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Those are some fine folks at Bioware (aka fanboys are d*cks)

Photo taken in the Bioware offices
Photo taken in the Bioware offices

The Mass Effect 3 shitstorm never really stopped since the first showing of the game. Yes, people spent at least 60 hours in the last two installments so expectations are high. The chance of disappointment is high. Being an observer in the argument, I can no longer stand the stupid fanboys at this point. It's okay to be angry over something you are passionate about, but this is getting a little bit too far. Not many developers ever spent additional resources and more months of hardwork from vacation just to please the the consumer. Don't even mention the sad, sad pandas who put their hearts into the game and only got whippped in the butt by assholes.

Just to throw it out there first: I have not played Mass Effect 3 yet. University exams are coming up and I do not wish to rush through yet another great sci-fi experience. But I can tell you I have faith in Bioware's ability to do shit. Before the Dragon Age fanboys set in I'm just gonna say, I've seen worse endgames/endings. And I don't think anything about Mass Effect 3 can change my opinion. It's not like there could be a different way to write the final chapter in a story. So let me share with you some bad experiences I've had with disappointing endings (BIG FAT SPOILERS PEOPLE):

Sorry, wrong game.
Sorry, wrong game.

Fable III

Never really liked the franchise so even I was surprised I got to the end of the third installment at all. In the end you are introduced to a threat even greater than your main character's jerk-ish evil. Like, consume the universe type of evil. You are given days to prepare to save the world, as the evil army slowly marches towards your capital city. Spending the last half-year at the frontier of the nation you would expect an epic battle (and an epic defeat) at the gates to fend the bad guys off, and pull back every step as the war effort goes sour. NOoooooooo. Instead you jump to the FINAL BATTLE at the capital city being all invaded right after a peaceful mission of rebuilding orphanages and shit just one mission before. Not to mention just how un-epic and short the final stand really is. You're not witnessing a full-scale invasion with people dying by the thousands. All you see are buildings on fire. With all the tension building up to that final battle, a level like that is FUCKING DISAPPOINTING. Did I mention the ending? It's not really a spoiler, people gather around you and hail the great king of Albion. What else are you seriously expecting.

I would have put a
I would have put a "good guy riding off into the sunset" pic but I honestly felt this is more interesting.

Alpha Protocol

It really isn't as bad as people make it. There's technical jank here and there but what happens is genuinely interesting, and you really do get the whole spy thing going on. That's cool. I would almost say I like the game UNTIL i reached the ending. In a one minute or so cutscene, two things happened. Bad guy got punched in the face, good guys ride off into the sunset. No, seriously, that's it. What the fuck was I even expecting?

These are two endings I absolutely cannot tell you how much I was disappointed by. After these two games I learnt not to expect jackshit from the endings. Just walk away and say "fuck this shit", at least we were in for the ride. Do you even remember Bioware's very own KOTOR? It ended with everyone congratulating the heroes and that's it. Still hailed as one of the best RPGs of all-time.

If every developer had to cater to the fanboy's vision, games would never be released. Focus testing to make sure absolutely EVERY fan is satisfied. Thing is you can't satisfy everyone. No one can. And why does Bioware have to suffer through this? People hate George Lucas to death for the crimes against humanity, the prequel trilogy. It's not like he came out and said he was going to remake the prequels or anything. Oh wait he did. By making them 3-D.

"And then I said you could develop intimate relationships with the hairy balls... LOL"

I wonder how Peter Molyneux would have to shut his lousy mouth forever if he knew he would have to rework every single feature in the games he promised to deliver. Obsidian having to remake KOTOR 2. Bethesda having to rebuild Fallout 3 Van Buren. 3D Realms having to make DNF "good". Activision having to... fuck it.

Business is business. Creativity is creativity. If that's how the creators envisioned it, so be it. If deadlines and budgets are fucked up and the team has to rush out a product, too bad. If we the consumer/fans chose to support the developers who spent months of very very hard work in their "baby", suck up the shitty parts and move on. No company needs to bend over to the masses and let us ass rape them.

