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Uneventful and Unrelated.

Not much new to report on the game front.  Today was a busy day, no real opprotunity for gaming.    I was going to pop in Ghost In The Shell for PS2, another of those games that I bought but never got around to playing, but the opportunity just never presented itself.  Watched a movie actually instead if you must know.  Dances with Wolves.  That is a powerful movie, never seen it before.  There aren't alot of movies that just hit you with emotion you know, that is one that does so.  Anyways that isn't a movie site so I won't go into that.  Or atleast not now.  Maybe I will put something up on movies at some point, after all it is my blog.  What shall I call these posts though.  Stuff really is unimaginative.  And Update doesn't really sound good either.  Maybe I will bring back TWA.  I know you don't know what that is.  Why do I type this as if I am speaking to someone anyways?  Who knows.