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#1  Edited By TheHBK

So I played it a couple times, first on Normal and the other on Heroic, didn't play a skirmish yet.  But I really enjoyed it.  I like the economy management, just needed juice or blocks.  Like they said in the previews, different from villagers chopping down trees.  I appreciate the simplicity of the economy considering that I am using a controller and not mouse and keyboard.  The controllers are also simple, the selection just local units, all units and the highlighter, it works well.  What worries me a little is how the units move around each other, sometimes my troops would not make the effort to get around others.
At first, I was dissapointed with how simple the game was, playing a normal.  That first mission, having to take back alpha really didn't do it for me.  On Heroic it got harder sure, but didn't really play out any differently.
But when I got to the second mission to get to that structure, it really turned it around.  I just marched my way to the structure on Normal and finished it. Really didn't have to do much resource management, built a few block receivers, a nuke plant that I think I didn't use.  So I made it through with no problem.  Putting it on heroic, it got harder.  I had to build more resource buildings, and a couple power plants.  I got stuck trying to take down that base in the middle of the map, took me a while to bring it down but I lost all my troops, then when I got back, they started a new one.  After building a second base there, the game was mine and I just marched into the base to destroy that detonator.  It was great, challenging and took a while longer.
I am really looking forward to this game now, but with C&C red alert 3 out there for 30 bucks, i am thinking twice.  Also, the rest of the missions better not be this short since they said there would be 14 missions.  I am looking forward to the co-op but I don't know how long I would play this game.  Maybe I am hoping it would the next Age of Empires 2 for me.  Which brings up the lack of Random Maps, which was what kept AoE2 going for me, since I am sure there will be assholes out there who just get so good at this game that its not fun to play online anymore.
So, this or C&C Red Alert 3?

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#2  Edited By TheHBK

Makes some good points, but fuck, He tries too hard, and cusses but doesnt say anything meaningful behind it.  Cus, while saying something, not just, you cocksuckers or motherfuckers.  Say, you fucking think that this point difference makes a fucking difference?

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#3  Edited By TheHBK

I guess people defending the game could say, hey this is a realistic game because the gun weighs more than a pound, well yeah, but this is a game.  If the way the gun handles gets in the way of having fun, then we have a problem.  Being good at it is well and all but is the game fun?  Thats the point of a game, not to be realistic, otherwise you would have Gran Turismo or NFL Coach for simulation.  But when you have bodies flying all over the place with alien invaders, having a realistic handling gun is not exactly something that I want to immerse myself.
And, Sammy, stop going into every Killzone thread to defend your girlfriend no matter what criticism it has, even if its valid.

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#4  Edited By TheHBK

Fuck bad company, thats not a real battlefield game.  But only 3 maps?  I don't know but I dont think they would sell this game that cheap, especially on the 360 and PS3.  Also, this is EA, you know they are gonna charge as much as possible.  Also, 1943, thats just a number because obviously some of these maps would not be in there if they followed that year.  Still one of the better arcade games.

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#5  Edited By TheHBK

The thing that is annoying is that there are fanboys.  this series doesn't deserve fanboys, not yet.  Yes this does look like a great game but seriously guys, Killzone has not proven itself yet.  Hell, when is the last time you saw fanboys this hyped for a new game of series that has sucked?

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#6  Edited By TheHBK

So, should I get this or C&C3?  Red Alert 3? I would get C&C for the PC but my laptop sucks.  So which for the 360?

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#7  Edited By TheHBK

I hate this fucking demo.  No where near as fun as the first Skate Demo, and that asshole that tells you what to do, fuck!  I want to knife that second chin that asshole has.  Fuck I hate this game.

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#8  Edited By TheHBK

I have an HTC Touch Pro.  I love this thing.  Wish the OS was a little faster but since this thing is so badass, I should be able to upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.5 and 7 when they are out which should make it faster.

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#9  Edited By TheHBK

Yeah, half will be working in other MS studios and the other half seem to have gone off to make their own studio.  We should be looking out for it, but I am sure they will mage Age of Empires 4.  It will great if its set in the first part of the 20th century.
Downloading now, man, I have been hankering for some good RTS action.

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#10  Edited By TheHBK

As someone who has both, i have to say that the online experience for consoles cannot be compared to PC gaming.  Servers for games for the PC go up all the time because people out there will put up their own machines and what not to get a game going, so finding a game is not so hard.  Having a 360 and PS3, I can say that Xbox live is worth it when looking at how deep MS makes the online experience and how crappy the PS3 PSN has turned out.  I guess ideally it would be free but you do get a lot out of it and just a secure feeling that the games will work online.