Jedi mind-tricking us into buying his games since 1991. Oh, he's also director of Coca-Cola. Fun fact of the day.
Jedi mind-tricking us into buying his games since 1991. Oh, he's also director of Coca-Cola. Fun fact of the day.

Just how irrational and passionate about the wrong things this generation is? The part where I totally lost faith in humanity is when EA was voted worst company in the U.S. Three letters: W.T.F. No. NO. How could an entertainment company upset us more than a company that led to financial crises and screwing people's lives over? What kind of generation do we live in? Yes, vote with the dollar, and yet we, the ones who are living comfortable lives, are valuing this "dollar" we spent more than the lives of those who are less fortunate. We spend more time complaining about the entertainment products we get than talking about the unequal socio-political world we live in. We stand together as consumers to force hard working people to work harder on non-necisities to meet our own expectations, and NOT instead standing together to say, abolish child labour, go support the Occupy Wallstreet movement, push for social change. Entertainment and consumerism, people, welcome to the motherfucking 21st century.

Maybe EA's only funding Bioware to put out free content just to save its reputation. Maybe I would rant on and on about ME3's ending as much as the fanboys did after I finished the game. But please, please don't take this for granted. We should not make this an example of positive social movement because there are more things that are much much more important than our amusement that we need to push forward, and yet we have not. EA isn't even an evil corporate bent on overworking its employees and taking over the world. It's a victory for the masses, it's great that we're getting a new ending. However, if only it were not just an entertainment thing we are changing. If only one day we would be able to put the same amount of passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change as well. If only one day, corporates and governments would do the same with what EA/Bioware had done with Mass Effect 3's ending. The world would fucking explode in awesome. In the meantime...

Thank you Bioware, we appreciate your good will.


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Edited By themangalist
Photo taken in the Bioware offices
Photo taken in the Bioware offices

The Mass Effect 3 shitstorm never really stopped since the first showing of the game. Yes, people spent at least 60 hours in the last two installments so expectations are high. The chance of disappointment is high. Being an observer in the argument, I can no longer stand the stupid fanboys at this point. It's okay to be angry over something you are passionate about, but this is getting a little bit too far. Not many developers ever spent additional resources and more months of hardwork from vacation just to please the the consumer. Don't even mention the sad, sad pandas who put their hearts into the game and only got whippped in the butt by assholes.

Just to throw it out there first: I have not played Mass Effect 3 yet. University exams are coming up and I do not wish to rush through yet another great sci-fi experience. But I can tell you I have faith in Bioware's ability to do shit. Before the Dragon Age fanboys set in I'm just gonna say, I've seen worse endgames/endings. And I don't think anything about Mass Effect 3 can change my opinion. It's not like there could be a different way to write the final chapter in a story. So let me share with you some bad experiences I've had with disappointing endings (BIG FAT SPOILERS PEOPLE):

Sorry, wrong game.
Sorry, wrong game.

Fable III

Never really liked the franchise so even I was surprised I got to the end of the third installment at all. In the end you are introduced to a threat even greater than your main character's jerk-ish evil. Like, consume the universe type of evil. You are given days to prepare to save the world, as the evil army slowly marches towards your capital city. Spending the last half-year at the frontier of the nation you would expect an epic battle (and an epic defeat) at the gates to fend the bad guys off, and pull back every step as the war effort goes sour. NOoooooooo. Instead you jump to the FINAL BATTLE at the capital city being all invaded right after a peaceful mission of rebuilding orphanages and shit just one mission before. Not to mention just how un-epic and short the final stand really is. You're not witnessing a full-scale invasion with people dying by the thousands. All you see are buildings on fire. With all the tension building up to that final battle, a level like that is FUCKING DISAPPOINTING. Did I mention the ending? It's not really a spoiler, people gather around you and hail the great king of Albion. What else are you seriously expecting.

I would have put a
I would have put a "good guy riding off into the sunset" pic but I honestly felt this is more interesting.

