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A rough excerpt from an even rougher version of a story.

The raw power coursed through his hand.  The veins felt as though they were on fire.  Casually he gazed down at his hand.  It was not burned though it should have been.  It was scarred horribly, but the burn was gone.  What was left was a cross stitching of spidery white scars all across his hand.  He knew that if he were to look at the other hand, a similar image would look back at him.  He also knew had he looked at mirror he would see that his face too, sported such scars.  This is now who he is.  A trade to be sure.  A normal appearence, for this incredible energy that now flowed through him. 

The price, however, had been too great for him to block out the memories of that chance moment that changed his life.  Never could he forget that look of utter hatred that his brother had given him.  Those eyes burned with such cold hatred.  He had never meant for any of this to happen.  Fury and remorse sweeled throughout his body, all along it thin tendrils of electricity sparked their way up his body.  It was incredibly painful.  Almost excrusiatingly so.  He could barely maintin consciousness as he attempted to shunt the pain to his hands.  He curled the up into fists, tightly as he could manage, and felt the untold energy focused there.  They took on a white glow as the burning sensation became too much and not even his deep emotion could hold them at bay any longer.  He screamed a blood curtling scream of agony and threw his fists in the air.  As if the rules of lightening were reversed, two large bolts of electric energy shot forth to the heavens of the desolate planet dispersing out of sight up in the autmosphere. 
He awoke some time later, still in pain but less so, or at least that is how it seemed then he had been.  Slowly he felt hot tears well up inside of him.  What came out however was not the normal salty mixture, it was instead more pain.  HIs eyes now burned as if hot coals at replaced his sockets.  The horrible burning caused frusteration to once again boil up inside of him.  Now he couldn't even cry for his grief.  What horrible punishment has been wrought upon his soul?  What life could he possibly lead now?  He was doomed to live in pain and agony, enough to kill a normal man, for the rest of his unknown years.  Abandoned by his only family left, his brother, he had nothing.  His stupid idea, that of an innocent teenager who meant no harm, had cost him to lose everything he ever cared about.  This thought brought back the pain even stronger.  His emotions seemed to trigger the intensity of it.  He knew that with the pain came the energy, which had something of a mind of its own.   
Before the dark release of unconsciousness took him again, he attempted to drive the energy out.  If he could atleast get some releif from the pain.  Desperately he willed the energy to leave him.  That energy however had it's own plans, as it rippled through his body up to his head.  The unbelievable torrent of unpleasentness swirled through his brain as if a million angry bees took refuge between his ears.  He frantically grabbed his head, through gritted teeth he cried out in misery.  He hurled his head back and screamed more forcefully as if he hoped to scare the energy out of him.  As he slumped back to the ground, crumpled like a discarded piece of paper, he was rewarded with a beam of the white electric force blast forth from his mouth.  Darkness took him once more.  But he knew it would not keep him, for his curse was to live with this agony for the rest of his life.