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Thank You for Smoking. But please, keep it to yourself.


  Smoke, the reason behind the coolness of smoking
  Smoke, the reason behind the coolness of smoking

How i started using "Death Sticks".

I was a smoker for some 5 years now, i started when i was 13. My parents were out, and one of them left a pack of cigarets and a lighter at home. It was as if though that pack was somehow magically alive, it spoke out to me:"Come on Dimitri, you know you want to." Being the impulsive dick that i am, i really couldn't resist, i of course knew of all the health hazards, and nonetheless decided to go for those "death sticks".

What will happen when i get cancer, also, some stuff about anti-smoking adds.

 Sure, it will kill you, but you can do magic tricks until it does
 Sure, it will kill you, but you can do magic tricks until it does
Now, when a doctor tells me that i have cancer (Note the when, not if, cause i sure as hell ain't quitting), I'll do what i do when i see an anti-smoking video, commercial or campaign. I'll light up a fag (It's okay, I'm British) blow the smoke in that doctors face and smile. Why? Because there are two kinds of people that piss me the fuck off more than any other kind.
  • Sell outs (And i don't mean in the music business, but sell outs in the sense that someone sold their strongest belief(s) and/or principle(s) for money, favors or simply to aid them in any way) 
  • Self-righteous dicks with a superiority complex who love nothing more than to lecture people
 That doctor may, or may not be a self-righteous dick, but you get the point. Go to anything anti-smoking related, and i guarantee you, you will find a comment by a person that belongs to the second group of my most hated kinds of people. It's those people that piss me off, perhaps even more than sell outs, but that's another discussion for another thread, it's also those people that fuel my motivation for smoking. Quite frankly, i smoke in my room, not in public, and i only damage my own lungs, if you do see me smoking in public, walk out of the 20 mile radius centered around me. And should you walk right next to me, and accidentally inhale one breath of smoke...guess what Jim, it won't kill you...second hand smoking is complete garbage. I've been a second hand smoker since i was born, but i only started when i was 13, and it was due to my own impulsiveness and... well i would have said stupidity, but that would mean admitting that I'm wrong, which, like any President of the United States or any Republican, I'll never do. 

Tobacco companies, smokers around the world and self-destructive nature of mankind.

Let me just translate to you what is written in Serbian, on my pack of fags (Thank you England, your brilliant urban dictionary allows me to use sentences like that).
Anyway, back to the warning: "Smoking kills,tobacco smoke damages people in your surrounding. Smoking causes lung cancer, lip cancer, tongue cancer, vocal cords, or throat cancer." Dayum, what i get from that is that smoking cigars is like eating cancer. But guess what, the tobacco companies are mandated by law...LAW to print that on every pack. And we still have hundreds of millions of smokers. Let me just quote a website i just stumbled on.
World Smoking Facts
"Around 6 million people may die each year worldwide staring in in 2010 because of smoking and tobacco related disease, according to the World Health Organization – including over 438,000 Americans, 650,000 Europeans and 1.2 million people in China."

"Tobacco use will kill 1 billion people worldwide in the 21st century if current smoking trends continue."

"6.6 billion people are on this planet and 1.3 billion are smokers, the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the World Lung Foundation (WLF) told the 38th Union World Conference on Lung Health."

"66 percent of all smokers live in just 15 countries, according to The Union and the WLF."

"1.8 billion young people aged of 10 to 24 smoke cigarettes, according to the World Health Organization.
* More than 85 percent of these young smokers live in developing countries (WHO)."

"One billion men and about 250 million women use tobacco every day around the world, according to a study presented at the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health."
If this **** is true, and i don't really know i just found these cool quotes, but if it is, then i think that mankind, in general is stupid and/or self destructive. (Doesn't matter if you smoke or not, the potential is there) So there you have it people, the self destructive nature of mankind has brought about the end of the world, but war, war never...damn it, i got lost.

  What's worse? A smoker? Or a self-righteous person riding a moral high horse? I'll go with the second
  What's worse? A smoker? Or a self-righteous person riding a moral high horse? I'll go with the second

Pros/Cons listPros of Smoking:

  • It makes you look cool
  • Humphrey Bogart was a smoker
  • According to the World Smoking Facts, without smoking, there will be +1 billion people in the worlds populace by the end of the 21st century so: Keeping the population down +1 for pros list
  • It's relaxing
  • A cigaret is great for after sex
  • Great for social occasions...not anymore, thank you anti-smoking adds 
  • Reduces stress
Cons of Smoking:
  • Causes death (Not the only point i can put here, but do i really need to put more?)
IT WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE SERIOUS, as in jokes, fucked up know, laughter haha. Fuck.

Conclusion, kind of important.

 Like many occurrences in the life of an average human, i don't want stuff shoved down my throat. Whether your a Christian fundamentalist, atheist, pro-smoking, anti-smoking, feminist, republican, democrat (the list goes on and on) i really don't want to hear you talk about stuff. I don't want to know how you know God exists. I don't want to listen to your 2 hour ravings of how you know God doesn't exist, i don't care that smoking kills, it's every persons choice, and if they choose to smoke, they really don't have the right to bitch when they get throat,lung,lip or tongue cancer. Finally, if i am interested in any one topic, i can simply google it and come to my own conclusions or ask someone, God knows that today we get to much stuff forced on us...i bet that if someone tried to force their views in the Wild West they'd get a mouthful of led...i miss those days. 
Anyway, to be more on topic, smoking will kill you, but you'll die sooner or later, the choice to smoke cigars is your own, and as long as you know the dangerous effects of smoking (which, by now any kid that knows how to speak/read knows) then its up to you to decide whether or not you want to smoke. It is stupid and self destructive and dangerous and it can cause death, I'm not saying smoking is good, but what I'm saying is it's your choice and no one should force you to do something you want/don't want to do. 
I'll leave you, dear reader with a great movie, my favorite dark comedy in fact, watch it when you have the time.
  You know what, just watch the video, or the whole movie, it sums up perfectly what i so clumsily tried to say.

I love you lazy people, TLDR.

Smoking is bad, i do it mostly to spite self-righteous pricks, and because i like it. You should decide whether or not to smoke, in fact you should decide whether or not you want to do something (that's permitted by law, obviously), no one else should decide for you. People bitch about stuff too much, and this is my way of bitching about people who bitch. Blogs are awesome.