Alpha Protocol

It really isn't as bad as people make it. There's technical jank here and there but what happens is genuinely interesting, and you really do get the whole spy thing going on. That's cool. I would almost say I like the game UNTIL i reached the ending. In a one minute or so cutscene, two things happened. Bad guy got punched in the face, good guys ride off into the sunset. No, seriously, that's it. What the fuck was I even expecting?

These are two endings I absolutely cannot tell you how much I was disappointed by. After these two games I learnt not to expect jackshit from the endings. Just walk away and say "fuck this shit", at least we were in for the ride. Do you even remember Bioware's very own KOTOR? It ended with everyone congratulating the heroes and that's it. Still hailed as one of the best RPGs of all-time.

If every developer had to cater to the fanboy's vision, games would never be released. Focus testing to make sure absolutely EVERY fan is satisfied. Thing is you can't satisfy everyone. No one can. And why does Bioware have to suffer through this? People hate George Lucas to death for the crimes against humanity, the prequel trilogy. It's not like he came out and said he was going to remake the prequels or anything. Oh wait he did. By making them 3-D.

"And then I said you could develop intimate relationships with the hairy balls... LOL"

I wonder how Peter Molyneux would have to shut his lousy mouth forever if he knew he would have to rework every single feature in the games he promised to deliver. Obsidian having to remake KOTOR 2. Bethesda having to rebuild Fallout 3 Van Buren. 3D Realms having to make DNF "good". Activision having to... fuck it.

Business is business. Creativity is creativity. If that's how the creators envisioned it, so be it. If deadlines and budgets are fucked up and the team has to rush out a product, too bad. If we the consumer/fans chose to support the developers who spent months of very very hard work in their "baby", suck up the shitty parts and move on. No company needs to bend over to the masses and let us ass rape them.

Jedi mind-tricking us into buying his games since 1991. Oh, he's also director of Coca-Cola. Fun fact of the day.
Jedi mind-tricking us into buying his games since 1991. Oh, he's also director of Coca-Cola. Fun fact of the day.

Just how irrational and passionate about the wrong things this generation is? The part where I totally lost faith in humanity is when EA was voted worst company in the U.S. Three letters: W.T.F. No. NO. How could an entertainment company upset us more than a company that led to financial crises and screwing people's lives over? What kind of generation do we live in? Yes, vote with the dollar, and yet we, the ones who are living comfortable lives, are valuing this "dollar" we spent more than the lives of those who are less fortunate. We spend more time complaining about the entertainment products we get than talking about the unequal socio-political world we live in. We stand together as consumers to force hard working people to work harder on non-necisities to meet our own expectations, and NOT instead standing together to say, abolish child labour, go support the Occupy Wallstreet movement, push for social change. Entertainment and consumerism, people, welcome to the motherfucking 21st century.

Maybe EA's only funding Bioware to put out free content just to save its reputation. Maybe I would rant on and on about ME3's ending as much as the fanboys did after I finished the game. But please, please don't take this for granted. We should not make this an example of positive social movement because there are more things that are much much more important than our amusement that we need to push forward, and yet we have not. EA isn't even an evil corporate bent on overworking its employees and taking over the world. It's a victory for the masses, it's great that we're getting a new ending. However, if only it were not just an entertainment thing we are changing. If only one day we would be able to put the same amount of passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change as well. If only one day, corporates and governments would do the same with what EA/Bioware had done with Mass Effect 3's ending. The world would fucking explode in awesome. In the meantime...

Thank you Bioware, we appreciate your good will.


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Edited By Aetheldod

Oh missinformed you ... you think I only complaint about bad endings?  :D That is just a snack before breakfast my friend

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Edited By Astromarine

your incorrect opinion about the awesome Alpha Protocol renders your argument invalid.

