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My Favourite PS3-titles (2006-2014)

My Favourite PS3-titles (2006-2014) That I have played!

Feel free to leave suggestions!

But don't get mad 'cause I have another opinion than you do.


List items

  • Really friggin' good. I love Open-World games, and I love games with a bright & colorful atmosphere! And I'm a guy that buy games for their Singleplayer Campaign and Co-Op Gameplay. Therefore, this of course is a Winner!

  • Im in deep love with the Ratchet & Clank franschise! It has an awesome singleplayer campaign, with a very interesting story, and was made exactly how a R&C game should be made! It probably doesn't get any better than this. Thank you Insomniac!

  • As i said, i really love this franchise! This game is SO much fun! Almost as good as A Crack in Time, but ACiT is the game that Insomniac were trying to hype with this game, don't get me wrong, it's still a very nice standalone title, that is indeed worth buying, just not as good as ACiT. (Play this one first)

  • I love this game! I haven't played Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. But this game, is so good! I love it! Even though it's not OpenWorld, I had to give it a place on this list!

  • Is this game incredible or what!? Yes, yes it is.

    "Looks childish"

    Don't judge a book by it's cover! This game is INCREDIBLY addictive and even better with friends!

    "What genre is it?"

    Tower Defense, Action-RPG.

    Yup, you heard it, now go buy the game, then when you have finished it, you'll just have to wait a little for the sequel that's soon-ish coming out!

  • Ever played Sly 1, 2 and/or 3?

    Ah, who am I kidding, of course you have!

    People loves those games, I like them too, but I DO NOT love them, not even that close, this game however, it's beautiful. Just amazing!

  • Ratchet & Clank - Great game.

    Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando - Great game, with improvements.

    Ratchet & Clank 3: Up your Arsenal - Awesome game, with HUGE improvements.

    This is where it all began, the incredibly superb and EPIC adventure of Ratchet & Clank. I get a nostalgia b0n3r every time I play this game (especially Metropolis on the 1st one, and the whole 3rd one). BY THIS COLLECTION, NOW!

  • HIGHLY OVERRATED, may be one of the most overrated games ever!

    Still a very funny game, the first 25hours with your friends on ONLINE is gonna be BLAST! And the first 2-3hours on Campaign is also very enjoyable, but after that, it's like ONLY Heist prep. It get old REALLY fast. But the amount of fun I''ve had with it when it first came out, makes me think that is deserves a place on this list.

  • Great Story. Boring and non-innovative multiplayer, but you know what?


    "Why is that?"

    Couch Co-Op CAMPAIGN! Why doesn't more games do that!? It is seriously, THE BEST!

  • Good campaign, if you've played alot of BF and COD you're probably tired of those kinds of campaigns. But it's kinda good anyways. The multiplayer is as good as a military-shooter's multiplayer can get, so much better than COD, needs more skill too. If you're in to FPS games, this is a definite purchase, hands down.

  • It's not OpenWorld, It's not a Platformer, but it is... AWESOME! This game is really Addicting! If you want to get into FPS, this and TF2 is the best ways to see what FPS games' represent. Very good and highly underrated game.

  • Good game. Too short. Not as good as the other ACiT and ToD, but more of a side-story, they meet some pirates (which doesn't have to do much with anything until now, I mean, pirates haven't had a big role in any other R&C games if I put it that way). But still a very enjoyable experience!

  • Good story. Interesting side-quests (sometimes). A shit-ton to do, and a very cool game. Too dark and cold atmosphere for me. And the world is too empty, it's just SOOO boring to walk from a city to another that you haven't discovered so you can't fast travel, that's the biggest complaint I got about this game. It's also too repetitive, I am especially thinking about the infinite way-too-long cave "sections". It is overrated in my opinion. But despite the many cons, it does deserve a place on this list.

  • Mario Kart + Blur + Burnout Paradise divided by 2 = This game.

    Great game, very enjoyable experience with your friend, but playing it alone is nothing I can recommend...

  • Funny Puzzle-solving game! Like portal but replace portals with dimensions. Yeah kinda awesome if you're in for that kind of stuff (puzzle-solving).