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More Far Cry 2, my sexy Titans, and my political standings.

Yea, I know, I'm 14, I can't vote but guess what? That doesn't mean I can't be involved in politics! (I apologize before-hand to some of the people that read my blogs that aren't in America, insanegamer, Bennyishere, etc.) If I could vote, I'd definitely vote for Obama.I have some main reasons for this, one is because our last president was a Republican and look at his 'prosorous' 8 years (/end sarcasm). I also think Democrats agree with many of my political thoughts, I agree abortion is tollerable because it's 'their' baby, not yours. So, in turn, it's 'their' decision and gay marrage is OK. You CAN NOT control who you fall in love with and marrage is something that shows your love for another person, it doesn't have to be love for a person of the oppisite sex. So yea, Obama for pres.

Now I want to discuss my sexi Titans. They're currently 6-0 and off to their best start of their team's history. They've, honestly, had a pretty easy schedule so far but still they've beaten the Jag's (Who were sometimes picked to win teh AFC South) and the Baltimore Ravens, who had the best D in the leauge at the time. Tonight the Titans are taking on the Colts on Monday Night Football. For all you Europeans that don't really know too much about American football, the MNF game is usally, the most watched Football game of the week. I don't really know about this week because it's going against the World Series.

This has seemed like an all American blog with American politics, and American Football so let's talk about the great Far Cry 2! Well I've been playing A LOT of it lately and enjoying near every single minute of it. This game is so great, after you get past the begining. I've also started to enjoy the online a lot more. I'm still disappointed by the Ranked matches. I'm always lagging out of the matches but when I play regular unranked matches, it goes extremely smooth. I also need to update it with some map editor impressions. I've heard a lot of people saying, "This is the best map editor in a game ever", well not in my opinon. I have so much trouble just trying to put a slight hill down and when I try and put a bridge, it get's incredibly frustrating. Honestly, I think I don't like it because I suck with it. I'm currently about 48% through ( I think) and started a review but only wrote about a paragraph and quit because I don't think I've played enough MP yet.

Well, before I sign off I'd just like to say, this weekend, my computer and my TV screwed up. Both became very dark and just completely screwed up after a while. So I borrowed my mothers monitor until Christmas where I wil get me a new computer. I picked up a new TV yesterday, and it, simply put, blows balls. The color is continuously screwing up, it keeps turning black and white so probably in a couple days we'll take it back and get me a nice flat-screen one. Tomorrow me and my friend are going to Gamestop directly after school to pick up LittleBigPlanet and Fallout 3. I will give you all some impressions after a while. Before I go, I would like to say, you should all listen to TheGamerFix podcast! It's very entertaining. So if you don't, then do! And also, big props to Gorillawhat for giving me a CoD: World at War Beta key thanks. Well until next time, this has been Jay Malone asking, where's my games!?!?