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Edited By Fozimuth

1.  You admitted you haven't played Mass Effect 3.  This alone is a bit of an issue.
2.  Calling everyone who disagrees with you "fanboys."  This is a weak, ad hominem way of attempting to discredit everyone but yourself, nor does it make sense.  How can the people who hate the ending be "fanboys?"  That is entirely contradictory to what a fanboy is, so not only is it ad hominem, it makes no sense.
3.  Personal interest is not a zero-sum game.  People are passionate about things they are, no shit, passionate about.  When you play a video game, the end of a game series you've followed for years, and it utterly disappoints you, what are you gonna do?  "Well at least I'm not a starving African child!"  That's not how people think.  Even though I think EA is far from "the worst" anything, you can't guilt people into focusing their attention elsewhere with irrelevant suggestions.  If you haven't experienced child labor first hand, how are you expected to be passionate about it?  The Mass Effect 3 ending is something nearly everyone who complains about it experienced firsthand.  Why wouldn't they be passionate about it?  You can't just tell people to be passionate about something and expect them to be.  Do you think the most of the people who, for example, supported MLK, marched on Washington, any of that,  joined just because King was charismatic and it's like, really bad that those black people are second-class citizens and stuff?  I doubt it.  

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Edited By Enigma777

Yup, ME3 fans are dumb assholes. I fully agree.

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Edited By Phatmac

"Hey guys I haven't played the thing that your mad about so listen to me while I talk about shit that doesn't prove my credibility towards the topic at all."

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Edited By Gaff

I think you hit on the one thing that has never really been talked about: believing the hype around video games that is being pumped to us through trailers, press conferences, interviews, etc. People joke about it when Peter Molyneux does it, but when Bioware talks about player choice? People eat it up, even though players affect nuances in the narrative, not the actual story. Randy Pitchford about how awesome DNF is going to be? Yeah, well, we all saw how that turned out. When Jack Tretton or Reggie Fils-Aime take the stage for E3, this year? "Great, new, exciting experiences, only on (insert console or handheld here)". I might sound like a terrible cynic, but the amount of spin some people take as gospel is terrifying.

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Edited By clstirens

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

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Edited By GunslingerPanda

Yaaaaay, this thread again!

Well, I can agree on one of your points: Bioware fans are idiots.

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Edited By themangalist

@Fozimuth said:

1. You admitted you haven't played Mass Effect 3. This alone is a bit of an issue. 2. Calling everyone who disagrees with you "fanboys." This is a weak, ad hominem way of attempting to discredit everyone but yourself, nor does it make sense. How can the people who hate the ending be "fanboys?" That is entirely contradictory to what a fanboy is, so not only is it ad hominem, it makes no sense. 3. Personal interest is not a zero-sum game. People are passionate about things they are, no shit, passionate about. When you play a video game, the end of a game series you've followed for years, and it utterly disappoints you, what are you gonna do? "Well at least I'm not a starving African child!" That's not how people think. Even though I think EA is far from "the worst" anything, you can't guilt people into focusing their attention elsewhere with irrelevant suggestions. If you haven't experienced child labor first hand, how are you expected to be passionate about it? The Mass Effect 3 ending is something nearly everyone who complains about it experienced firsthand. Why wouldn't they be passionate about it? You can't just tell people to be passionate about something and expect them to be. Do you think the most of the people who, for example, supported MLK, marched on Washington, any of that, joined just because King was charismatic and it's like, really bad that those black people are second-class citizens and stuff? I doubt it.

1. The fact that I admitted that I've yet played the game shows my write-up is open to criticism.

2. I did not call anyone who disagrees with me "fanboy", nor is it the point of the argument here. Fanboys are fanboys. Here's a definition: a person willing to defend and promote the object of his affection regardless of fact and objectivity/ An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept. I admit I'm referring the people who are extreme enough to shout out and write shit about Bioware, grouping together to petition for a remaking of the ending, as fanboys. I can't think of any shorter term to say that. I think fanboy is the closest I could get. Again, I am and did not say anyone who disagrees with my opinion is a fanboy.

3. Good point that people are passionate about the things they care about. I haven't experienced child labour or ME3 firsthand. But seriously, what kind of argument is that? I give no shit about how upset people are about ME3's ending. I do give a shit about how there are still children working in extremely dangerous conditions. I don't think people ever will give enough shits because generally people are selfish unless they are part of said matter. I am just saying that it would be great if this type of push could be directed to something more meaningful. I'm not saying you should stop caring about the things you care for. Chill out!

