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Daily post limit for new users and Spam protection

Okay I get it you guys had issues with spam bots okay that sucks and I can completely understand why you want some mechanism that prevents people from flooding your boards with ads etc. FINE!!!1!!!  But ... let’s just say there could be a way to improve this.  The reason is, that if you are a new user and you actually want to participate in all this you  frustrate really quickly just because you don't get any ... information regarding how long you have to wait etc. so I just thought about some suggestions on how to improve new user experience. And I am not talking big here I am a software engineer myself and have been studying applied information technology (bachelor of science). I develop software every day so just some thoughts really ... please:
1) Add a counter of how many posts I have left at the moment so that i at least know when I can post again.  
I know you would have to make the counter disappear from the UI for any users who are not on "probation" so this is not ideal.
2) When outputting the message about spam protection at least tell me how long I have to wait. This would allow you guys to leave the UI as it is and just require one query to the database or one to your persistence provider/layer or even just some basic arithmetic operations.
3) Raise the number of allowed posts per day or lower the total number of total required posts till the blocking mechanism stops working for a given user.
Don't know if I linked this correctly so if not "mea culpa mea maxima culpa" ... Thanks for reading this though.