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You don't have to lock me up in Arkham Asylum!

          I bought this game on Wednesday. I believe I am now at the last boss. I must say that it's a blast. I'm not a huge Batman fan or anything but I enjoy doing all the Batmaney things this game allows you to do. This game does a great job at covering everything I would expect Bruce Wayne to be doing. Beating dudes senseless, doing some light detective work, sneaking around, throwing batarangs from the shadows, fighting crazy evil villians, saving helpless people, using his high tech gadgets to solve problems, escaping near death situations and above all being ultra badass.  
          I have enjoyed every second of this game... until I got to what I believe is the last boss. So I have come to ask some help.   
I actually just figured out what I was doing wrong and I beat the last boss. Scroll down for details but beware of spoilers!

******SPOILER ALERT!!!!!********** 

          So, I just got to the part where Joker injects himself with his venom formula stuff. My understanding is you have to beat up his henchmen then when he turns his back you must pull him down with the Bat Claw and punch him in the face. Ok so I did that, I actually got him down to the last third of his health, then I died. When I tried again for the life of me I can't seem to pull him down. I don't know why but I mash on that goddamned A button as fast as I can but I can't get him down. Is there anywhere I should stand? Maybe my A button is just busted. Did anyone else have this problem?  
Fucking Batman was only $43.88 but it's going to cost me a new controller, maybe even a TV if I don't figure out what to do soon!  
    I just beat Batman Arkham Asylum. I figured out that I was mashing the A button too fast! In order to pull Joker down I had to pace my pressing along to the button on screen, kind of like getting back up when you're downed in Gears of War. Needless to say I feel very silly.