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Edited By SlashDance

I still have no idea how this whole thing happened. It's not like there's a great standard for video game endings. At least it fucking ends, it's not a stupid cliffhanger.

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Edited By WarlordPayne

A large number of Bioware's customers had an issue with one of their games. Bioware wants to keep them as customers so they are trying to address the issues that people had. Why is that so outrageous?

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Edited By Arker101

Here's are a few things you might like to know, not everyone who shares one opinion, shares every other opinion as well. I don't think Bioware is making quality products that I'm interested in anymore, but in no way did I just state that everyone at Bioware should be fired and ridiculed. An interesting thing about the internet is the ability to quickly inform yourself. I agree with you that EA is not the worst company but it isn't hard to see the A to B to C on why voters of an internet poll, that wouldn't change anything anyway, would vote that way.

Also how would you like it if anytime you ever wanted to indulge in entertainment some guy walked up to you and said "You'r a horrible person! That money should go to every one who is less fortunate then you!" I think everybody should certainly donate at least something to charity, but if every complaint about videogames from now on is met with"Your entitled for complaining about a product that was made with profit in mind!" or "LOL First World problems." that would not be good for the advancement of the industry or for common discussion.

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Edited By BrockNRolla

@clstirens said:

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

Or people have become so jaded on politics and society that they just don't feel like they can have an effect anymore. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of important things people could be putting their efforts into, but people only have so much "give a fuck" to offer the world, and throwing it at seemingly lost causes is exhausting. Sometimes people like to see their opinions felt rather than repeatedly ignored. ME3 was a good example of people actually getting a reaction.

Let people have this little victory. It's nice to feel you can have an effect every now and then.

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Edited By Animasta

@Astromarine said:

your incorrect opinion about the awesome Alpha Protocol renders your argument invalid.

also the ending owned

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Bioware use to be cool dudes pre-kotor. Now they are cunts. Huge hairy ugly 1970's black and white cunts.

I agree though, on the Bioware forums it's full of turd burglars who need to pull head out of arsehole. Pompous private school boy and girls who sip sherry and play bowls. Think they fart roses. Deplorable fuckwits it's hard to have any sympathy for.

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Edited By Fozimuth
People who hate the ending and send letters could be called fanboys.  So could people who think the opposite.  Saying "fanboys" doesn't offer any clarification, and accusing anybody of being such is one of the most overused arguments around.
You're just saying this type of push would be great if directed elsewhere?  Well, I just explained why it ISN'T, and you disregarded that.  There's a major difference between "giving a damn" and being passionate.  They've seen the ending, they hate it.  They act on it.  They aren't looking at child labor, child labor is not affecting their daily life or their recreation.  They're not acting on it.  That doesn't mean they approve of it, but just because you are not constantly miring yourself in everyone else's misery does not make you selfish.
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Edited By N7

Yeah? Well I haven't played your face, so I can say it's UGLY! Ha! Take that!

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Edited By BrockNRolla

@Arker101 said:

Also how would you like it if anytime you ever wanted to indulge in entertainment some guy walked up to you and said "You'r a horrible person! That money should go to every one who is less fortunate then you!" I think everybody should certainly donate at least something to charity, but if every complaint about videogames from now on is met with"Your entitled for complaining about a product that was made with profit in mind!" or "LOL First World problems." that would not be good for the advancement of the industry or for common discussion.

Agreed. People don't need to care about every single thing in the world. It's impossible and exhausting. Sometimes we need to discuss and argue about things a little less heavy. It's good for the soul.

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Edited By PJ

@Astromarine said:

your incorrect opinion about the awesome Alpha Protocol renders your argument invalid.

The gameplay was pure shit but the rest of the game is pure awesome!!!

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Edited By Matterless

@BrockNRolla said:

@clstirens said:

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

Or people have become so jaded on politics and society that they just don't feel like they can have an effect anymore. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of important things people could be putting their efforts into, but people only have so much "give a fuck" to offer the world, and throwing it at seemingly lost causes is exhausting. Sometimes people like to see their opinions felt rather than repeatedly ignored. ME3 was a good example of people actually getting a reaction.

