you could do in the other games but I think a lot more harder and maybe pointless).