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So I haven't really put anything down on this profile in quite some time.  Atleast a year I think.  Anyways, I have never been one to keep a blog.  Really I started four seperate times at four seperate places and I just never have enough to say to warrent a blog post or just lose interest in what it was I was going to say.  The most I ever kept up with a blog was at "the site that shall not be named" for a few months.  I think I had about 25 posts over there.    Needless to say I haven't been back there since that whole situation went south.    Well that being said, here we are.    So what to say?  I guess I will just get to the game chatter since this is a game site.  Most recently I have played through Enter the Matrix.  I know.  No seriously, I know.  That game is not good.  I was given that game by a friend of the family for free so the least I could do is sit down and play it.  I thought of writing up a piece on it for my reviews but the same thought hit me that always hits me when I think of putting a review together for a game.  Well basically it is like this.  Everytime I sit down and trype up a review for a game I am never satisfied that it is good enough.  Like they say, whoever they are, you are your toughest critic.  And that is true.  If you look at the reviews I have posted note that A: they are old reviews from an old account at "a different site" that I just transfered over, and B: they seem to taper off.  My first few were good enough but then at that point I thought to myself that I could do better.  Then I tried to review The Orange Box.  I played through Half Life 2, and Portal.  I had no intention of playing through TF2, I don't particularly like playing games online, and I started playing one of the episodes and I just stopped for some reason.  I am sure everyone here is familiar with how that works.  You play a game and get a good start on it.  Then you play it somemore.  Then you get farther in it but for some reason you turn it off.  Sure you get back to it but hours turn to days and days to weeks.  Pretty soon you forget all about it.  So thats what happened.  Since I never finished any of the episodes and my "I'll get back to it" mentallity was kicked in, the review layed dormant in the depths of my hard drive.   I did have the sense to start a seperate Word Document to do a seperate review while Orange Box took up my original Word Doc.  (I type it up on Word then copy paste it onto here, its just easier for me and usually has less spelling issues)  So anyways that was a long aside, Enter the Matrix.  Don't pay money for that game.  Next up, I finished Paper Mario Thousand Year Door.  That game is good.  I thought it was really clever the way they use the paper theme in the game play and style.  I know those Paper Mario games get a bunch of crap but I liked that one and though I have not played the original for N46 I would consider playing it if the opportunity arose.  And I am definately interested in the Wii game, however I am iffy on it depending on the controls.  I strongly dislike Wii controls in a game.  Give me a game pad over arm flayling any day.  Maybe it is just because I have not yet seen a game that implements the controls in a fashion that is to my liking but when I don't get a turn in Mario Kart just the way I want it because I am using a steering wheel with motion control as apposed to a stick on a game pad, I get frusterated.  I get the concept of motion controls, I just don't care for it.  Whatever.  Another aside.  What else did I finish up?  Oh I suppose it might be woth mentioning that my PS3 broke some time back.  I am just now getting it fixed but that is the reason I am going back through my collection and playing games that I never finished back in the day.  Currently I am playing through FFVIII with my best gaming buddy.  It is something he has been trying to get me to play for atleast 8 years and I finally broke down and got it for PSN.  Ofcourse I already own a copy for PSX but since I can't put the PSX game disc in my backwards compatible PS3 and have that play remotely through my PSP I bought it again.  Only 10 bucks anyways and I wanted to play it portable style.  When you have to sit in front of a TV screen to play an JRPG, I find that you tend to play it less then if you can move around and play it.  There is something to be said for that.  Now if only Sony would get on board and let me put a PSX game in my PS3 and remote play it with my PSP then we would have something but since there are so few of us out there with PS3's that run PS2 emotion engines that will never happen.  OH and here is a bit of news that should be on here somewhere and on all gaming blogs.  LISTEN UP!  If you have an old PS3 like mine and you put in a request for service on it, they will give you the option to upgrade to the new PS3 slim for 110 bucks.  Now I didn't take this deal cause I like my backwards compatibility.  But I also paid 180 bucks to get mine fixed.  So basically if your old PS3 is broke in some way, or even if its not but you want to upgrade, you get a (I assume) new PS3 Slim for only 110 bucks.  I think I might tell someone about this so they can post it.  It is a nice option to know about.  But the offer is apparently for a limited time too.  I don't know maybe someone covered this already.  Anyways it is late and this is already far too long.  If you made it all the way to the end, congratulations.  You unlocked an achievement.  Or something.  Yea.