Let people have this little victory. It's nice to feel you can have an effect every now and then.

A... Mass Effect.

Also, while I did not appreciate the ending, I did not lobby to change it. I can totally see why some highly invested players would, no matter how hard the people that made what they are complaining about worked or how nice they are.

Stop being a dick because people care passionately about things that you do not care about at all.

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Edited By ApertureSilence

@Astromarine said:

your incorrect opinion about the awesome Alpha Protocol renders your argument invalid.

This. Alpha Protocol actually had four very diverse endings. It's a great example of this kind of thing DONE RIGHT.

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Edited By clstirens

@BrockNRolla said:

@clstirens said:

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

Or people have become so jaded on politics and society that they just don't feel like they can have an effect anymore. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of important things people could be putting their efforts into, but people only have so much "give a fuck" to offer the world, and throwing it at seemingly lost causes is exhausting. Sometimes people like to see their opinions felt rather than repeatedly ignored. ME3 was a good example of people actually getting a reaction.

Let people have this little victory. It's nice to feel you can have an effect every now and then.

You're probably correct, and it saddens me :(

But hey, I am glad for the Fans of Mass Effect. I really do think the ending was an embarrassing, last minute attempt at wrapping up a great franchise.

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Edited By BrockNRolla

@Degringolade said:

@BrockNRolla said:

@clstirens said:

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

Or people have become so jaded on politics and society that they just don't feel like they can have an effect anymore. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of important things people could be putting their efforts into, but people only have so much "give a fuck" to offer the world, and throwing it at seemingly lost causes is exhausting. Sometimes people like to see their opinions felt rather than repeatedly ignored. ME3 was a good example of people actually getting a reaction.

Let people have this little victory. It's nice to feel you can have an effect every now and then.

A... Mass Effect.

Also, while I did not appreciate the ending, I did not lobby to change it. I can totally see why some highly invested players would, no matter how hard the people that made what they are complaining about worked or how nice they are.

Stop being a dick because people care passionately about things that you do not care about at all.

Can't believe I didn't see that! Well played.

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Edited By themangalist

@Fozimuth said:

People who hate the ending and send letters could be called fanboys. So could people who think the opposite. Saying "fanboys" doesn't offer any clarification, and accusing anybody of being such is one of the most overused arguments around. You're just saying this type of push would be great if directed elsewhere? Well, I just explained why it ISN'T, and you disregarded that. There's a major difference between "giving a damn" and being passionate. They've seen the ending, they hate it. They act on it. They aren't looking at child labor, child labor is not affecting their daily life or their recreation. They're not acting on it. That doesn't mean they approve of it, but just because you are not constantly miring yourself in everyone else's misery does not make you selfish.

Please, as I asked before, enlighten me with a better term. I can't just whip out the word "assholes" like some other commenters here because I have to look all objective and authoritative. *need I have sarcasm quotes?*

I agree there is a difference i "giving a damn" and being passionate. I understand why people are not "passionate" about child labour. So basically what you mean is that people need to be educated to the social issues at hand and be actively involved? Or are you merely stating the obvious that "people don't give enough shits for social change"? Because if you are stating the latter, I know that too. I only want to point out what if one day, we could be able to be as passionate about the social issues as we are about the video games we pay for. That was my point all along.

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Edited By Ravenlight

@Enigma777 said:

Yup, ME3 fans are dumb assholes. I fully agree.

They're probably anime-loving jerks, too.

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Edited By Jimbo
"No developer should ever have the DUTY to spend additional resources and more months of hardwork from vacation just to please the the consumer."
You should go into business.
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Edited By Matterless

@themangalist said:

@Fozimuth said:

People who hate the ending and send letters could be called fanboys. So could people who think the opposite. Saying "fanboys" doesn't offer any clarification, and accusing anybody of being such is one of the most overused arguments around. You're just saying this type of push would be great if directed elsewhere? Well, I just explained why it ISN'T, and you disregarded that. There's a major difference between "giving a damn" and being passionate. They've seen the ending, they hate it. They act on it. They aren't looking at child labor, child labor is not affecting their daily life or their recreation. They're not acting on it. That doesn't mean they approve of it, but just because you are not constantly miring yourself in everyone else's misery does not make you selfish.

Please, as I asked before, enlighten me with a better term. I can't just whip out the word "assholes" like some other commenters here because I have to look all objective and authoritative. *need I have sarcasm quotes?*

I agree there is a difference i "giving a damn" and being passionate. I understand why people are not "passionate" about child labour. So basically what you mean is that people need to be educated to the social issues at hand and be actively involved? Or are you merely stating the obvious that "people don't give enough shits for social change"? Because if you are stating the latter, I know that too. I only want to point out what if one day, we could be able to be as passionate about the social issues as we are about the video games we pay for. That was my point all along.

I think your argument falls apart at the point at which these "fanboys" used their protest to raise money for a charity seeking to improve the lives of children in hospitals around the world. It is possible be passionate about more than one thing at a time, and each individual thing doesn't have to be as gravely important as the others.

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Edited By themangalist

@BrockNRolla said:

@Degringolade said:

@BrockNRolla said:

@clstirens said:

"If only one day we would be able to put our passion we have now for a video game into forcing positive social change.

This. Putting effort into showing our disapproval of products is good, but this ME3 movement is just another example of how people have forgotten about putting more effort into social and political problems. Consider how more people vote for American Idol than the presidential elections...

Or people have become so jaded on politics and society that they just don't feel like they can have an effect anymore. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of important things people could be putting their efforts into, but people only have so much "give a fuck" to offer the world, and throwing it at seemingly lost causes is exhausting. Sometimes people like to see their opinions felt rather than repeatedly ignored. ME3 was a good example of people actually getting a reaction.

Let people have this little victory. It's nice to feel you can have an effect every now and then.

A... Mass Effect.

Also, while I did not appreciate the ending, I did not lobby to change it. I can totally see why some highly invested players would, no matter how hard the people that made what they are complaining about worked or how nice they are.

Stop being a dick because people care passionately about things that you do not care about at all.

Can't believe I didn't see that! Well played.

Hey hey, I got you. It's almost a little too crazy that a VIDEO GAMING forum turned into anything otherwise. We should all just chillax and talk about some video games. I'm not raging over anything here, people do what they want. I just hope to see big corporations and governments doing the same as well. This probably belongs more in the off-topic section than anything, because no one likes to be too serious about their discussion on games.

@ApertureSilence said:

@Astromarine said:

your incorrect opinion about the awesome Alpha Protocol renders your argument invalid.

This. Alpha Protocol actually had four very diverse endings. It's a great example of this kind of thing DONE RIGHT.

Oh true. There were some pretty diverse endgames I'll give you that. Funny no one defended Fable III... yet.

@BraveToaster said:

I'm surprised that you didn't suggest we kill all of the bad fanboys.

Well I thought about it.. but considering what happened to that last *joke* thread. *shrugs*

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Edited By themangalist

@Jimbo said:

"No developer should ever have the DUTY to spend additional resources and more months of hardwork from vacation just to please the the consumer." You should go into business.

Oh shoot thanks for reminding me that I shot myself in the foot right there. Fixed original post.


True. Not saying fanboys kill puppies and slap lesbians. As I tried to explain many times before, it would be awesome to see people lobbying passionate for social change, as much as they did for changing the Mass Effect ending. Probably have to edit the original post again. Thanks!

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Edited By Quarters

I just wanted to say that Fable III's ending was TERRIBLE. One of the least satisfying conclusions I've ever witnessed in a game, and I love that series. Yeesh.

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Edited By Grimluck343

@WarlordPayne said:

A large number of Bioware's customers had an issue with one of their games. Bioware wants to keep them as customers so they are trying to address the issues that people had. Why is that so outrageous?

Because artistic integrity, damnit!

How do these threads keep popping up?